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Everything posted by Yair

  1. I seem to recall that it wasn't fixed, but that recollection may well be incorrect (whew, got through that sentence. Good thing I'm not Chinese, or I might have some trouble pronouncing that ).
  2. That is correct. The CCT allows you to create snippets without having the locals converted to property nodes.
  3. Yeah, I know those as well. Always preferred Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D minor: One thing which helps connect these even better is to place a piece of paper on the screen which shows you exactly where the music is currently (i.e. the edge of the paper is on the center of the screen).
  4. Regardless of which method you choose to store the data in the app (class, globals, cluster), persisting the data is fairly easy: With a class you can simply flatten it to disk. With globals you can use the Controls[] property for the global VI and then iterate over them and save them using something like this: With a cluster you can use the OpenG or MGI VIs to save and load it.
  5. What do you mean by "read it from multiple locations"? You can certainly use a lossy enqueue on a queue with the size 1, but if you use dequeue to read the value, the queue will be empty until you put another value in it. If you simply want to have an updated value with one writer and multiple readers, you can use a global or a notifier (with the status primitive to always get the most recent value). A SEQ with lossy enqueue will also work if you always preview the queue instead of dequeuing.
  6. In the past, the rendezvous code was implemented using a CIN, so the reference wasn't actually a LabVIEW reference (which is why the palette has the NaR? VI). The rendezvous VIs have been refactored internally, but I guess this was kept for backward compatibility (although that doesn't make much sense, since using NaN? on an RV ref would have always resulted in T). So, strictly speaking, I would say this is not a bug. Ideally, the primitive should have broken the wire, but I'm guessing it still recognizes it as a reference.
  7. The DB toolkit has a VI called Insert Data which has a variant input. You can input a cluster into that variant and the VI will parse the cluster and insert one element into each column. This, of course, requires you to model the cluster after the table's structure.
  8. I think it serves a different purpose, especially if it can allow several levels of "subVIs", which the snippet feature can't.
  9. What do XML and INI files have to do with the DB? If you want to interact with the DB, you usually need to go through ADO (assuming you're on Windows). There are several DB toolkits available for LV, including a paid one from NI and a free one called LabSQL. The NI toolkit has some advantages in that it is supported and that it has built-in code for inserting clusters into DB tables. If you really want, you can recreate this code fairly easily yourself by modifying the OpenG variant configuration VIs or the MGI read-write anything VIs. Also, note that the NI toolkit has a bug which will probably not allow you to use the insert VI without modifying the toolkit code. Since you only want part of the cluster, however, you're going to have to strip the relevant values out anyway. The easiest is probably to unbundle them, convert them to strings and then build an SQL insert query. Another option would be to flatten the variant to a string, but this will have issues if you plan on changing the value of the variant and will make the data useless in the DB itself. If you don't know SQL at all, now's the time to start searching for tutorials.
  10. Here's for the next 30 years at NI . <- (emoticons before the period, especially for you) I would say that regardless of your actual (respectable) contributions, you are the most valuable R&D member to the online communities. I hope you're getting as much out of it as we are.
  11. This is the folder I had on my machine. I have no idea which version of the code it is. VIpreVIEW.zip
  12. I think I have the code on my home machine. I'll have a look tonight.
  13. Done - http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW-Idea-Exchange/Add-a-new-VI-Class-Hierarchy-From-Path/idi-p/1214775
  14. At real time I was thinking of simply copying the cluster control on the FP several times, which would have made it even easier to edit. That said, I did not think of using the array of clusters and I can't guarantee I would have thought of the same solution if I had been on the stage.
  15. I agree that this interesting and could probably integrate well in LD. I asked Daklu to add you to the discussion there.
  16. It was a relatively simple scripting problem. I don't know if I would say it was heavily biased, but having scripting experience was certainly a prerequisite to winning that one if you're going against someone who knows it and a lot of experience certainly gives you an advantage. Just remember that it was best out of 5, so that was just one challenge. Rob was actually pretty close to winning on one of the others (even though he didn't actually create a 7 segment LED, I think his 3x5 array solution would have been accepted).
  17. The challenges weren't actually particularly difficult. They just required good knowledge of the environment and the ability to think on your feet and act fast under the competition pressure, and Rob was actually reasonably good. Had I realized there was an iPad as a prize, I would have participated as well, and I think I would have had a decent shot at defeating Darren. I actually realized towards the end that I have my laptop with me and I could test myself in real time, but by the time I opened it up and fired LV, they were already finished, so I didn't get a chance to actually test this theory. Also, while Darren won that, that part was just a bonus. Rob did win the real competition, so he at least got the iPad, so congratulations to Rob Mortensen from MGI.
  18. I Didn't look too closely, but I'm assuming this is happening because the VI has its front panel removed, thus causing you not to be able to use any FP properties (although the actual description for the error does not say this, so that's probably a bug). If you add the VI to your project and configure it in the build settings to not have its FP removed, I assume it should work. Debugging certainly does this and I guess the OGB does as well. You might still need to play with it if the actual VIs are the clones, but you can play around with it.
  19. Good to see others like this too. Also, I liked the "ONE". Nice touch.
  20. I do, since Paypal has been an issue for me recently.
  21. If your daughter had to wait until she was a teenager before being diaper free, you may want to have her (or yourself, more likely) checked out by a psychologist.
  22. Yair


    If you wish I can set you up with TWO used napkins. I'll even put them in my pocket for a bit, so they can get properly crumpled.
  23. First! It looks like there are still some tickets left, though. I expect they will be sold during NIWeek as people hear about the BBQ. If crelf would bother coming to the Challenge the Champions event right before the BBQ instead of chickening out using a lame excuse ( ) he could probably sell some there.
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