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Everything posted by ShaunR

  1. The big benefit for developers that I see here is that it may highlight some of the source control issues that we have suffered for many years. It may prompt changes in the core so that we can use these powerful tools (like github) much more effectively. I dare say that once you have 20 branches all pushing their changes, the nightmare of merging, cross-linking and phantom recompiles might be laid to rest once and for all That alone should be enough of an incentive to participate, if only because pushing changes will cause such havoc for the people merging the Master that they have to do something before they tear [the rest of] their hair out
  2. .I have been bitten hard on all the LabVIEW installers (most recently by JKIs). Whilst I love Inno Setip and have used it for many years, I need a x-platform one and they are a bit few and far between (how I wish Inno was x-platform!!!!). Now I'm dissatisfied with all the "preferred" options I'm checking out InstallJammer to see if it is a better solution for my needs.
  3. I have to echo Rolf here. I have never found any source control software to be .adequate for LabVIEW. I just treat them all as backup and restore systems. When working with multiple developers I usually break the project into multiple sub-projects that each developer can own, so to speak. It's just a less granular way of what Rolf is describing. My advice is just avoid merging in LabVIEW altogether.You'll live longer .
  4. I think you will need to scale back your expectations as to what you will be able to achieve for the software aspect. How much time do you have left? I'm guessing that you have spent most of your PHD time creating the hardware and now it's "just a little bit of software to make it work" Remote communications (especially for hardware) is not a trivial subject but you can get an idea of how you might tackle it (and the complexity) from XML-RPC Server for LabVIEW or Dispatcher in the Code Repository. There are also examples shipped with LabVIEW to show the basics of client/server communications. That is before we get to actually controlling the hardware. Personally. If you have experience of text based programming (did you write the firmware?) and are on Linux (which I suspect from the phrasing of the question) then I would use Python.
  5. Well. You you won't be able to use Google Maps without a lot more experience with web applications and JavaScript. This is the easy way, but you will have difficulty updating the map, online, programmatically from you application.. Web Rainfall.vi You will have to download and install Google Earth instead of using Google Maps and use the library previously linked (if it works) to add your KML to the Google Earth interface.
  6. You can use that software if you are using Google Earth (never used it, so don't know if it works or not). But if you are using Google Maps from a web browser as an activeX (or.NET) component in LabVIEW it's even easier. Log in to Google Maps with your google account. Click on My Places and that will take you to a page where you can create maps. Create a new map, add your KML overlay file and then just point your LabvIEW thing (browser?) to that map.
  7. Not sure what you are asking here, but KML has the ability to define the colour of a polygon (or line). The polygon is defined by map coordinates Here's a simple example that I found by Googling that enables you to turn on and off a coloured KML overlay.
  8. LabVIEW is just the host. You need to create a KML file then get Google Maps to load it.
  9. "the less she knew about a thing, the more she wanted to try it." I can see why
  10. Well done Jim. You've just closed down a boutique in France
  11. I think it will take several years for anyone to overtake Crelf on the post leader board, even if they post multiple times every day
  12. Doesn't the Vision Assistant or vision Builder have the ability to show diagrams? I have a vague recollection of someone using the same technique in their application (something to do with subpanels?) On the other hand. Maybe I just dreamt it
  13. Then how does this work in multiple browser windows? You can run it yourself (as a built application) by downloading from the link in my signature. Or even play with Dispatcher in th Code repository and buld an exe out of it.
  14. Yes. you can have multiple services. but you can only have one listener. You need a connection handler to offload the endpoints and I guess the NI webserver doesn't do that (never used it, so don't know for sure). It is, however, trivial to write your own.
  15. Using a man-in-the-middle attack for convenience is a flawed concept.
  16. Well. When I logged into my bank account the other day I was met with this message Do we believe them?
  17. OpenSSH is a different toolkit and, although it does use OpenSSL, the vulnerability only affects TLS (which OpenSSH doesn't use). OpenSSH is quite safe,but if you are using a TLS enabled process (like Apache) that has the heartbeat extension (i.e TLS 1.2) then they may get your SSH keys, your inside leg measurement and who you slept with last night .
  18. Very seriously It is the only time I've ever heard that using encryption is worse than not using it. Luckily, the binaries shipped with LabVIEW are not susceptible-they're too old
  19. I haven't dealt with your specific issue as I have never implemented virtual tables (I tend just to modify the query). However. You can inject an event sender into the control so you can get any controls event info regardless of focus - even on floating windows etc..
  20. You are forcing LabVIEW to interpret a 2D array as a string. It isn't. It's a 2D array and because you are unflattening, you are getting ll the array index info in the string.. Use the index array to obtain a single element from the array returned by the SELECT function. Then use the Variant to Data primitive to convert it to a string. Unflattening requires that the data was stored as flattened to begin with. I expect it wasn't.
  21. I look at my code a week later and feel disgusted Since I still use 2009 (through preference) my coding still looks the same as it always has. My VI Icons are better now though. Does that count?
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