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Posts posted by ShaunR

  1. I was digging into the BSD license and exploring the reason for the attribution requirement.

    The reason is credit where credit is due.

    If someone wants to use some software and not even give the author credit for it (or even pretend they wrote it themselves). Then they really don't deserve to use the software.

    You are obviously trying very hard to find a way through, but the real question to ask is "what is it about the Apache licence that allows NI to use software under that licence?". The Apache licence has far more restrictions than BSD (including attribution).

    However, I think it is more a case of will than law or technicalities which is the stumbling block. And without a corporate lobotomy, that's gong to be hard to overcome.

  2. First thing we could use are functions to convert between JSON-format strings and regular LabVIEW Text (escaped characters, encoding, add/remove the quotes). I’m weak on regex.

    I've already implemented the removal of quotes. The only escaped chars that I know "must" be escaped are unicode strings and I'm not sure what to do about that with LabVIEW not supporting Unicode without using OS dependent code.

  3. I’ve added a new version to the CR (sorry Ton, I will need to learn how to use Github).

    I added a JSON to Variant function. Note that I’m trying to introduce as much loose-typing as possible (very natural when going through a string intermediate), so the below example shows conversion between clusters who have many mismatched types, as well as different orders of elements. It would be nice to think about what type conversion should be allowed without throwing an error.


    And I’ve started on a low-level set of Get/Set polymathic VIs for managing the conversion from JSON Scalers/Arrays to LabVIEW types (very similar to Shaun’s set but without the access by name array). I’ve reformatted two of Shaun’s VIs to be based of the new lower-level ones. The idea is to restrict the conversion logic (which at some point will have to deal with escaped characters, special logic for null (==NaN), Inf, UTF-8 conversion, allowed Timestamp formats, etc.) to be in only one clearly defined place. At some point, I will redo the Variant stuff to work off of these functions rather than relying on the OpenG String Palette as they do now).


    Do you want to list out the tasks that need to be done so that we can apportion them between us?

  4. You can be sued for anything you post to LAVA also if you didn't have the legal right to post it.

    That's what the law requires... you're the copyright owner. You have to do something to allow NI to use it. There's nothing NI can do on its own to appropriate the rights -- and you wouldn't want there to be a way to do that.

    We've made it as easy as possible to transfer those rights through the ni.com EULA. I'm still arguing for changes to that EULA that would clarify some aspects, but it's the only mechanism I have ever heard of for you to easily state unambiguously, "I don't mind if NI unconditionally uses this, sells this, and redistributes this." If you know of another mechanism, I'd love to hear it.

    I'm not sure that's true since rights assignment requires a real signature. What are you going to do about the OpenG toolkit stuff that the API uses?

    There is a solution I think, however.

    We release the next version as public domain (which OpenG allows us to do I think), then it can be posted on NI.com (as their EULA demands). Basically we give up our rights but to no-one.

  5. Uh, wait, what? Can I be sued for stuff I post on NI.com? Sounds like an argument to not post anything on NI.com. Ties back to my previous point about the NI.com Terms of Use containing disclaimers to protect NI but not posters; do I need to add a legal disclaimer to every post and uploaded sample VI?

    And if something is adopted into LabVIEW, it becomes NI’s responsibility, surely?

    That’s why I like the “1 clause BSD”, dropping the binary requirement. The source code requirement is trivially satisfied by placing the license in the FP or BD or hidden away in the documentation.

    BTW to OpenG developers (JG if he’s reading): does OpenG not have some transfer of copyright to OpenG itself? It will be impossible to change licensing terms on OpenG once some of the authors die. I’d like to propose dropping the binary clause.

    The only solution that will satisfy NI is ownership and they seem completely intransigent on that point. It looks like*you* (meaning not NI) will have to jump through all the hoops just so they can use it and I'm getting to the point where I just think the risks and the hassle outweigh the benefits (not that I see much in the way of benefits to begin with :cool: ). There's too many unknowns at this point; all the risk is ours and NI are taking none :angry: . Everyone else is quite happy with the current state of the licencing, so I suggest we wait and see what happens with another piece of code (like you suggest-the trim whitespace or something similar) - find out exactly what the process is, what the Software Freedom Law Center advise and what the implications are. I'm in no rush to a) be a guinea pig and b) see it disappear until next august or even completely! (yes I know November is when the new features are defined but once again, that's NIs constraint not ours).

    NI have a whole department of lawyers on payroll, get them to show by example how to get around NIs own policies (they wrote them) without the community bending over forwards and dropping their knickers. :D

  6. Hello,

    I'm not familiar with the Vision package and I would make you a question.

    Does you know if it should be possible to use it to count people entering or exiting a door?



    Yup. The trick is to mount the camera above the door looking down. Then you don't suffer from occlusion,have fairly regular shapes and a constant, uniform background to contrast against. Once you get used to it, you can even start counting prams, pushchairs, wheelchairs, adults/children etc. ;)

    • Like 1
  7. I think the difference is the nature of what is included.

    If LabVIEW contains BSD software as part of the LabVIEW environment then we include the attribution in the readme and I guess all is well, this is what many of the third party licenses that distribute with LabVIEW appear to be for.

    What I suspect causes the issue here is that if we include libraries under a BSD license as source then that means that everyone that builds an application in LabVIEW using that must:

    1. Ensure they also have the required legal information distributed with the EXE.
    2. Ensure they are allowed to use software licensed under the BSD (this is probably NI's biggest concern, I can't talk for the decision makers but it is highly likely we have customers who cannot include BSD source code in their own applications).

    Indeed. But as all LabVIEW software must be distributed with either the IDE (for source) or the run-time engine (executables) this doesn't seem prohibitive. In fact the shared directory contains a copyright.txt that lists all the attributions.

    In fact it states in the NI Forums TOCs that you must warrant

    you are the sole owner of the Communications and/or such Communications constitute material in the public domain

    So. Public domain stuff can be posted and, by implication, can be used by NI.

    Just having re-read the NI TOCs and saw the liabilities disclaimer for user contributions which only disclaims NIs liability. Does this extend to the uploader/author via the other disclaimers in different sections? . This would be reason enough for me not to post software on there at all. On Lavag we are covered by the Creative Commons disclaimer (apparently :D ). There are so many ambiguities or "open to (lawyer) interpretation" aspects to the NI site. Lavag is simple and straight forward. You are much less likely to have a hoard of lawyers bearing down on you (and we all know the deepest pockets win regardless of right/wrong). By posting code here on Lavag, the interests are more aligned with "community" than business.

    • Like 1
  8. It simply requires that you believe that NI would act in its own best interests and would follow the terms laid out in its own EULA, which seems a pretty "well duh" sort of bet in my book.

    Of course. Rather than in the best interests of the author or even it's users (although NI is arguably better that most companies in this respect).

    Rather than argue about "legal" implications (NI have a team of lawyers, where as we don't) I suggest the legal issue is passed to the Software Freedom Law Center and let them advise as to what it means if BSD software is posted on the NI site.

    The main issue for me, though, is that I don't believe NI cannot use software if it is under a licence (whatever it is), they just choose not to if they can get away with the author signing all their rights away to them (makes good business sense). Whether the NI site terms actually mean that or not, is a lawyers question. In my laymens reading it "looks" like it is just implicit distribution rights, so exactly the same problems as are being proffered here would apply even it it where posted there with or without a licence. Conversely, if it isn't an issue there, then it should also not be an issue on Lavag for the same reasons. (Most sites' TOCs are there just to protect the site owner from breach of copyrights should someone else upload copyrighted content and allow digital distribution). I'm reticent at that interpretation, however, since there is an obvious determination that software should be posted there instead of elsewhere and I can only think of one reason why that would be especially since other licenced software is distributed with LabVIEW under much more strict conditions than BSD..

  9. Late Friday night and almost in sleep mode...

    AQ said that to really reach out to all customers we really need to give our code to NI, but since LV 2011 we have the LabVIEW Tools Network built in to LabVIEW and this enables each and every user to easily install features they need (from OpenG, LAVA or LVTN).

    LVTN has no restrictions for licensing that I know of, but NI still reviews and put code under the NI umbrella and even publish some code of their own.

    I currently know nothing about JSON, but from reading through the threads here at LAVA it is probably something I will look into in the future. And when I do, I like to be able to select the implementation that I want to use; NI version, LAVA version or any other version.

    Installing these from LVTN/VIPM mean that new features/versions are available to me directly and I don't have to wait until the next LabVIEW release. Bugs detected in LVTN modules are also likely to be fixed much faster since the fix can be released regardless of the LabVIEW release cycle.


    Absolutely. How many bugs are still around from Version 8.x? There's no denying that bug fixing is far better out of the NI release cycle.

    Wait a second: that's a little personal, and I think misguided: I don't think Stephen is arguing that NI should won it,

    Misguided? (see my previous quote). AQs premise is that he can't use the Json library because it's not NI owned and is writing reams to justify why you should hand your IP over to NI. Most of the time AQ has his engineers head on. In this instance he has his corporate employee head on. No one else siad "I do think that you should hand the IP over to NI"

    That said, based on the licenses Mike found, I don't think that's true - NI already includes BSD-licensed components with LabVIEW. So what gives?

    I have a feeling this has more to do with the Data Dashboard than anything else.

  10. So if I understand Stephen correctly one of the things witholding NI from forking the code from LAVAG (amongst others) is the BSD requirement to have the author in the license notes of a binary. I can understand the 'tight coupling' argument by Stephen (NI==LabVIEW). We could create a special version of the BSD that would remove the attribution requirement for binaries.

    It could be (for instance):


    Shaun would it hurt to use such a '1-clause' license for certain products?


    From what AQ is saying; I don't think *any* licence is acceptable to NI. It's about ownership and relinquishing all your rights to some software and not about licencing per se. What is "laughable" is that it is being argued that you should relinquish all your rights to a piece of code that you have spent time and effort developing so NI can do what they like with it just because they "like" it - it's called "leveraging the user base".

    If a licence was acceptable, AQ would have already said "use this one". However, he is vehemently arguing that NI should "own" it.

    It always strikes me as funny that corporate arguments always center around the cost of engineering, time and effort, For non-copoperate entities (real people), however, the engineering, time and effort are considered nothing more that an exploitable, free and value-less resource (of course it has.value otherwise they wouldn't want it)

    Since LabVIEW ships with the Xerces Apache licence it is quite feasible for NI to use "licenced" software. I find is disingenuous that we should be asked to hand over ownership.

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  11. The VIs that ship with LV have to be owned by NI free and clear.

    I do think that you should hand the IP over to NI

    This says it all really and exactly why things like BSD exist; so that authors don't have to relinquish IP and users can distribute/use the code unhampered by corporate restrictions. It's NI problem, not Lavags and the distribution argument is a bit weak when alternative, well established, distribution avenues already exist and you are asking authors to give up their rights for nothing in return (not even a salutation) .

    I'd be very surprised (shocked even) if any open source community would agree to those terms just for reaching a couple more people.

    • Like 2
  12. I didn't comment on your CC example primarily because you didn't link to the full license and there are a lot of CC licenses. It appears to be CC0 1.0 Universal?

    This is, flatly, incorrect except in extreme cases. You are the author of the code, and you retain copyright over it. Whether any version you create is a derivative is immaterial because you, as the author and copyright holder, are not bound by the license under which other people use the work.

    The exception to this would be if you assigned the copyright on the code to someone else. But that's not a license, that's an assignment of copyright (and you'd be bound by the license under which they licensed it back to you, if any). Completely different animal, but see below about your cherry-picked CC example.

    Nor was I, which is another part of why I only responded to one of the specific examples you brought up. We can do as many examples as you'd like, though.

    As a side note, you mentioned that you'd gotten yourself into a bind with regard to a license that locked you in to something you didn't want. What license was that?

    It doesn't waive all your rights, though. It gives you the exact same rights as everyone else who wants to use it under the terms of the Creative Commons. And for what it's worth, CC0 1.0 Universal is literally one of the most permissive licenses on the planet. You picked a true edge case, which I'd go so far as to say is really more an assignment of copyright (to the Commons) than a license (to users), but that's a bit of a semantic grey area.

    You say you're talking about licensing in general, but you're conjuring up very specific hypothetical straw men.

    With apologies, this is again completely incorrect. Refer to the way mySQL does it. You basically have two options with mySQL:

    (1) Use it under the GPL, with all the rights and restrictions afforded to you (and your derivative works) under that license.

    (2) Use it under a proprietary commercial license which is completely at odds with the GPL. The proprietary license here is absolutely not an extension or clarification of the GPL, not least because I think one of the terms of the GPL is that it not be modified or extended.

    So yes, you can conjure up approaches to dual-licensing that don't make sense and wouldn't work in the real world. But that doesn't change the fact that dual-licensing exists, and works.

    Yeah. Maybe you're right.

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