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Everything posted by ShaunR

  1. Oooh. An ion gauge? Is that part of a plasma rifle or a quantum defibrillator? Please post the code
  2. Block diagrams don't scale (no zoom etc). I would check your fonts. Fonts do make a difference to the BD and cause things like unbundle by name to resize to accommodate. Perhaps a font that was used on the original machine is not available and the surface is picking a slightly different one that it thinks is close enough.
  3. Thats not weird; thats a lemon. Send it back and get a new one. I had a couple of strange corruptions recently. Couldn't open VIs in LV2009 64 bit. Could load the project but when I tried to open this one particular VI; LV would just disappear. Opened it up in LV2009 32 bit and it was fine. Saved it back down (in 32 bit) then reopened in 64 bit and problem solved. Thanked every god I could think of and moved on
  4. You have already answered your question. You know that it doesn't fit the task but perhaps not why. Look at what will be needed for system wide state control, sequencing and subsystem interaction. If they are required and must be deterministic; there are better, less painful solutions.
  5. Have you turned off auto-scaling?
  6. All my distributions have a licence, changelog and a readme (and/or HTML help). For remote systems they usually also have a method in the TCPIP interface where you can query the version (which is just TCPIP forwarding of a BD constant or, more commonly nowadays, read and send the changelog) so the client end knows without special connections or tools.
  7. You've nothing to apologise for. Linux fan-boys are 10x worse than Mac fan-bloys 100x worse than Windows fan-boys , of which I am one (well, I was until I looked at Windows 10). I think we would all jump to the fileversioninfo library if it worked on Linux and Mac too (which isn't impossible, by the way). The point I'm making is that it is only a a semi-standard way on windows and when you factor in other OSs it isn't standard at all Most x-platform libs, for example, have a function to retrieve version info so the BD constant is arguably the standard. Lets get this in perspective, though. No one is saying never version control or even never link your source version to your executable version. Only that writing complex build tools that are purely for documentation purposes and work on only one of a number of OSs isn't a high priority to x-platform developers. Nice to have but meh.
  8. I give up It's kind of like the Linux fan-boys that answer "install Linux" to every Windows programmers' questions about compiling.
  9. I think you miss the point. The filversioninfo is windows only so it won't work with things like CRIOs running NI Linux Real-Time or VxWorks. How do you version control your FPGA code, for instance? I'm not even sure if it would work with NI ETS but it might-I'm sure someone will clarify that. Your customers' preferences are only one aspect to x-platform.
  10. A BD constant is cross platform; FileVersionInfo.vi isn't.
  11. Aren't all the supported (for that version) xnode methods in "resource\Framework\Providers\xi\xnode.llb"?
  12. I haven't seen a BSOD since I left XP behind a few years ago. They still a thing? Maybe a long shot but if you have installed something recently (windows update?) and the OS has taken a snapshot, then there maybe something in the shadowcopy
  13. It's probably FindWindow or FindWindowEx you are after.
  14. The Delphi snippet you linked to had You can't do that natively in LabVIEW-just saying.
  15. That method requires passing a callback pointer to EnumWindow. You can't do that in native LabVIEW unless you use .NET callbacks or your own DLL.
  16. Just thinking on the fly here. Aren't all the capabilities to create and modify an Xnode available in the project window? Could we get around many of these issues by scripting that rather than creating an Xnode from scratch with a bespoke UI?
  17. Defer panel updates while you are updating the string.
  18. You will need a Modbus driver. Don't forget to read the whitepapers and the suppliers programming manual.
  19. What is the data rate? There is an example of using a fast DB for infinite history data logging..
  20. Wouldn't adaptive just be an option? A bit like you have the static and dynamic for classes from the compane.
  21. How are you thinking this would work with your IDE? Some sort of plugin recipe? Would you have an "adapt inputs" script/plugin and "adapt outputs" script/plugin and a way of concatenating them together around a Template VI? A bespoke "scripting language" for Xnodes? What is your vision here?
  22. I'm waiting for your tools so I don't have to understand them Bring the others together with your IDE
  23. You probably have the following in the LabVIEW.ini file
  24. I'm not sure how many were added over time but wow, that's a lot of abilities. I was confused with the few I knew of in 2009. Kudos for enumerating them regardless of LV version-that's sweet! I remember my original forays back in the day just to prove I could write them then forgot about them because they were just awful to create and maintain. When it comes to Xnodes/controls. There is only one aspect that I'm particularly interested in and that is a replacement for a polymorphic VI. I have been thinking for a while that having a tool for creating a xnode that replicates a polymorphic VIs behaviour is quite doable - define terminals, select supported types for each terminal along with a "insert your code here" VI and press "make" but then I look at creating an xnode and say "nah. Too hard" I'm a bit disappointed that NI have just made a rats nest bigger rather than trying to make creating xnodes easier. It was an attempt to placate those of us that wanted to create our own native controls and indicators after all. Hopefully with your fresh enthusiasm and new interface, people will add plugins (hint, hint) to automate various common tasks beyond template creation to make Xnodes a more common and viable solution.
  25. I think you may have problems getting feedback as it is really a question for lawyers. I will say, however, that I have software that I own the copyright to and I have not registered it in either the US Copyright Office or the UK Copyright Office (the latter is more applicable to me) but at least it is an answer.. I think in your case just send them an email and ask or choose one and they will tell you if it is wrong but my interpretation of your snippet is that it would be "Literary Work" unless it is something like billboard software. Software is recognised as "Literary Work" in many international agreements and "Work of the Visual Arts" just sounds like they are trying shoehorn media copyright such as public displays and performance into a separate section for software. So it depends. What does your software do?
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