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Everything posted by Yair

  1. I see this as well and have reported it to NI.
  2. How fast is this pulse? I seem to remember that the cFP poll cycle of its I/O module is relatively slow (I think it was a few ms), so if you have a faster pulse you might have a problem. As for measuring the length, all you need is an FP Read VI which will output a single boolean and a loop with two shift registers - one to remember the previous value of the DI and one to remember the last time of the change. When you detect that the input changed (by comparing it to the previous value), you use the Tick Count primitive to get the current time and substract from it the previous time to get the number of ms that passed and that's your pulse length. You might get higher accuracy with a timed loop, but I'm not sure if it's supported on the cFP.
  3. Yair


    Welcome to being a poster and congratulations on passing the exam. We can always use some good people.
  4. Crosspost. It is considered polite to link to the other thread when cross posting.
  5. Crosspost. It is considered polite to link to the other thread when cross posting.
  6. QUOTE(Justin Goeres @ Nov 23 2007, 04:58 PM) Works fine for me in 7.0 - I never saw any problem with that and I've been using it quite a bit for at least a couple of months (I knew about it before, but for some reason didn't use it). Did you try both sides of the keyboard? I assume you would notice if your shift key didn't work. Also, I assume you made sure you pressed shift before you dragged.
  7. QUOTE(JDave @ Nov 23 2007, 08:32 AM) And creating a comment is as easy as double clicking an empty part of the diagram and typing. That's two points in favor of the auto-tool which are not immediately apparent. P.S. Yes, I would agree that it's called "Pan".
  8. QUOTE(tcplomp @ Nov 22 2007, 09:35 AM) I knew I forgot something. I was thinking of merge VIs as well, but for the issue raised in item 1 (styled loops).
  9. Some of these points already have possible solutions you can implement yourself or answers: QUOTE(Daklu @ Nov 21 2007, 09:59 PM) Not that it helps that much, but LabVIEW has the zoom window which displays an image of your entire diagram and allows you to pan it. Not as nice as a zoom, but it works. QUOTE Integrated Development Environment. This is another request I made to the NI rep. He had an answer that sounded reasonable but I forgot what it is. Are you refering to this? QUOTE Front panel auto-home You can write a simple VI which will be accessible through the Tools or File menu and will set the Origin property on the VI you call it from to [0,0]. To do this, you need to put the VI in the LabVIEW\Project folder and then use a specific property. You can see in example here.
  10. What you saw above was posted with HTML on with auto line break. I also tried the other two modes and they don't work. The same happens with Google Video. If I remember correctly, all it requires is pasting the embed code in the post window, right?
  11. What you saw above was posted with HTML on with auto line break. I also tried the other two modes and they don't work. The same happens with Google Video. If I remember correctly, all it requires is pasting the embed code in the post window, right?
  12. Michael, this is probably unrelated to the Wiki issue, but I can't embed in the forums either. I have the option set to HTML on, but what I get is this: type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355">
  13. Michael, this is probably unrelated to the Wiki issue, but I can't embed in the forums either. I have the option set to HTML on, but what I get is this: type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355">
  14. My brain hurts. P.S. Wow, it's been a while since the last time I saw one of those Look Around You videos. I wasn't aware that Peter Serafinowicz was in it.
  15. Yair

    Benny LAVA

    I know just the thing to get your mind of this. P.S. This sort of thing was pretty popular in Israel a couple of years ago, but it was usually flash animation with all kinds of relevant additions. P.P.S.The beginning of that Girly Man video brings back memories of the old Dr. Who.
  16. For those of us who had a chance to forget the basics, or for those who never learned it, here's a good demo of how binary math and bit shifting works. Can't embed for some reason. 's the link.
  17. QUOTE(tcplomp @ Nov 15 2007, 05:29 PM) I'm pretty sure this has been around since 6.1, where the event structure was introduced. It's definitely there in 7.0. Unfortunately, it doesn't change tab controls on the front panel, so if the control(s) are not in the currently visible tab page, you will only see their outlines. Still, I find it useful.
  18. 1. If you have admin priviliges, you can change the login screen to work with the icons instead of ctrl+alt+del. 2. You can try writing a VI to simulate ctrl+alt+del whenever you press shift+Q or something similar. You can use the input VIs (although I don't know if they will monitor when the station is locked) and there are many VIs on the web for simulating key presses. And of course:
  19. QUOTE(Norm Kirchner @ Nov 13 2007, 12:59 AM) Done. The VI I posted http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&view=by_date_ascending&message.id=271190#M271190' target="_blank">here should resize any resizable control. What do I win? Of course, the problem with it is that it works the same as the manual resizing, so that there some things that you can't do with it (like resizing a numeric control vertically). There is some more info on this issue in that thread.
  20. QUOTE(Michael_Aivaliotis @ Nov 12 2007, 08:58 PM) Are you talking to Christopher or Christian?
  21. Welcome to the forums. The first advice would be to read the advice in reply 2 and follow it. Additionally, I suggest you try searching this site and google for LabVIEW tutorials. Here, here, here, here, here and here are a few you can start with and here are some tutorial videos. You can also contact your local NI office and join one of their courses. In addition, I suggest you read the LabVIEW style guide and the LabVIEW user manual (Help>>Search the LabVIEW Bookshelf).
  22. A 9000% increase in activity is definitely impressive. Congratulation, Mike. Your baby has definitely grown. :thumbup: And thank you once again for all you put into this.
  23. QUOTE(jdunham @ Nov 10 2007, 03:30 AM) There are two issues here: Losing the formatting. I've seen this as well and it seems to be same issue discussed here. Having two consecutive replies merged into a single one. As far as I know, that is by design.
  24. QUOTE(crelf @ Nov 9 2007, 06:54 PM) This reminds me of the time Chilly Charly and I traded avatars over at the NI forums. That confused a lot of people. :laugh: P.S. You can only trade your user name once every 60 days. You don't suppose Mike will make an exception for you, will he?
  25. QUOTE(neB @ Nov 9 2007, 05:01 PM) Let me guess - you wrote "naval", right?
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