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Everything posted by ShaunR

  1. convert numeric string2009.vi
  2. There's also Daklus LapDog which is (arguably?) more equivalent to the AF than messaging libraries and IMO superior to the AF. There's lots of info over on the dark side.
  3. Pretty much my assessment so my comment was agreement with you. For clarity, it is well known I dislike the AF, hence the predictably bit since I view it as a Rube Goldberg machine that solves a problem noone really has, in a way noone really needs.
  4. I don't have a Pharlap target, so I won't be able to investigate. However. If I had to guess at a starting point; I would be looking at the variant type library since it uses UI (orange) calls to LabVIEW.
  5. Whats the difference between your "public data member" and a global variable?
  6. Hmmm. Marked as broken? If i hadn't stumbled into the code repository area by mistake, I wouldn't have known. I wonder when that was reported? P.S Can we change the spelling of my name in the VI package description? (just noticed)
  7. Right click on the read and write primitives and select "Synchronous I/O Mode>>Synchronous".
  8. All implementation questions Once you have figured out how to query a database and populate the station/sequence variables with the results (manage your inputs as you put it), the rest will be down to your specific design and preferences.
  9. In the "one that works" the VISA timeout is 10 secs, whilst the one that doesn't it is 200ms.
  10. In theory, LabVIEW should be pretty good. I know of a couple of web CMSs that you can create web pages by dragging and dropping and people use their mobiles to update their websites. Typing is horrendous, but LV being D&D you would just need a quick way to bring up a condensed palette (no right-click) and rely on the auto-tool (may need some tweaking). I think you could probably come up with a "quick-bar" for the IDE that would make it fairly painless. Of course. If you rely on quick-drop, you'd be stuffed
  11. If you are looking for a "Design My System" button. There is none. You have to design it. Welcome to the world of Systems Engineering. If you have a definite specification or a question about a technology then we can assist. However, we cannot design it for you-that's your job. Getting data into and out of test stand is either a training course or reading the documents. Same goes for SQL and LabVIEW (although JKSH has told you a very easy way as long as its not a MySQL database). If you are looking for an "in". I.e the issue is "where do I start". I would suggest reading up on SQL, download a few examples and decide what data and therefore what queries you will need to do each test in the specification. There are no short cuts here, I'm afraid. It is application specific. Once you have done that, it then becomes more obvious how difficult the tests will be to execute in each environment. Do this, do that, read result very easy in Test Stand. Increase until X, wait until Y stabilises then check Z much harder and probably better in LabVIEW.A lot will depend on your own preferences and your or your teams abilities' as to how much you do in Test Stand and how much in LabVIEW or if one will suffice for everything.
  12. Maybe. Maybe not. I don't think you really believe that. I think talks like the security one at CERN, though, should be required viewing and it would be a disservice and detrimental to the community not to make it widely available!
  13. I have just been watching a shed-load of videos on Eliptic Curve Cryptography and Distributed Hash Tables. May seem like a strange combination, but there ya go. Where they even aimed at a LabVIEW programmer? Nope. Where they of different depths and breadths? Yup. Where a lot of the things they talked about way over my head? Only until I looked at more videos and academic papers to fill in the gaps. Would I be thinking about the networking system I have buzzing around my head if I didn't have access to those videos? Not a hope in hell! One video required me to watch 5 other videos and read 7 PDF documents from NIST and various Universities to understand some of the things they were talking about. Maybe one of your non-general and targeted presentations would be, or has already been,, a similar starting point for a journey of discovery.for someone.
  14. Hmm. In that case. I'm not sure any context can be given for an in-joke no matter what the medium. It is quite likely that of a room of people, not everyone got it anyway. Differences between presentations? I'm not sure that is relevant. It is what it is for who it was intended for; presenters change their talks all the time. It seems a bit harsh to say no-one can benefit outside the club because the presenter has to be more careful with their language. It's not as if it was being surreptitiously videoed without the presenters knowledge for a sting to catch them out.
  15. Can you put more meat on this? What is the imperative for downgrading? What issues does it address? What are the likely side effects?
  16. Presentations are self contained with a title. They are from a "LabVIEW CLA summit". What more [context] is there? What exactly is your worry if it's not the feelings of the presenters or the availability to non CLA programmers?
  17. No. I hope you are just being facetious. As an aside. What happened to the VI shots podcasts?
  18. Local user groups don't have any barrier to entry, as far as I'm aware and some are talking about videoing them because of Marks sterling work. Is there a point in there somewhere or were you replying to someone else? I was pointing out that the issue is elitism, not financing or dissemination and you seemed to be arguing for entrenching that elitism..
  19. He fits into it by disseminating talks from elitist, closed, shop conferences for as long as he can. The CLA orgies should be considered more like TED Talks than old boys' networking dinners. From what I have seen, the speakers seem to feel that way and the sessions certainly don't fit the sales pitch format so I am left wondering wonder why your arguing for Christmas.
  20. That'd be great. I'm not privy to CLA orgies but if you could smuggle out some stuff, I'd be interested in seeing it. I'm looking for a replacement IPC between websocket connected service modules and been experimenting using JSON for that so I'd like to see where your work is heading
  21. ::facepalm:: "You can't debate satire. Either you get it or you don't". - Michael Moore
  22. Tell me more! JSON-WSP too? SOA is an area which deserves more limelight.
  23. Sure. Go back about 20 years and you would send an email to a guy/gril ( in plain English or whatever language, who you didn't have to pay) and they would incorporate your patch, or idea into the software. You didn't even need the commands. You can still do this with mailing lists today for some projects. I suggested you should be in sales because only a salesman would effervesce that such a backward step would be a positive.
  24. This axiom is usually completely false. IT departments have stringent policies on patches and things like VC++ et al usually require sign off by a competent authority. I expect if you dig deeper there is a whole process before pushing out patches/updates. It is for such policies that Windows XP is still in use in the finance sector and Microsoft are not forcing updates on enterprise users in Windows 10 as they are with the chattel consumers. I know most software suppliers feel they own our hardware (less so NI, but they are getting there) and at liberty to install anything that they deem appropriate for their or their country's business but people like me and Hooovahh are here to dispel that myth.....just sayin'
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