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Everything posted by Yair

  1. A valid point. Have a look at this recent thread which discussed spawning a parallel process and communicating with it. The daemon can be part of the XControl, so the users never see it.
  2. The answer is that it didn't go. The vision part of the application was canceled, so I can't really provide any insight.
  3. Can you upload the code? One point is that on XP the resolution of the timestamp is ~16 ms, but that should not account for the 500 ms difference you see.
  4. The way LV stores flattened data is explained in the LabVIEW help (presumably the flatten primitive has a link to the relevant section). Another option would be to convert the data to your own format which both programs can read (e.g. plain ASCII). This should probably be easier, and I'm not sure you'd be hurt in performance.
  5. Yair


    Hi*. * I am the master of succinctness.
  6. Like I said in the idea, you can use the mouse input VIs to detect scrolling. It would just be a matter of ANDing that with the mouse cursor being over the XControl.
  7. I believe there's already an RCF or Quick Drop plugin which does this (probably the latter). Try searching for "convert to array" or something along those lines.
  8. It's not. Not only are they annoying, I don't see the point, either, as a considerable portion of their functionality is replicated by the files tab (which wasn't around yet when AP was introduced).
  9. Run it many times (overnight), see what's the maximum value you get and then use that as the max value. It won't be accurate, but it will be approximate.
  10. If you use a virtual machine, it only takes a minute or two to revert it to a clean state. You can also install a single LV version on each machine and not have problems with driver versions.
  11. I don't think that being inside another PW'd VI should have affected the VI you're trying to view, so I'm assuming the actual VI is also PW'd. We did discuss allowing the user to unlock the VI from the CCT at one time, but I was against it, because I didn't want to overload the CCT with more functionality. I believe you should be able to use the CCT to capture the BD if you simply unlock the VI before calling the CCT. If you want to automate this, the VI class should have a method you can call to unlock the VI, but you'll need to provide the password.
  12. The block diagram options should be unavailable if the BD is inaccessible. This can happen if the BD has been removed or if the VI does not have one (like a global VI or a control) or if the VI's BD is locked. Looking at the code, it looks like there is one bug there - it compares the lock state to 2 or greater which, according to the help, would prevent the BD from being accessible even if it was only locked. The comparison should be changed to greater than 2 (which should only apply to a password protected BD). If this is important to you, you can change it now, as the code is open source.
  13. No. Please go and vote for this idea (and tell others to) so that we will have this feature sometime: http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW-Idea-Exchange/Adding-a-quot-don-t-wait-until-done-quot-option-to-the-Call-By/idi-p/917632
  14. I don't personally have a current need for this, but you should note that NI does have some CUDA VIs - http://decibel.ni.com/content/docs/DOC-6064
  15. Make sure that the build script does not have the "use 8.x structure" option checked (probably in the Advanced page). I'm assuming this project was ported from an earlier version, where this is checked automatically for compatibility. Note that this changes the internal structure of VIs in the EXE, so if you're using relative paths, you might have to do some fixing of your code.
  16. You may wish to look at this - I haven't used it myself, so I can't comment on it.
  17. I second the recommendation. Some of the stuff there really surprised me, as I didn't think people would go to those levels. This probably includes some submissions that didn't make it to the finals, so I would suggest looking at all of them. I wonder why they chose that one. I had another submission which I think is a lot more polished and fun. I guess it's a matter of taste. That's a worthy plug. I'll just say that it's worth having a look at.
  18. You're complaining? What do you think I should say?
  19. First, to answer the original question, this can be done using XNodes, but that's not officially supported and I never really played around with them. There should be an example somewhere on LAVA. This can also be done with express VIs, as shown in this thread, but I never played around with that either: http://lavag.org/topic/4007-anything-to-whatever-lv-71 Second, please go to the idea exchange and vote for this idea - Provide a better way to implement a polymorphic VI You should read this to see why this is not likely to happen soon, though: http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW-Developers-Feature/Now-available-for-download-quot-Randomize-1D-Array-vi-quot-that/m-p/1159329#U1159329 Third, What Jarrod was saying is that your example is flawed because you upcast the object yourself. If you just wire the child class directly into the parent VI it would propagate through just fine (assuming there's no overriding VI in the child class). This, of course, can only be done today using LVOOP.
  20. The Facade VI is only run when one of the XControl's events occurs. You can also trigger one of the other events by calling a property or method for the XControl.
  21. I don't do this myself, but Justin's post here might help you - http://blog.jkisoft.com/jki/can-you-build-your-application-in-one-click/ Also, you can open up the OpenG builder to see how it calls the NI app-builder and you can look at the app-builder VIs yourself.
  22. Because someone would still have to do the work of selecting these ideas and you have to rely on that person's judgment and taste, which may be different from your own.
  23. I would very much be against this. I try to follow every post on the IE and if there was a bunch of ideas which all appeared together it would simply flood me at that point in time instead of allowing me to go at my own pace. I would agree that the problem is probably because people don't follow the exchange, but the solution to that might be to make it more accessible. For example, the IE has an RSS feed for ideas, just like Shaun asked for - http://forums.ni.com...id=labviewideas The problem is that if you don't look for it, you don't know it's there. The site doesn't seem to make it accessible enough. Ideally, it should provide people with several ways of getting alerts to either ideas or comments. In any case, I think that people have to make a conscious choice to follow the exchange or they will have to rely as filters such as this thread to point them to specific ideas.
  24. I also added my own version to the other thread, which shows my approach for this in my proof of concept, which is different from AQ's. The real question is what would be the different considerations be in building a standard framework for something like this. I already have some things I'm aware of, but I'm not going to post them yet.
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