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Everything posted by huotom

  1. So glad to hear so many good news. And thanks.
  2. Any updates?
  3. Hi, ShaunR, I would like to suggest you to check the Disp Query Get Service.vi. There is a wire mistake when TCPIP open. And I think that you should add a case "GETSUBSCRIBE" in Dispatcher.vi. Because there is no handler for Dispatcher Query.vi(Get Subscribers). Also should add a vi to deal with it. Thanks.
  4. Congratulation.
  5. I think maybe it is available in the app's config file whose extensions is *.ini or *.aliases.
  6. Did you try the lvsound2.dll in labview8.2.1? You can use it in LV2010 (maybe LV2011 works)
  7. Try to replay the lvsound2.dl with the same API at version 8.2.1. Good luck.
  8. Error occurs! LV could not find addons\_ICON Library\scripting\_icon_lib_scripting.lib.
  9. I like it. And I can see the power of OOP.
  10. huotom

    New Sub VI

    Congratulations! And I have a baby at 21th, Jan, 2010. So happay!
  11. I think it has not been fixed by the f2 patch. May be f3 or fn is OK.
  12. I accountered error when I'm using version 3.5.1. Please help me. And what's the problem? Thanks Tom
  13. Good idea, I will have a try.
  14. Thank you, Mark. In LV, we could get the property/member one by one, not all at one time. Otherwise, we can get all properties shown in a Property Grid in C# by giving the "Selected Object" a .net object. And I think Property Grid is a good partnerf for OOP.
  15. Thanks a lot. I think there must be large differents between lvclass and .net or java class, although they are a bit similar. I want to use this method as I am interesting in the PropetyGrid in C# 3.5. In C# class, there is property except member or method which can be used for PropertyGrid~~ Oh, my god, I must write the propertyGrid in LV by myself now.
  16. Dear all, I meet some problems when I am using OOP in LabVIEW with .NET Container. How can I convert LVclass object to .NET object? In C#, we can show all the properties in Property Grid control. Now, if I want to show my lvclass object's properties in the Grid, how can I convert LVclass object to .NET object? I searched the functions inside LabVIEW but coult not find the properly one. The "To .NET Object" Vi dosen't support LVclass. Is there anyone who can help me? Thanks very much if you can give an example. I'm using a .Net container with a windows form 2.0->propertyGrid. The property being used is "selectedobject". We can get infomation about the PropertyGrid at MSDN. Thank you again.
  17. I think that maybe you havd installed other version of LabVIEW, such as LV8.6. Do you?
  18. I seldom use local variable except for path or boolean value because I'd like the error in/out cluster force execution order.
  19. aha, you can use Google search, or microsoft Bing.
  20. Wow, that's what I want, and I'll install LV2009 now. Otherwise, I don't need f2 or fn, thanks.
  21. Dear all, I change the Tab Control local variable with property node: Value, and it works. And I seldom use local variable except for Path or boolean value. PS: If we want the numeric value change event occures, we usually use the value(signal) property instead of value. Thanks. Tom.
  22. The number format as Hex may be helpfulm, I think. If it is a string, I'm sorry that I don't know why. Tom.
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