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Everything posted by ShaunR

  1. That's because the first VI is his virus payload delivery VI It might have created a directory somewhere with a load of picture control files in it before disappearing (if you are lucky) or it may have uploaded pictures of your partner to facebook along with escort details . You should always open individual VIs in a project,when you don't know what they are. Then they won't run when opened and you can inspect the diagram.
  2. We've been asking for years to be able to create native controls (and create them dynamically). We got X-controls instead. Whilst the models define the art, there is no way to define the behavior which is hard coded in the LabVIEW exe. Apart from the models that you have found, there is also the ability to load plug-in controls as DLLs. It is undocumented but one of the well known labview controls uses this method so you may have more luck with that (I'll let you find it ) as at least in theory you should be able to define behaviour.
  3. Fair comment. You asked how to replace an enum. What you got, though, was a suggested architecture framework that will shape your whole application. OOD !== Classes.
  4. Well. I don't know the answer to your question since I only have TS 2010 as well. But I do know that Timestamp is basically UnixTime and has been around since before MySQL version 4 (probably as far back as version 0 ) and is generally considered a legacy format (runs out of steam in 2038 so beware of birthdays ). DateTime is a far superior option to Timestamp (can be used for date calculations directly and runs out in the year 9999) and really should be used if you have a choice. If you really want timestamp you can get it from DateTime by using "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(the_datetime)". anyway. Saying that though. I am guilty of using Double Precision on occasions since that is a direct conversion to LabVIEWs datetime type but I have not used the Timestamp data type in MySQL for a long time now.
  5. Encapsulation of state, I expect.That is about the only reason I will consider LV classes - stateful drivers/APIs like websockets or HTTP. It's a little bit cleaner than LV2 globals and doesn't multiply like a tribble. People also forget that Hardware Abstraction was solved many years ago by firmware engineers. It's called SCPI and, what dya know? It's strings I was going to write a presentation called "String Theory - The fundamental building blocks of programming" and demonstrate that you can create complex and scalable systems that transcend networks, using a service oriented, string messaging design and bugger all code. No-one seems particularly interested unless it has classes in it though Meanwhile..........back on topic
  6. If it 'aint broke, don't fix it. (Not kool-aid, more like resisting the Tribbles. )
  7. Have you tried using the JSON API? That allows nested clusters of arbitrary types, unlike the native LabVIEW one.
  8. I just created a new empty project. Created some some untitled VIs then closed the project (button top right corner) and it seemed fine. It asked me to save the VIs and then closed all the open VI FPs and diagrams in the project. Are you seeing this behaviour on an existing project that was converted to 2014?
  9. Thats where you start. Modularise. Compartmentalise and simplify. In tLabVIEW. It's usually a bottom up, iterative process and diamonds are a programmers best friend. Oh. And refactoring doesn't necessarily mean re-architecting.
  10. Agreed. It is a language artifact but the escape isn't abstraction it's modularisation. Abstraction just makes the fat pipes fatter. Again agreed. If you break the actors into identifiable groups to form APIs (and thus limit their inter-dependencies), you can then use AF for internal API messaging but strings for inter-API messaging. This also helps you bridge the network gap as you essentially use use AOP for modules and string based SOP for process. I remember a discussion with Daklu where we discussed this with his Lapdog stuff.
  11. Really? I find it all rather depressing. Ethereum? Don't know much about it.
  12. For the same reason any sane person will only update LabVIEW when SP1 is released - project risk.
  13. This is probably because it was built with the 2014 VI package manager. You have to install the VI Package Manager 2014 to install packages built with 2014.
  14. MaidSafe is an Interesting and innovative open source development in peer to peer distributed storage and network data access. I know the thread title is a big claim, but this technology has the potential to be paradigm shifting and it only requires people to use it. (I'm just trying to figure out how to install it on my NAS ) I laugh at your DropBox. .
  15. Can't edit it (not sure what happened) but will try again Raspberry Pi IP Camera It's really a question for Raspberry Pi forums though.
  16. NI software doesn't run on Raspberry Pi but it's fairly easy to set up an IP camera with the motion service.
  17. There is an addon toolkit for SSH.
  18. It's an interesting solution to a problem I have never seen. Whilst I would agree it's better than introducing arbitrary bugs, I just wonder how effective it will be when SCC is used as you may end up with it just as big a pain as the merge tool and phantom recompiles.
  19. I assume those statements were under the beta forums? I was just saying that trivialising the support for 64 bit was a bit harsh just because it is of no use to you in windows where we have had it for yonks. If you have ever worked with large datasets (grandma egg sucking I expect), you will be aware of the importance of 64 bit and now NI have spent the considerable energy to port to the other 64 bit platforms which were the withered limbs of the LabVIEW platform support. Personally, nothing, IDE or feature-wise, has convinced me of moving from 2009 in all the versions let alone 2014 so It's no change there for me. Even though I produce tools in later versions, they are still developed in 2009 (64 bit, at that) and just packaged in later versions due to 3rd party support requirements. I think, however, a huge amount of kudos should go to NI for expanding the 64 bit platforms and making LV a truly x-platform solution even if the best thing to crow about under windows is a new icon.
  20. I think that's a bit harsh. Mac and Linux 64 bit support is probably the biggest change in LV since 2009. I would agree with you (and have often stated similar) with releases from 2009-2013, and might even go so far as to say 2009-2013 it has only really been cosmetic changes but 64 bit platform support across the board is a phenomenal step forward that would have required a huge investment in time and skills.
  21. I think you read the words, but didn't understand the content. My writing style can seem adversarial sometimes but it is usually with the genuine intent to help or, in this case, stop you going off on a unicorn hunt.The point I'm trying to get across is you are chasing a unicorn and only because the solution must be LV classes. If you drop that requirement, it's just an ordinary horse and we have loads of them. A better heading would have been. "How do I reconstitute a LV object from a string sent over a network like I can in Python, Javascript or PHP". That would have got you the unanimous response of "You can't!" and is the reason why your "decoupling" search will ultimately be a dead end when using classes. Anyway. I said my bit. I've clarified and re-clarified and so its time for me to shut up with a final apology for coming across as "pushy".
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