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Michael Aivaliotis

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Everything posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. That diagram and your last reply makes no sense to me but the important thing is that it works for you and you can move on. have fun.
  2. QUOTE (TobyD @ Aug 21 2008, 01:50 PM) No, the solution TobyD presents is how you should pass data from LabVIEW to Teststand. It is the official NI party line sorta speak. Isn't that great? (that was sarcasm). One thing to note is that this solution is typically used to pass data from a LabVIEW operator interface into TestStand, not for VI calls in a TestStand step, however there is nothing preventing you from doing this. Now the other question still left is how do you pass data from Teststand to LabVIEW. Well instead of a Set Property, you do a Get Property. There is one more method not mentioned. You can use TestStand ActiveX Callbacks. This allows your LabVIEW operator interface to respond to a TestStand event and receive a payload of data via Custom UIMessages. Again, a best practice. See here.
  3. QUOTE (neB @ Aug 20 2008, 05:36 AM) I agree. Reporting this to NI is a futile exercise. Not reproducible at all. QUOTE (neB @ Aug 20 2008, 05:36 AM) I would swear (if pressed) that code changes are not propagating to all of the VI's that are not open. I say this because I work with a tree.VI open and after amking changes (but before running) I save everything (from tree.vi save all) then close the tree.vi. Backup then re-open and test the code. WHen closing the tree.vi, I see VI's that want to be saved. As a result I ahve resorted to an old habit of opening and closing the tree a couple of times to make sure all of the changes get propogated. Ben, there's a thread for this issue here.
  4. To Aristos and the other NI folks arguing that the 3 button dialog VI is fine. All I have to say is, you just don't get it. This type of coding is not acceptable in my books regardless of how much pixie dust you sprinkle over it. QUOTE (eaolson @ Aug 21 2008, 01:38 PM) That's a valid point.
  5. QUOTE (neB @ Aug 21 2008, 11:37 AM) Not very practical. You can't view the code and the design side-by-side making it very limited. QUOTE (eaolson @ Aug 21 2008, 08:08 AM) Just the other day, I wrote this: Actually, I don't see the point in all that code before the exit. You are exiting. Hiding the panel makes no difference. Just put the exit and that's it. Simplify.
  6. Chris Relf is no longer helping administer the LAVAcr. I'm looking for any volunteers to help administer the LAVAcr. This requires checking for new submissions once a day. Reviewing submissions and if necessary delegating submission reviews to other LAVAcr team members. In general, helping apply the LAVAcr guidelines listed here (read the top 5 pinned items in that forum) and making sure the whole process runs in a timely manner. Note: existing LAVAcr assessors are also eligable for this position. We currently have two submissions in the list that need to be reviewed and the backlog is growing. Please send me a PM if you are interested. The current salary for this position is: $0. But the ability to put it on your resume as a bullet point: Priceless.
  7. Here's a video that shows how you can have a broken VI on the diagram of a non-broken VI. No I'm not using a disable structure. If I click on the run arrow of the caller it breaks and shows the error list. The arrow then stays broken.
  8. QUOTE (Maca @ Aug 19 2008, 04:13 AM) There is a lot of positive in this, however I'd rather have people just learn and use LabVIEW. In any case, it's all about the hardware I guess.
  9. QUOTE (crelf @ Aug 19 2008, 11:03 AM) I agree again. Once they're hired, you can unleash your local office gossip hound on them, but during an interview, it's a no no. Of course there are exceptions, but I don't think anyone here falls under that category... or do they? QUOTE (Ton @ Aug 19 2008, 11:11 AM) This are items that are relevant to a job. For instance I got the question today if I could enter a support team for our company. This includes traveling to other countries for two weeks, heavy night work. Someone that is married and has children is not very suitable for such a job. It are question regarding your fitness for such jobs. I disagree. I was married with kids when I had to do exactly that. So what?
  10. QUOTE (Ton @ Aug 19 2008, 10:40 AM) The purpose of a strict type def, as you probably know, is to maintain the look and feel of the control across all VIs where it's used. I'm talking subvis here. So if you open two VI's that have the same control side by side, you can quickly tell that both controls refer to the same datatype because they look identical. You can even add some details such as a specific color border on the cluster and such. If you allow the developer to alter this control in any way, then this indicates to someone else that it's not the same datatype. LabVIEW is very visual and the more visual cues you give out in your program, the better. On user interfaces, this has the same affect but for different reasons. You want to make sure the control is consistent throughout. For example, if you create a Cancel button with a special glyph on it then you want to make sure all your UIs use this cancel button so they all look the same. User interfaces must be consistent. It also helps to collect all your strict type defs in a dedicated Controls folder and label them appropriately. For example "Cancel Button.ctl", "Data Export Cluster.ctl" and such.
  11. QUOTE (BobHamburger @ Aug 18 2008, 07:21 PM) I always strict type def my clusters and enums. There are also some other instances like rings and of course customized controls. However, I see no point in a plain type def. QUOTE (neB @ Aug 19 2008, 05:58 AM) "How did you finance your education?" I also agree that this question is not appropriate. It's possible that the candidate may volunteer such information on their own to prove a point on how resourceful they are, but it shouldn't be asked by the employer.
  12. I ask them if they are members of LAVA and how many posts they have. Of course this is purely academic since I would only interview someone who is a well known contributor on LAVA.
  13. Ya, I guess exporting to a text file or clipboard may be useful to somebody. Can you explain the usefulness of this list outside of LabVIEW? The whole idea of this list is to double-click the highlighted error item and it automatically takes you to the location with the problem. Other than some corporate documentation policy, I don't see what other use it may have.
  14. I came across this app from CodeWeavers which essentially allows you to install any Windows app on the Mac (without requiring a Windows OS license). Has anyone tried this with any of the LabVIEW versions?
  15. Well, I can tell you it's not as a result of anything I did on my part. This appears to be a "feature" of Firefox 3.0. IE works fine. Dis you upgrade FF recently?
  16. You can now add LabVIEW 8.6 as a version in your profile and we now have an 8.6 buglist forum.
  17. I hate making icons! I only use text on my icons. I would like to be able to type some text and it gets translated to tiny fonts and auto-fit into multiple lines. Can someone add this? Also, I think it would be awesome to combine all the features into one super LAVA icon editor. Super in functionality however simple and intuitive to use. There is the challenge. Adding features is easy, making them obvious and intuitive is the tough part.
  18. Thanks for the kind words. If you need multiple data types in your MCL then this is a messy challenge. You're on a good start but the best solution to all of this is creating an XControl to hide all of the complexity.
  19. Just a side note. If you are stepping on each other's toes so much that you need to always merge then your code is not designed well enough to allow multi-user development. Sorry. Either that or you have too many people working on the code.
  20. QUOTE (Yair @ Aug 11 2008, 11:04 AM) kermit mel doesn't work in the original thread but the other search terms work fine for me. I'll work on trying to fix this in the future.
  21. I'm the owner of the domain labviewsearch.com. The problem you encountered is called google poisoning and is not isolated to labviewsearch.com. All google based search engines have this problem. The problem is not with the domain labviewsearch.com but with one of the links in the search results. It's easy to generalize just because you started your navigation from labviewsearch.com but the domain is not at fault.
  22. We had a 4hr delay on the way to Austin with Amarican so no airline is perfect. This caused us to miss the roller girls. I think Ed Dickens also had a horror story.
  23. No problems here. I have 7.1, 8.2 and 8.5.1. I decided not to install the drivers. Perhaps that helped?
  24. Just a reminder that all the cool cats are hanging out at the NIWeek 2008 Forum. If you have an event to publicize do it there.
  25. So sad... "SuperFunkyPrivateSpecialSecretForumStuff=LAVA" doesn't work anymore. I say we boycott LabVIEW8.6.
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