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LAVA 1.0 Content

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  1. QUOTE (mballa @ Jul 15 2008, 09:35 PM) This is a good idea. I don't have that many experience in LVOOP, but I could help judge. Ton
  2. QUOTE (Cat @ Jul 15 2008, 07:27 AM) Does this happen an plain vanilla VIs as well? I seem to remeber reading about LV trying to actively refresh VISA and DAQmx controls with valid selections, so it goes out and tries to find all networked and hardware widgets. I don't remeber if it was shutting down "automatically refresh" in MAX and/or an ini token. Well that's all I can offer. Ben
  3. QUOTE (Götz Becker @ Jul 15 2008, 08:20 AM) As I understand the thread cited by Antoine, that advice applies to sub-VIs and is of importance to help LV optimize the passing of data to and from the sub-VI call. If the VI is a GUI element and you need to get the control value while in the loop, then that is were it has to be. But if the control is static while the loop is running, then I BELIEVE its better to read the value once before the loop starts and just deal with the value as if its a constant inside the loop. Ben
  4. QUOTE (Aitor Solar @ Jul 15 2008, 08:17 AM) I don't have a good reply but here are my first thoughts. IN the dev env the port may already be active for LV reasons. Set "ignore errors inside node" to let the property node complete before returning the error. Done thinking, Ben
  5. QUOTE (Michael_Aivaliotis @ Jul 15 2008, 02:03 AM) I'm impressed if I think that someone had to build this years ago... ...and I can't belive what risk they all take, you know there are those missing parts of concrete etc. You never know if there splits another part while you just walk :!:
  6. QUOTE (GraemeJ @ Jul 15 2008, 04:16 AM) I assume you can instruct VI analyzer to ignore VIs inside vi.lib or user.lib. Maybe you need to add those directories as well. Ton
  7. QUOTE (Gary Rubin @ Jul 14 2008, 02:37 PM) Almost. Darren mentioned it http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&view=by_date_ascending&message.id=191642#M191642' target="_blank">in this thread where eventually Greg McKaskle came out of hiding and explained with one his classic summary lines "Clear as mud?" Ben
  8. QUOTE (rolfk @ Jul 14 2008, 01:53 PM) Excellent reply Rolf! I had to reply because I justhttp://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&thread.id=340676&jump=true' target="_blank">read this Nugget (on the Dark-Side) by Shane where he introduces us to using VISA to interact with USB devices. I would have remained silent if the timing was not what it was. Ben
  9. QUOTE (Adrenaline @ Jul 14 2008, 10:03 AM) Because of the limitation that the array must be a constant size, you are much more limited as to how you can build an array on FPGA. For example you can not use Build Array to iteratively build up an array (as it dynamically changes the size of the array, which is not allowed). Also you can not use the Autoindexing function on the tunnel of a While loop. It will only work with a For loop that is set to iterate a constant number of times. One common approach is to allocate the array outside of the loop as a constant, pass it to a Shift Register on the loop, and use Replace Array Subset inside the loop to replace the default array elements with the actual data. In general you should not build large arrays on the FPGA as they use up a lot of FPGA space and your design may not fit on the FPGA. Programming on FPGA does require a slightly different approach or mindset from RT or Windows. Polintel, What do you intend to do with the data on the FPGA? You can store larger data sets in a memory block or FIFO on the FPGA without using up FPGA space. (Memory blocks and FIFOs use RAM that is separate from the FPGA.) You can pass data from the DMA Read directly to a memory block or FIFO, one point at a time, without building up an array in the FPGA. If all you will be doing is to stream the data from DMA to an analog output, you won't need to do anything else as the DMA implementation includes a FIFO on the FPGA, which buffers the data.
  10. QUOTE (Altomare @ Jul 14 2008, 03:26 PM) Hello, There is such functions in the IMAQ toolkit, it's called "IMAQ match pattern 2" and lets you specify if you expect your object to only translate, only rotate or do both. There are exemples that ships with the toolkit to demonstrate how to use this function. http://lavag.org/old_files/monthly_07_2008/post-7452-1216043150.png' target="_blank"> Hope this helps
  11. QUOTE (george seifert @ Jul 14 2008, 09:35 AM) Check out the options that are available for the Open VI ref function. I believe an "8" will do the trick. Ben
  12. Thanks to all for putting up with me. Its been fun. Ben (AKA neB)
  13. Nice posting Bob. I must heartedly agree. Style without substance...
  14. NI is looking for feedback on the Bug List. See this link. Please voice your opinions and suggestions. This is your oppertunity to make it better. Thank you, Ben
  15. QUOTE (Yair @ Jul 11 2008, 05:56 AM) Maybe since I reacll you saying that you don't have the oppertunity to work with the bleeding edge version of LV. Since some of my projects are being developed in the most recent released version, I can relate. In our bull-pen the expression is "Did you win a new CAR today?" So with the addition of a single "L" Norm's t-shirt could be have double meaning; "Have you filLed your CAR today?" Nice Norm! :thumbup: Ben
  16. QUOTE (Pollux @ Jul 11 2008, 10:27 AM) Hi, If it is possible, it will be using scripting and it will be tough. I'm not using scripting a lot, sorry... Slightly different you have the VI Metrics tool (Tools >> Profile >> VI Metrics...) that gives you a lot of informations : http://lavag.org/old_files/monthly_07_2008/post-7452-1215766712.png' target="_blank"> Hope this helps
  17. QUOTE (ikos74 @ Jul 10 2008, 06:10 PM) Years ago I used the ADAM 4017 (Analog Input) / 4050 (Digital I/O) at the university with LabVIEW 5.1. Here is the code for the 4050 (If you can't open it, you can open the word doc and reprogramm it...): It's not the style I programm today, but it worked... Download File:post-1396-1215756572.zipDownload File:post-1396-1215756587.zipDownload File:post-1396-1215756677.zip
  18. QUOTE (Yair @ Jul 10 2008, 09:10 PM) This screams XControl, additional there is an application menu tag for pasting, you can filter for it. OK, I took the challenge. A simple start (just using the '0' filter) is uploaded to the LavaCR SVN repository under 8.5x\InputMask, it contains an XControl, with a 'set mask' and 'get mask' method. The project includes 2 examples, one sets the display to a password display, the other one sets a dutch mobile phone mask. Current features: Only uses the 0 filter element (Digit (0 to 9, entry required, plus [+] and minus [–] signs not allowed)) Beeps on error Password To Do: All other filter elements It should overwrite when a key is pressed A right-click gui during edit mode Documentation See here to get the code via SVN Ton
  19. QUOTE (Ale914 @ Jul 10 2008, 10:09 AM) Hi Alessandro, How doe the primary queues get killed? I can see were the secondaries get killed by ther recievers, but not the primary. I have used another approach for creating and maintianing queues to multiple recievers. It is much more complicated than your approach so I'll only outline how I implemented it (BTW it was inspired by Jim Kring Queues with notifiers design pattern). 1) I have a source of data (like a DAQ process) that pushes a list of its channels along with a queue ref into a functional global. 2) It then forks into multiple loops (threads) to support three tasks. 3) The DAQ task uses a queue to pass new data to the "mail Room". 4) The marketing department watches their in-coming mail (queue ref mentioned in #1) for request from subscribers who want to monitor one of the DAQ channels, and passes those requests to the mail-room (via another queue) to let them knowa about a new subscriber. 5) The mail room takes what it recieves from the DAQ (via queue in step #3) and in-turn queues it up to all subscribers. This is done using queue ref that were supplied when they sent their request to the marketing department. Were this approach was most helpful was in an application where we were collecting data from about 30 sub-systems and the req's demanded that a user should be able to plot any channel vs time OR vs any other channel. Take care, Ben 4) The mail room
  20. QUOTE (Aristos Queue @ Jul 10 2008, 07:07 AM) You know using dialogs is generally considered cheating? QUOTE Unfortunately, my really cool idea for using a stack of semi-transparent VIs won't work... I can't make the panel color itself transparent, so the stacked effect of the panel gray is enough to completely hide the furthest back window, even with the palest of transparency settings. A bit of research found that this is a limitation of the operating system until very recently (in Windows at least) and nothing in LV will let me set the panel to transparent. *sigh* So frontpanel transaparency only works one layer? Ton
  21. You should be able to read all the info from the registry. Here's a quick example to get you started. (There are some inconsistencies in the registry how the version info is stored. See RegEdit.) Download File:post-3370-1215646246.vi
  22. Great fun too watch. Thanks for sharing. Watch out puppy at home.
  23. QUOTE (Yair @ Jul 9 2008, 08:42 PM) One word: Brilliant! Thanks for the laughter Ton PS have you clicked any of the AAAAAAAAAA links at the bottom?
  24. QUOTE (Tomi Maila @ Jul 9 2008, 02:15 AM) Re:Creating these active objects Going back to my practice app. I will support multiple picture controls so I set-up a class "Pictures" (note plural) that offers a method "register picture" and uses the picture ref to create an active object Picture". The Picture class object register for events against the picture. The class Pictures maintains a list of registered Picture objects and other methods that are targeted at the class Picture objects. So is good or bad practice to group classes that will have multiple instances into a parent class to allow acces to the children? This approach effectively gave me by-references access to the unique instances of the Picture objects. Ben
  25. QUOTE (Aristos Queue @ Jul 9 2008, 04:48 AM) I'm not sure this can help but I think that sometimes the "call chain" primitive gives you what you would expect from "current VI path" primitive. I think I saw that in LV 6 or 7 with vit.
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