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Everything posted by Yair

  1. QUOTE(Michael_Aivaliotis @ Oct 26 2007, 07:10 AM) Hmm, for some reason I was under the impression that I did test this once on 8.x and that it did work, but I guess that impression was wrong.
  2. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Oct 23 2007, 05:47 PM) Slow loading can also occur on large hierarchies. For me, loading a hierarchy of 700-800 VIs and having the VI ready for editing on a freshly loaded 7.0 takes about 20-30 seconds. Of course, the edit time freezes point more likely to a large VI.
  3. I tried reading what you wrote twice, but I'm still not sure I understand what you want. If I did understand correctly, you want to know at which point the signal first changes from "around 0" to the sine wave. Since you have seem to have known absolute limits, I think the easiest thing is to use In Range and Coerce and give it values of 2 and -2. If this doesn't help, you'll need to explain what you want to do better.
  4. QUOTE(martin@aerodynamics @ Oct 23 2007, 07:55 AM) That one is done using the DetachableStructurePartsEnabled=TRUE INI key. I don't know about the original issue.
  5. Yair

    Hello Everybody!

    Welcome to LAVA. How are you using LabVIEW? I assume you meant you're finishing your degree and not your career.
  6. I'm not entirely sure I understand your requirements, but here's what I would suggest - Read the DAQ as fast as you can into a circular buffer LV2 global (you can see a quick example here, but be sure to use Replace Array Subset and Rotate Array instead of building and deleting. You will also need to replace more than a single element). Make this buffer large (e.g. 1K or 2K samples). In another loop, read this global at your logging rate, take the last 100 samples from it, average them and throw them into a queue. You can now dequeue the same queue in a third, lower priority VI, or wait until the measurement is over and then save everything at once.
  7. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Oct 21 2007, 03:31 PM) I believe OpenG already has quite a few VIs which deal with relative paths, even if not with symbolic paths. I'm sure extending them would not be impossible. The problem here is that statically linked VIs are much easier to work with than dynamic ones, and for that you need the internal LV linker.
  8. MP3 is a proprietary format - to write software which decodes it you need a license. My understanding is that you can freely use existing software which decodes it (e.g. a DLL or an ActiveX) and such players have already been written and posted online long ago.
  9. Thanks. I will have the potential in the relatively near future to spread word of this to hundreds of people, but there are still issues before I can do that. The encoding you use is UTF8, which is not automatically detected either by IE or FF. If you can, it would be good if you can try changing it to ISO-Logical or Hebrew (Windows). Additionally, both the text alignment and the document orientation are left-to-right, which looks really bad. I know that this can be changed in IP boards, but I'm not sure whether it can be changed only for a specific subforum. Are there any more options you can play with? P.S. This is what it looks like both left-to-right and right-to-left. The one on the bottom is preferable, but the problem is that the text is left-justified.
  10. QUOTE(Michael_Aivaliotis @ Oct 19 2007, 08:02 AM) How about this then - try creating subcommunities with different languages. I know that there is no big community in Israel - a lot of people use LabVIEW, but the technical interaction is probably minimal and you get occasional people posting in English. I wonder what would happen if people had a board where they could get answers in their own language. I'm certain there would be some participation, but I wonder if it would be enough to pass the critical mass. I assume this would be no minor feat, however. Is that correct?
  11. Agreed, that would definitely be nice. It might also be nice to have user defined logical folders, but I can see how that can be a problem when moving between computers.
  12. QUOTE(Sparky @ Oct 19 2007, 03:08 PM) Do it the dirty way - with an external slide and a TopRow property node. If you have 8.x and more than one, you can try an XControl.
  13. QUOTE(neB @ Oct 18 2007, 04:29 PM) Do you know that for a fact? I know of some systems which occasionally change the range they use to avoid having outside sources know how many people are registered in the system. QUOTE(crelf @ Oct 18 2007, 05:10 PM) "What do you mean I have to pay when someone calls me??!? They're calling me!!!" Well, the US is well known for being behind the times when it comes to cellular service. As for the topic of the thread, I wouldn't mind seeing graphical programming available to more people either.
  14. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Oct 16 2007, 03:27 AM) Thanks, I did that today and it improves matters considerably. I'll keep trying the alignment for some time longer.
  15. QUOTE(Michael_Aivaliotis @ Oct 18 2007, 07:32 PM) They were? When? I'm pretty sure I saw outline mode just a few days ago. It was probably when clicking on search results, but I tried it now and got standard, so that seems to be OK. P.S. :thumbup:
  16. QUOTE(Michael_Aivaliotis @ Oct 18 2007, 07:38 PM) Nah, that one would have to be LVX, wouldn't it? Then maybe X.1?
  17. QUOTE(tcplomp @ Oct 18 2007, 02:27 PM) Then how come it takes you six months to ship a simple little tool? :laugh: Congratulations.
  18. Yair

    PDA problems...!

    I would suggest posting this to the NI forums, where you're more likely to get an answer, but my bigger advice would be to leave the emulator alone - my limited experience with the PDA module has shown that it's not worth it. Just build directly to the device. I'm sure you'll find enough bugs there - you don't need to add the emulator on top of it.
  19. QUOTE(Jim Kring @ Oct 17 2007, 11:17 PM) Oh, for some reason I don't seem to have that problem in LV 7.0. :laugh:
  20. QUOTE(tcplomp @ Oct 17 2007, 07:41 AM) You can? How? Gmail is much more useful than Google Reader, so if that works, I might give that another try.
  21. Welcome to LAVA, Heather. What do you use LabVIEW for?
  22. Maybe it's just me, but what's wrong with the various built in options (File>>Close All, Ctrl+Q, repeated Ctrl+Ws, etc.)?
  23. Stephen, a bit off topic, but I tried enabling FP grid alignment based on your suggestion and it doesn't really work - most of the time it's fine, but occasionally I find that I need to be able to play with something and pressing G doesn't seem to help, so I have to go into the options screen and disable it and then I don't feel like changing it back. I still like most of the other newer IDE features, though.
  24. QUOTE(crelf @ Oct 15 2007, 07:08 PM) How about clerf?
  25. Try using your Wii, that's bound to help.
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