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Michael Aivaliotis

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Everything posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. I've been looking around at other forums to see how they handle homework hustlers. Apparently we are VERY generous here. On other sites, these types of questions are discarded to the trash and the members scolded and sometimes banned. I think our approach is a little better. At least we give them a chance to redeem themselves. As far as PM, or IM. That's a definite no-no and if a member feels they're being harassed in this way, let me know and I'll take care of it.
  2. Ya, Google's really improving their satellite imagery.
  3. Ok, then don't use the quick search. Use this or this. Or even this. Note the improvement to the Google Map? You can now see streets for Europe!
  4. No offense but in the world of LabVIEW applications/systems, my opinion is that NI has a limited view of what real LabVIEW applications look like. I realize that you qualified your statement but I was also offended. There are many reason why you or other NI staff will never see good code. One of them is that a lot of developers including myself simply don't trust NI. You only see what we let you see. :ninja: .
  5. All visitors regardless. From about 2 weeks ago.BTW, hooovahh, you need to shrink your signature. When it's bigger than your post contents then that's a sign it's too big.
  6. I always find repeating myself: PLEASE READ THIS POST REGARDING THE USE OF IMAGES ON LAVA No external links to large images please.
  7. LAVA Trivia: Among the visitors of the LAVA website, can anyone guess the percentage of IE vs. FF users?
  8. Actually, this thread will do wonders for my Google ranking. Everyone misspelling LabVIEW will get led right to LAVA.
  9. how about labwiev?
  10. Another option is to put yourself out there into the community. Some of us around here have done that and are still doing it. Put together some code and submit it to the CR. It will make you feel better. Nothing beats the warmth of the LAVA flow...
  11. No, not me. I have given up on built-in spell checker feature for the future. So has Invision (the makers of the forum engine). FF2.0 has spell checking built-in. Time for you to upgrade. Also, the Google toolbar gives you spell checking on any browser. Get a tool that does spell checking for you in any browser on any web page.
  12. From personal experience, the smaller the children the easier it is. As they get older, they start to have (god forbid) friends and (even worse) boyfriends. Then it gets emotional.
  13. In my experience, there are three things that will get you into a company for an interview: Networking, Networking and Networking. The only LabVIEW job I had to send in a resume cold, was my first one. That's because I didn't have much LabVIEW experience. Since then, I only speak directly to upper management. It took a lot of blood, sweat and tears (how to be an expert) to get to the level I am today, but it's paying off in that I can "pick and choose" my employers. The older, and more experienced you are, the less important your education credentials. Of course, there's always the chance to be over-qualified. For some reason, the only way to get paid lot's of money is to become a manager (and abandon programming ). The only problem is I love LabVIEW too much to give it up. Don't get me wrong, I'm subjected to interviews and tests like anyone else. I just don't get subjected to HR filtering. Wouldn't you feel like crap knowing I applied for a job at your company and you never knew about it because HR thought I wasn't qualified?
  14. Oh ya? Well how about if I block all IE users from accessing LAVA. How about that? Is that reason enough?
  15. I guess it serves me right by hanging out with the wrong crowd eh?
  16. Along the same line... why not just shutdown LAVA and let's all go over to the NI forums. It's just a tool right? poke poke, prod prod...
  17. I hate you...
  18. No I wouldn't. As any colonial citizen knows, you only bring out the photos when she visits (your home or workplace). Then it's back in the trunk. . Let me guess, you line up at the airport next to the little 80 year old granny's waving your flag? Give me a break!
  19. Just to add more fuel to the fire... Firefox 2 Released Download it here.
  20. Clear your browser cache (shift+reload for ff).
  21. I've updated searchview.net with some more information to guide people to the right place. Hopefully this will reduce the confusion.
  22. Why not develop your code on your very own LabVIEW workstation. The Labview Series Collection
  23. I apologize for this technical issue. I am aware of this. Currently, when you submit a file, it creates a page that is ONLY visible by the CR reviewers. Once your submission is approved, it will then be visible to yourself and everyone. Then, you can click on the "edit" link to update the file, no need to start again. This issue is already noted and is going to be addressed in a future release of the LAVA CR. For now... I will go ahead and approve your old submission, however you MUST go and update it with the new file. Look here at the bottom for instructions on how to update an exisitng file: http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?showtopic=3470 So now if you go here you should be able to edit your file and replace it with a new one. http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?automodu...amp;showfile=48
  24. Why does this NOT excite me? Oh... I know why. Because Firefox was there first! Internet Explorer 7 Released.
  25. I disagree. I continue using ini's and still will well into the future. XML is great but it's not very human readable.
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