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Everything posted by Roderic

  1. Hi, Firstly, I think you should clean up your code (a bit) Secondly, if you just want to stop if the amplutude is too high you can use a threshold detector (already existing in LabVIEW) and a case structure. Lastly, you have a problem with your stop condition (in the acquisition loop) and you do not handle errors while looping this may be a problem... Hope this helps.
  2. You can combine a standard State machine with a producer/consumer architecture for data acquisition.
  3. hi cat, You shouldn't worry about CLAD, even I passed CLAD easily and I'm still a student. So if you are coding since 1994 this will be easy! just review the basics and work with the sample exam. You can also take the CLAD exam for free at NI local expo. My guess is you have to start the certification pyramid from scratch, like going to the university you need a bachelor to go to master degree, then PhD(Even though you don't need to know everything you learned when you were working towards a bachelor's degree). @crelf: I doubt an Architect would fail at CLAD (if he works a little bit)
  4. hi I had a problem similar to yours. You can build an executable without NI-Serial, then you have to build another installer (using something like Inno setup) this installer has to install your installer, plus Ni-serial (download it from ni.com)
  5. I'm an intern myself, if I had to recruit someone I would give him a coding exam, and look for someone independent. Maybe you should ask for someone who already worked with labview in a project or in a previous internship. Dedication to the task is the most important skill I would be looking for.
  6. maybe it is a demo for a factory... watching this video customer would be convinced.
  7. Code you want to run only once dont need to be placed in a loop. So all the init and config sub VI have to be before the loop, and the closing sub VI have to be placed after the loop.
  8. Why are the configuration steps into the loop? you should initialize only once.... same as closing steps...
  9. Well, maybe you should just read connected channels not every channel! Or use some case structure, if Temperature>1000°C then temperature=inf
  10. I also had the Network stream working, I was just wondering if network stream wasn't meant to replace FIFO in this case... But I dunno if there's a major difference between a FIFO and a Network stream from a stability and reliability point of view.
  11. Here is an example that shows the problem. FIFO_Problem.zip
  12. I'll try to make a simple example that shows the problem as the project is too large to upload here.
  13. We've got something working using shared variables, but I'd rather have the FIFO working (for data acquisition) so I'll be gratefull if anyone has any idea...
  14. Hello everyone, I need help on a project. A VI launches testStand sequences, if the project is closed (only the VI is Open) everything works fine. But, if the project is open or Vi compiled as an .exe application I receive an error from TestStand, it could not return the FIFO reference. It seems somehow the reference is private to the project or something... I also get the same behavior using the Full featured UI shipped with TS2010. (I also have LV 2010). This issue is also present if I try to use my Vi and sequences on another computer. Do anyone encontered this problem, or has any clue about how to solve this problem? Best regards, Rodéric L Certified LabVIEW Associate developer
  15. Can you give us an overall picture of the program, I may have some thoughts regarding your problem, if you didn't already solved it;
  16. Hi Antoine, I know I'm a beginner but can't you just write the VIServer port reference into a FIFO or a notifier, this way you would be able to retrive the reference in your second application. I use this method to communicate between LabVIEW and testStand and it works just fine! Regards, Rodéric Ps: you may have to cast your data.
  17. Congratulations to John! hope daklu will get his (positive) results soon
  18. you'd better use the tick count ms function.
  19. I solved my problem, TestStand uses "MainSequence" as an entry point, when I select "use new execution" I have to select "single pass" as an entry point.
  20. I think you should post your VI. This way we could see what wrong with your code. I dont think the example code is wrong.
  21. Indeed, there's different ways to do this. and I dont think this is the simpler way, but if it works then... You seem to use an indicator as a control for the file path... or maybe I dont have the whole picture. Your design is a bit weird to me.
  22. HI, I attached some sequences. Test Sequence.seq launches TestSequenceRead.seq etc.... If I choose execution option: use new execution (the sequence seems to be launched but I cant see the popup (code in TestSequenceRead.seq hope this is clear.... Rodéric TestSequenceClose.seq TestSequenceRead.seq sequenceTEST.seq
  23. Hi, I'm trying to launch different sub-sequences in different executions( I intend them to run in parallel this way I can stop and re-launch a sequence as needed). My problem is the sub-sequences do not seem to execute, I tryed to use a prompt message dialog box, but it doesn't show up... (it works fine if I launch it in the same execution, or new thread) in the report, I can see the call sequence step is "done"... How can I configure TestStand to get the intended behavior??? can I launch a sub sequence in parallele mode if my main sequence is in a sequential mode? Best regards, Rodéric L'EXACT Ps: I need them to run in parallel for data acquisition
  24. You just have to place the write to excel fonction after your loop...
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