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LAVA 1.0 Content

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Posts posted by LAVA 1.0 Content

  1. QUOTE(Neville D @ Sep 7 2007, 01:03 PM)

    I would like to meet him/her since they can go through 250,000 lines of a table.. ! :blink:

    Seriously, display only the bits of interest, and store the rest in a shift-reg.

    I was going to say the same thing. Use Array subset and only show a table on the screen as big as necessary.

    I recalled that MS Excel only allows upto 65536 rows but had to check; In Excel 2007 you can no have up to 1,048,576 rows; Ouch! Talk about repetitive stress injury and mouse miles!

    As far as the XControl; that might be a nice idea. I'm gonna play with an idea and see what I get...

  2. Thanks! This statement is interesting; From http://www.killernic.com/support/faq.aspx#Q49

    Q: Who else would benefit from using this product?

    A: Among other things, Killer is a UDP (User Datagram Protocol) accelerator, so other applications that are UDP intensive could also see benefits. In addition, programmers, Linux developers, and other enthusiasts will love FNA because they will be able to write or download Flexible Network Applications that run on Killer's NPU. Flexible Network Applications could be VOIP apps, peer to peer file sharing utilities...the list is endless. FNA is the infinite potential of Killer.

    I'm not sure my customer (Uncle Sam) would commit to using this; but it looks good. Most TOE stuff requires a high-end server config (that I don't have).

    The dual-core (or quad, what the heck!) has been in my mind; I might be able to get my supplier to let me eval and check the performance difference.

  3. Can you here him now? No? Good! We're doing our jobs! "It's the NOTwork."

    (jackboots and prostitutes posing as the Verizon Wireless "army" of engineers)

    So, there really is a worldwide plot to make Alfa miserable; the RCMP, the Romanian government, the universities, former yoga teachers and probably the children selling cookies door to door to raise funds for their camping trip. Wow. Really, wow.

    This thread is getting old, and I've got to stop reading it. Unfortunately it's like a car wreck; you can't help but look!

  4. I am writing an array of singles to a postgres database table, with the column defined as a bytea. The bytea is suppose to be postgres's blob datatype, I do not get any errors writing or reading the data. The problem is that everything after the 63 value (255 bytes) is junk. I can not find a logical explanation for this, and I can not see anything wrong with the method I am using. I have attached an example that exhibits the problem, if somebody has time to create a table in postgres or another database and try this, it may help determine where the problem lies. Also, if anybody has any idea what is going on I would appreciate the help. Thanks in advance, I kinda discovered the problem late, and I am under the gun now.

  5. I've been slowly adding higher and higher data rates to my multichannel UDP receiver and have pegged the CPU (95-100% while streaming). The effective rate is 3 channels * 4800 messages/sec * 512 bytes/message or ~ 59 Mb/s. I'm looking to free up some cycles for additional features. I recalled reading some time ago about smart NICs that offload some of the TCP processing from the CPU, so I started Googling.

    The proper term seems to be TCP Offload Engine (TOE). No fetish jokes or links to "inapropriate for work" sites please :P

    Anyone have experience with TOE? So far I've only found PCI-X NICs and references to 64 bit Windows; I'm more interested in a PCI / XP Pro solution. I can't change out my processor or backplane at this time; I'm using a P4 3.0 GHz, 2 GB RAM and in a rackmount PC with passive backplane (PCI only).

  6. Not directly related to Aristos' challenge, but wanted to share a BLOG I read that contains quite a few entries related to graph theory:

    The first link is the latest in a series of computational complexity posts that seem appropriate to the discussion...

    Happy reading :book:

    EDIT: Also, this post on sorting Not Quite Basics: Sorting Algorithms

  7. Now I know for a fact that at some point in time in the past, at at least 7.0, NI themselves released a small package that would allow you to interface with the notifier/system tray. I know this because I downloaded it and it had the NI logo on it and came from an NI person. Now whether this is the CVI one that I have seen on the NI forums I am unsure because I have yet to download it and my backup drive did not show that anything like it was available. And on top of that there was one also released for free at at least the time of 7.0 that came from a 3 letter acronym company like SVT or STV or SFT or ... well heck I can't get it otherwise I would have found it by now.

    Gotta run for now, but does anyone remember this to prove that the bathroom chemicals did not permanently damage my memory.

  8. QUOTE(Ben @ Aug 20 2007, 02:02 PM)

    I have a theory that can confirmed or contradicted by this poll (well not really).

    Any basis to your theory based on the poll so far? Roughly 25% seems to be above average...

  9. QUOTE(Val Brown @ Aug 30 2007, 03:04 PM)

    As a lefty, I do this two handed also, I also use Shift+arrow keys to move in large increments, then release the shift for the final 'nudging'.

    QUOTE(MikaelH @ Aug 30 2007, 09:06 PM)

    It shows you help lines when you reached edges of other objects like this picture.

    I like this idea. It reminds of of witness lines (I'm an old time CAD guy). It would be nice if we could turn something like this on and off; sort of like "show coersion dots" :thumbup:

    I wonder if anyone at NI has looked at reusing UI functionality between the Multisim/Ultiboard products and LabVIEW. I'm not familiar with Multisim/Ultiboard; but features like radial grids and auto-alignment and spreadsheet view make me wonder and even drool. Imagine being able to see all of your controls in a spreadsheet, sorting/filtering them by type, then changing properties en masse, then applying the changes to the FP.

    I've got to get into marketing...

  10. QUOTE(Neville D @ Aug 30 2007, 12:43 PM)

    You could also http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/3256#toc1' target="_blank">import the m file into a Mathscript node after placing it on the block diagram...


    I experimented a while back with using a customer's Matlab scripts in a node; the main problem was extracting all the UI related commands. I was told by my NI rep that I should keep the number of lines to between 20 and 100 for performance purposes; if there are more than that I was told to break the logic into parts and pass data between the nodes using LabVIEW wires.

    Good luck!

  11. I'll throw my hat in the ring with a neat util that I got some asstance from G Zou getting together. Only works on windows but doens't use any API calls.

    It allows you to have multiple items in the drop down list using the standard LV file dialog.

    It demo's well simply by placing on a blank BD and running it. You'll see the below dialog




  12. QUOTE(ramekers @ Aug 29 2007, 01:29 PM)

    There is an image-calibration option that seem to do such a thing but that is far to complicated.

    If it matters: I use LabVIEW 7.1 and IMAQ Vision 7.1.1 on an windows XP system .

    Any help is appreciated,


    Hello René,

    Have you checked the example VIs ? There are a couple of them to demonstrate how to use the IMAQ function for calibration, and they don't look that complicated (I just had a look at the example VIs, I never indeed used them for an application).

    I suggest you launch the example finder (Help > Find Example), search gor "calibration" and see if it helps.

    Good luck, hope this helps

  13. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Aug 29 2007, 06:35 AM)

    This has nothing to do with the flat sequence. We just need a wire coming out of the Bundle node going *somewhere*. The easiest "somewhere" to drop is an empty flat sequence.

    Performance for a class like this would be want to be optimized. Are there any gains to be had by terminating both wires into a single sequence structure? Did you use two sequence structures on purpose?

  14. Your situation is fairly common; you have a data stream that is faster than can be handled in real time. You need to simultaneously offload the communications buffer before it fills AND process the data. This is where LabVIEW queues and parallel execution become useful.

    Your program can be split into two loops; one to capture the RS-232 data, and the other to post-process and display the results. I've attached a modified version of your program; the upper loop reads the RS-232 data as quickly as possible, and places it in a queue. The lower loop periodically flushes the queue, selects the last element and converts it to coordinate data as before.

    Adjust the wait-next-multiple input in the lower loop to determine the display quality. If the VI still runs slowly, then you will need optimize other parts of your code. I'm curious to know if this alone will improve your performance (I'm guessing it will :thumbup: )

  15. QUOTE(Ben @ Jun 19 2007, 08:04 AM)

    It almost looks like the "law of the sea" applies (largest vessel has the right of way).

    Actually it's not the largest vessel, it's the least manuverable vessel {typically, but not always, the largest}

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