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Michael Aivaliotis

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Everything posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. I'm sure we will see a spike during NIWeek, when we all start googling it to find where to get it around Austin.
  2. Well, ya. You don't want to create fields. You want to create records (rows instead of columns). You probably only need 4 fields. Primary Key (autoincrement), Testrecord key (Tbldata entry key), Timestamp (if available) and datapoint value.
  3. What does NI tech. support have to say about it?
  4. What are you trying to time? If you need more precision down to <1ms, you need to switch to a real-time target. I'm not sure I understand the reason.
  5. So I was curious to see what the top search term was and so I tried to compare terms. So far and can't seem to find a term that beats "sex". I guess you just can't beat sex.
  6. I'm not sure you're using PK in the right context. PK stands for Primary Key. I don't see how you can have data in there.
  7. No oppologies required really. Everyone can feel however they want. They can also post to whatever website they want. I think this point is obvious but I'm just stating it so people don't feel they owe me something. I do what I do because I love doing it. Members come and go, even though lately when members join, they tend to stay. That's a good sign I guess. You, as members should do what YOU do for whatever reason makes you feel good inside.Peace!
  8. WMassey, just needed to relink a hundred VI's and I did a LAVA search and found this thread. Good work to all! This is what LAVA is all about :thumbup:
  9. What you probably want to do is create a seperate table for the large array sets. This way you can perform searches and potential analysis on the data. Each element in the array will be a record consisting of the value and a key which will reference your single TblData entry.
  10. BTW, this is what NI is using for the community site: http://quintagroup.com/ So basically, the sky's the limit...
  11. Sorry to hear that, you never mentioned him in the original post. You father was in the car too?
  12. Well, considering NI has million dollar budgets and lot's of manpower, I'd have to say that I'm not impressed. Then again, their priority is in sales and they probably find it hard to justify spending money on stuff like this. I actually knew about this over a year ago. Was even asked for my opinion on the matter from NI, so I can't say I'm caught off guard. I was a little surprised to see Phillip Brooks post the first file and in response no less to a LAVA post. Then again, I know there was no ill intent, no hard feelings. I'm sure if LAVA had such an outlet, you would use it instead. I wonder what will happen if LAVA members start posting VI's with secret scripting stuff enabled? Will NI censor them once again? C'mon folks you can't beat LAVA for that one and only reason... freedom. One final thought, I don't know about you guys but I find that password protected VI's do not help in the growth of knowledge in LabVIEW. I think it's the same as going to a C discussion group and posting built executables..., what's the point? I think code is just as much about learning then just solving a problem.
  13. It just sounds better if you say "Works like a treat". Can you get that changed for me? Ya, thanks, appreaciate it...
  14. I didn't get any errors on my computer. Do you have the automatic error handling on?
  15. I noticed that Australians say: "Works a treat". Is it a common saying over there?
  16. Just to answer your post (I deleted your cross-post) I think that the resolution is related to the sound card you use not the LV version. The card must support the 24bit sound input.
  17. I'd like to announce the winners of the first LAVA coding challenge. The requirements of the challenge were to Model the ripple effects of moving a mouse over a liquid. The image size was set to 500px wide by 200px height and there was some room for bonus points where several elements could be added such as wind and droplets. Looking at the solutions you will notice that there are different approaches to the disturbance. The method that looks the most realistic is the one that draws droplets on the water and repeats with every mouse movement. Some cut the water in a straight line but this does not look realistic. Two winners were chosen (a tie!) based on the following test images: Download File:post-2-1147588392.zip Winner 1: m3nth LV711 code: Download File:post-2-1147587891.zip Front Panel: Block Diagram: What I like about m3nth's solution was the incredible configurability and sheer number of features available. Lots of bonus point here. Winner 2: Arno Euteneuer LV711 code: Download File:post-2-1147589288.zip Front Panel: Block Diagram: This is a nice and simple design that can handle the base image size and larger images with only a slight performance decrease. This implementation produced a very smooth response. Honorable mention: Mike Gulley LV711 code: Download File:post-2-1147589891.zip Other Submissions worth mentioning: Bruce Ammons: LV711 code. Also requires the IMAQ vision toolkit to be installed. Download File:post-2-1147590235.zip Moving forward i'd like to say thank you to ALL who submitted code to the challenge. The reason for the long delay in getting the results out was simply a lack of time on my part. Recognizing this fact and also the need to keep the LAVA challenges going, I have assembled a LAVA Coding Challenge Committee. This is a team of active LAVA members who have generously donated their time to help with the next coding challenge. The next coding challenge has been decided and will be announced soon. This time I will have some help along the way .
  18. So really, your problem has nothing to do with databases but the conversion from an array to cluster...
  19. Hey, I hear you. I've worked with many Alliance member companies as an employee. I've also left and started my own company in the past and eventually qualified to join the Alliance program. I've played by the rules all along the way. In my mind, either you decide to be serious about your business and put in %100 by taking advantage of every opportunity, or you don't. You can run a succesfull business without being in the Alliance program and without getting certified. I don't doubt that. It depends really on yourself and where you want to take your business. If you can get enough clients to sustain your lifestyle (be with kids, less stress, etc.) without certification or the Alliance membership then what are you worried about? Have fun. However, from pure business strategy and growth, it really does not make sense to ignore this avenue. Think of it this way, if you go for a job interview, you want to make sure your credentials are as top-notch as possible, right? So why wouldn't you do the same for your business?As a side note, in the past, we wanted to be a CISCO certifed in order to sell and support their products... wow, what a huge undertaking. There are a multitude of courses and tests to take and the cost is pretty steep. So, in comparison, NI's route is pretty cheap and you don't really have to take the courses. If you've been developing since 91 then you should have no problems. There are many reasons why NI switched-on the requirement for certification for Alliance members. One of them is validation that the Alliance member has the capabilities to support a customer. NI always has a handfull of members in any given geographic region that it can call upon to assist a customer. With certification, it levels the playing field so NI can focus on picking the Alliance member with the proper domain expertise without worrying about their LabVIEW skills. I know it's not a perfect blanket but it's a hell of a start. In order to pass the practical, you need to know state machines extreamly well. isn't that what we've been preaching on LAVA? You also have to solve a pretty involved and realistic problem in under 3hours. I found it challenging myself and I'm glad I went through it. I learned a lot about what I don't know and where my weaknesses are so I can improve. I now eat up recursive algorothms for breakfast...
  20. There's an old Greek saying that my dad always said to me. "Once you get on the dance floor, you gotta dance" It works better when said in Greek... 'cus, If you just stand there... people start bumping into you or push you aside... You gotta do what you gotta do...
  21. Well, I DID keep Norm up with some strange noises I was making in the bathroom... and the next morning I almost sliced Jim's head off because he was actually trying to have a conversation with me, telling me I was in the wrong lineup or something . Now you tell me, who can think first thing in the morning with a hangover! Please people...
  22. I can see we're gonna have a great time in Austin this year with you on board. I have to take you to the Gingerman... I remember how to get there but I never remember much of anything after that.
  23. The cause could be a typedef ctrl that has not been updated properly. Find the culprit, open it and then click "apply changes" then do a save all.
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