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Everything posted by Roderic

  1. Hello everyone, I just received my CLD exam results and I passed! I got 88.33% and I'm pretty happy with it! Style 13.5/15 Documentation 9/10 Functionality 12.83/15 I learned a lot here so thank you all for posting on LAVA! Regards,
  2. Maybe you can limit the external help by having someone building the architecture and you coding all the sub VIs... I'm sure with some effort you can find all the required info and coding techniques to achieve your system. But like crelf said, if you end up with a buggy system spending some money may be the best option.
  3. There are many solutions for your problem. Crelf already gave you some good advices. Forget about windows, you'll need a deterministic system (Real Time) and looking at the small amount of sensors I guess a cRIO would be perfect (maybe two cRIO). Have you considered RAID disks for data backup? IMHO, if you don't feel like you can do it alone you should contact an NI Alliance partner. I'm sure you'll find someone with a great backround in deterministic systems.
  4. You are right, it is not obligatory to use one side or another, in France. Mr mike: You should use a power adapter (like you suggested). Off topic: what are you going to do in France? (apart from having a lot of fun and visiting Paris )
  5. The video you're refering to is really worth the 80 minutes
  6. I guess the question is: Is there a way to find sequence caller from within the TestStand project?
  7. Congrats!
  8. There are a few posts here on LAVA on this topic. It seems like you can use LVOOP on RT target but there are some limitations (can't remember which one) . I'm not sure OOP is the way to go with RT targets considering the issues we saw using OOP on Windows targets.
  9. Did you configure the search directories on your target PC?
  10. Hi, unfortunatly there's no sample exams, sometimes I hate NI... Regards,
  11. Well, this test is intended for entry level programmers, so I guess it should not change.
  12. I think VIPM provides this additional patch. What we need would be a wider variety of packages available!
  13. Roderic

    Data transfer

    What kind of data are you willing to transfer? You can also use STM, create your own TCP stream, or if you want to transfer files you can use the FTP protocol.
  14. It is my understanding that property nodes and some invoke nodes don't work on cRIO targets (most of them) Have you tried to build the path programmatically? I think you mispelled the path.
  15. I think NI courses are a good choice if you want to learn on a specific topic. As an instructor, I can say that students really benefit from the courses. But if you are to pay from your own hard earned money, I'll suggest you browse on the internet and find all the info you need. Most of the training material are available on NI website. I know it would be better to take a course, but it's a lot of money if your company does'nt pay for that.
  16. yes I guess so...
  17. Go to the ResultList Locals =>resultList=>[step Number of the sequence call]=>TS=>SequenceCall=>ResultList The ResultList is an Array of containers, if a step is a sequence call it contains the resulstlist of this sequence.
  18. All results are stored in the ResultList container. hope this helps. You can also customize the Sequential Model and add a step (to check if inputs are valid) before adding them to report/Database.
  19. Hi, Just read the first 15 chapters, make sure you understand them perfectly, take the online sample exams, and you'll do fine. Regards Rodéric
  20. Indeed... I have to debug this application wich is full of locals,globals, and explicit naming VI (like: "dialog18buttons.vi")
  21. Hi Roger, You can use PostGreSQL with LabVIEW (and TestStand BTW). The easiest way (I don't know about TCP and databases) is to use the database connectivity toolkit. Regards, Rodéric
  22. This is the kind of code someone using icons ended up with... IUsually when someone uses icons they don't really know LabVIEW
  23. I like the smaller terminals best! Because I can place them close without bending wires (and it makes my diagram smaller)
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