You can use a for loop, you have to create an array of your threshold that you wire to the loop using indexing. you also can wire the "i" terminal to the array function on the left instead of wiring N inputs.
I just got the results, I passed my CLAD!!! with 77.5% good answers, which was my practice score.Hope I can pass CLD after I graduate (Master degree)
I used LabVIEW for everyone, so thanks to Jim Kring and Jeffrey Travis, this book is worth a read!
Hi cat,
You will recover and you will be fine dont worry. I know ppl who came back from this surgery and were back to weighlifting, so I'm sure you'll be OK!
I had a quick look at your book, and it seems to me that it is a good overview of image processing but some chapters seems to be a bit short. I fully understand your frustration.
Video link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNd0ahj4hdw comments are in french but images speak for themselves...
I don't think people really like America fighting for petroleum (er... I meant freedom) in Irak,
Anyway I'm working on acoustic microscopy with LabVIEW maybe one day it would be a high visibility application...
Even if you signed a contract, you cannot protect someone or some organisation breaking the law... even if this organisation is the USA. It is too easy for some law-breaking organisation to hide behind the top secret label. As for Wikileaks, I guess they try to shut them down by any means even if Wikileaks didn't break the law Assange may be considered as an ennema of the state (I think those revelations greatly altered the way people sees America)
I dont think you should present a lot of things, it's best to show a few examples where LabVIEW is easy to use and how block diagram is much more readable than a C code... I bet C programmers would be impressed how easy it is to design UI in LabVIEW.
I wrote some code for you as I had a few minutes to spare. I quicly tested it and it meets your requirements. I suggest you test it and add the required code to control your pump.
Main state machine lava.vi
Commande 1.ctl
I'm working with a PXI chassis and it's definatly something you wanna use... Teststand may also be usefull. I understand you're CLD, so maybe you should ask for training in order to become CLA.
Intersections of 2 circles of radius r, and the coordinates of the centers are (xa;ya) and (xb;yb). Is that what you want to solve?
Ps: I think you should look at gauss methods, and also look for grober.
LabVIEW has some built in functions for matrix. So it wont be difficult to solve it without Mathscript, or by hand because you only have 2 equations.
Which solving method are you willing to use?
For that kind of measurements, you can purchase a thermocouple type k. Low price will do fine.
For signal conditioning, a wheastone bridge is the most common type.