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Everything posted by asbo

  1. QUOTE (nitulandia @ Apr 17 2009, 11:33 AM) Oh, DUH. I don't know why I didn't think of this - back in text-based programming, I would always just rename a file to itself (whatever.zip -> whatever.zip). It would fail if the file was locked and if it succeeded, I had no extra cleanup to do.
  2. It depends, I think, on the type of lock the other program has on it. There are normal locks and there are exclusive locks. In the latter case, you should indeed get an error when trying to open an exclusively locked file. However, I don't believe many programs use these. Try doing a read and see what happens as well. Maybe even try writing something to filesize+1 and then deleting it back out if it works. There's always mucking about in the Windows API - there's definitely a routine which will get you the information you want, as I've used several programs which enumerate the processes with a lock on a file. Of course, you could always try deleting it - if it works, you know for a fact it wasn't still being downloaded.
  3. QUOTE (crelf @ Apr 16 2009, 01:09 PM) Oooooh, very cool. :thumbup:
  4. asbo

    Login VI

    Are you hard-coding your password(s)? Are you pulling them in from some other source? A nudge in the right direction would be to check out comparison operators and case statements.
  5. Fortunately, they made a rocket edition ...
  6. Decidedly off-topic, but the first thing I thought of after reading the title was .More on topic, I would entirely agree with PaulG that LabVIEW isn't any more energetic than other languages - except for the lack of textual syntax. A lot of people stumble on syntax in a text-based language and LV doesn't really have syntax, per se.
  7. QUOTE (jpdrolet @ Apr 14 2009, 01:54 PM) Since when has linux used UNC paths?
  8. If you want to filter the canceled error, wire both the error cluster and the cancelled boolean to a stacked case structure - the first layer checks if there was an error, the second checks if the dialog was cancelled. If both are true, just wire out a default error cluster and you're set.
  9. Sounds like you're looking for the Build Array node.
  10. Check out the API from MSDN -- it looks like there's a registry-based query method but you might end up having to use DLL calls. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa373083(VS.85).aspx
  11. Ahh, I see what you're going for now. I guess I didn't read ejensen's explanation of sorting the string/numeric cluster closely enough to follow the thread. It's a shame that LabVIEW doesn't have built-in associative arrays - I wildly abused those guys in PHP.
  12. QUOTE (Jolt @ Apr 10 2009, 07:31 AM) Actually, you don't need the for loop at all: just use Index Array to separate Array A and Array B then use the Add primitive to add Array C to either of them.
  13. QUOTE (flarn2006 @ Apr 10 2009, 12:31 AM) With 2GB of RAM and a 2GHz processor, my initial attempt to open the Browse dialog took about 60 seconds. But after that (even after restarting LabVIEW) it takes about a second. Do you have an obscene number of ActiveX controls installed or do they change often? CPU probably plays a bigger role in this than RAM.
  14. QUOTE (335x @ Apr 10 2009, 12:21 AM) Have you tried the Default Values:Reinitialize All To Default method node? And yes, a .exe = (a dot exe) a.k.a. a Win32 binary executable.
  15. QUOTE (jzoller @ Apr 9 2009, 11:20 PM) How do you figure, exactly? If you use two separate arrays, how are you going to sort the string array according to the sorting of the numeric array?
  16. Disable structures work great for this.
  17. You should use while loops instead of for loops so that i and i2 are not initialized.
  18. QUOTE (lenny wintfeld @ Dec 18 2008, 11:57 AM) This is both a blessing and a curse -- it allows for some neat functionality (functional global variables, for one) but can be bewildering if you don't keep in mind that it's happening. However, if you change your block diagram or front panel in between executions, LV will reset those shift registers.
  19. I've gotten this message too and the only way I can see this possible is that if a dependency of that VI somehow got unloaded from memory (which it shouldn't do while the parent VI is open, right?) and when you save, LV had to load that VI back into memory as part of dependency checking nonsense. Or maybe the 'one or more files' changed on disk between being loaded into memory and this save occuring. Less likely, because instinct tells me LV would just save over the newer version on disk while whistling a merry little tune.
  20. I know programs like AIM store the last used screenname in the registry - you might do well to look there. If you're terribly desperately, you could use some of the user32 DLL calls to try and manipulate the controls within the Skype window.
  21. He's looking to intercept/emulate the file move/copy functionality of the context menu in Windows Explorer. Unfortunately, I don't know enough about how that works to comment - it may use DDE messages or something similar.
  22. Maybe you could use a subpanel for this? I don't know whether this is a "good" or "correct" idea, but I think it's do-able. It would mean a little extra code and, of course, a subVI.
  23. asbo

    DAQ mx

    Drop this VI on your block diagram and have the Context Help window open (Ctrl+H). When the information about the trigger VI shows in that window, click the 'Detailed Help' link.
  24. There has been nothing in this thread so far that's not made me shudder violently.
  25. I think mixing in more languages than German would be a nice coup de grĂ¢ce ...
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