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LAVA 1.0 Content

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Posts posted by LAVA 1.0 Content

  1. The Tab Control is represented on the block diagram as an enum. You cannot edit an enum at run-time. As hfettig mentioned, you can hide individual tabs and/or disable them.


    As a workaround you could create a "generic" tab containing a subpanel.

    The tab could be programatically hidden and shown, and it's tab text changed. You could place a subpanel in this generic tab and then programmatically load whatever VI you need into the subpanel.

  2. Well congrats!!!!

    You're a very lucky guy.

    My wife and I are doing foster care, and we got a 2 wk old placed w/ us 4 months ago and unfortunately we're going to have to give her back. We were hoping to adopt, she really has been a blessing to us.

    Lucky dog you get to keep yours.

  3. QUOTE(TG @ Sep 19 2007, 09:52 PM)

    Could I ask you for a little more detail about what is happening in the example (pic) you posted using the event registration example?

    1. we create a user event that has the data type of the visa event

    2. pass that to a register for event node.

    3. pass the output of that node to a singe event structure that is registered for that event

    4. in the lower loop simply fire off that user defined event every time that you have a VISA event

    5.(assumed) in the event structure in the top you would have read the data for the event within that case using the event resource name and event type.

  4. To tell you the truth.... that's a great way to cool your processors. The only problem is that the beer will get a little warm on the way through. Maybe I should make one of those for coffee. Put the water in room temperature, run it across a water block on the processor... instant hot water for the coffee.

    Who want's some!

  5. I'm not an embedded expert, but looked into this a while back. I went out to refresh my memory:


    There are several prepackaged hardware solutions from companies like EmbeddedPlanet, BlueTechnix and Boston Engineering. I've seen Eric Goethert at some of the New England NI events; he's the contact for the Boston Engineering FlexStack so maybe he could give you a demo. You might see him at the Boston NI Tech Symposium on October 8th.

    I will be celebrating my 10th wedding anniversary with my wife & KIDS in DisneyWorld that week, and won't be able to attend. Hmm. NI Symposium or DisneyWorld? One day of geekiness or seven days with my loving wife and family in warm weather and a lunch with Cinderella? :unsure:

  6. QUOTE(ned @ Sep 17 2007, 07:21 AM)

    Does anyone have experience with a similar system, and if so, can you comment on your experience? Did you use one of these two approaches or something else entirely?

    I would make 2 suggestions. The first would be to seriously investigate teststand and if you do not know it, take some courses on it. The built in sequencing architecture and the ability to easily parallel operations will make your life MUCH easier. Also, learning teststand is a valuable tool.

    Secondly, if you can't make a successful pitch for teststand, once upon a time I made a very powerful architecture that used the OpenG Message Queue and several parallel running 'Engines'. Each engine was a consumer of a unique Message on the Q that were fired off in parallel. Each engine would then process it's message/command in parallel and return to the central system w/ status at the end via the built in notifier to the OG MsgQ.

    This station was not an indexer station, but implemented the architecture that you are speaking of.

  7. QUOTE(Jim Kring @ Sep 13 2007, 11:24 AM)

    Here's some ammunition that might help push it through. Just say...

    "Anyone (using LabVIEW) who doesn't see this as a critical feature (for free labels) is obviously not commenting thier code enough!"

    My LabVIEW coding style is so elegant that the code is 'self-documenting'. No need for additional comments :laugh:

  8. I am doing a minor protest that we should take down the LAVA facebook because it makes things confusing. I've gotten into the facebook thing and it is great!!! and way better than any of the other social networking sites out there. BUT LAVA is our social networking site and now if this takes off at all, I gotta keep tabs on 2 places to stay active in the community. I know there is little to no activity right now, but we alreay have a LAVA lounge, and if LAVA on facebook gets too active, it'll be hit or miss as to where conversations happen.

    Right now it's no problem. I just see impending doom.

  9. One thing to add on, is that if you only show a subset of a very large list sometimes you don't want to update the entire data set as you scroll.

    Here is an alternative option that I have seen in some software packages.

    Instead of updating the table as you scroll, have a hovering tip strip or something of the like, that is linked to a column and displays what would be the topmost item if you stopped scrolling at that point.

    Sometimes row number is enough, sometimes something else makes more sense.

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