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LAVA 1.0 Content

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  1. I think that scripting nodes are removed from the RTE. PS you don't need the 'Open Application' code for 'This Application', just the default App as found on the palette. Ton
  2. QUOTE (Mark Yedinak @ Mar 13 2009, 09:43 PM) Here is a little bit code that demonstrates what Mark is describing: QUOTE (Oliver Barrett @ Mar 14 2009, 05:55 AM) I thought of using the phantom cluster approach, but I expect that the cluster border (even if transparent) would have to be expanded to cover a large area of the front panel where my indicators are placed. Since I actually have three groups of indicators that cover different functional purposes, their cluster boundaries would have to overlap, don't know whether that would be an issue. That might introduce a speed issue, controls overlapping each will all be redrawn if one of them needs to be redrawn, I don't know how far this goes for clusters but I would discourage them. Ton
  3. That should do it: Depends on your 2D array, you may need to use the "Transpose 2D array" function for your 2D array.
  4. QUOTE (jdunham @ Mar 6 2009, 04:57 PM) What I normally do is add a field to the XControl's state as a commander. In the timeout event of the XControl I read the command state and redraw if necessary. This can even be done from an XControl property or method. Ton
  5. QUOTE (TG @ Mar 6 2009, 10:44 AM) Look at http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/websearch/F3E0621CB71AA16786256F970000FC57?OpenDocument' target="_blank">this, it could be useful.
  6. QUOTE (neBulus @ Mar 6 2009, 10:48 AM) Why do you think that closing and opening VISA session can cause problems?
  7. QUOTE (jdunham @ Mar 6 2009, 10:01 AM) Yes, that is correct. The 'Data Change' event inside the facade VI is only triggered if the data of the XControl on the owning VI is changed. What you should have done is place the code inside 'Data Change' in the Numeric.Value Change event. The event triggering of Facade event is desribed in it's http://wiki.lavag.org/XControl:Abilities:Facade_Ability_VI' rel='nofollow' target="_blank">wiki page. Ton
  8. QUOTE (Antoine Châlons @ Mar 5 2009, 05:02 PM) Good idea! Specially the possibility to have files in multiple places (if applicable) Ton
  9. This is always the problem of event driven programming, always make sure you handle the events fast enough. Ton
  10. Here comes the deeper question, when should one mass compile it's source directory? You don't get any 'This feature has changed for LabVIEW x.x' messages, you hardly get warnings. I believe that excluding certain directory from mass compile is unwanted behaviour. What happens if you have a.vi with a link to _dir\b.vi, and you mass compile and ignore _dir*.*? Ton
  11. What is the purpose of this code? Do you want to load the VIs reentrantly? If so I discourage you to use the VIT route, just drop the template VI (as .vi) inside a static VI reference on your BD and use the proper VI server methods. Could you upload your code? Ton PS your question is a bit unclear, could you use names like VIa, VIb etc.?
  12. The new (WYSIWYG) editor doesn't show the caption, however when finished editing the caption is rendered. Ton
  13. Hi, I used auto-clean up to trim down the size of the screenshot, unfortunatly the title of the event was truncated. The screenshot I showed was for the 'Mouse Down' event. This event has a mod.doubleclick terminal to indicate whether the mouse down was part of a double click. All provided by the OS, I am not sure if the HMI module has this possibility. Ton
  14. QUOTE (jcarmody @ Feb 28 2009, 08:53 AM) Jim, I'll check on this Monday when I get back to the office. Can you let me know which HW and what LV version you are using?
  15. Àny reason not to use the native Double Click detection: Ton
  16. BenchMarking on search algorithms. Ton
  17. QUOTE (jdunham @ Feb 26 2009, 01:07 AM) The fun thing is, you can create an OGP file (either with VIPM or OpenG Package builder) to overwrite that specific llb, just take the OGP's with you run VIPM and tada. Ton
  18. QUOTE (sachsm @ Feb 26 2009, 10:23 PM) You could look for the 'Mouse Down?' event, one of the left hand terminals has the value 'Double Click', if this is true, discard the event. This might (might) the actual Double click (I seriously don't know), otherwise I think the same terminal is available in the 'Mouse Down' event. Ton
  19. QUOTE (BrokenArrow @ Feb 26 2009, 10:24 AM) It depends greatly on your specific code and may be perfectly okay. The most likely cause of having a lot of data memory are arrays. I can quickly create a VI with less than 10 kB of code and MBs of memory, by allocating large arrays. Also other large data structures like clusters will add to this. In regards to using lots of locals it depends on why and how you are using them.
  20. The Linker.Read_info_from_file might not-load the VIs into memory. Ton
  21. Off course there is the LabVIEW wiki on Symbolic Path. Basically a 'drive' named userlib is interpreted as c:\program files\national instruments\LabVIEW 8.6\user.lib. After browsing you should check if the file is inside a symbolic path and replace the appropriate part using the native (or OpenG) relative paths. Ton
  22. Is this an edit time or run time bug? Ton
  23. QUOTE (joey braem @ Feb 23 2009, 11:24 PM) Hi Joey, calling it a 'Houtje touwtje oplossing' is a bit strong, I would call it 'the long way round'. However what is it that you try to do? You could for instance write an executable that calls the VI analyzer routines that are performed and hosted inside the LabVIEW IDE. Or build a tool that is started from the LabVIEW menu bar. Ton
  24. QUOTE (TobyD @ Feb 23 2009, 03:06 PM) It's work for me in XP with LV8.6.1 I also notice that if I change to Hex display, the hex is C603. But... if I entered C603 in Hex display mode I got (text removed) when I come back to Normal display.
  25. I have not seen this issue! Are you using any toolkits? Ton
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