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Ton Plomp

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Everything posted by Ton Plomp

  1. Anyone seen the Data Acquisition idea exchange? I like the idea for a DAQmx simulation API. Ton
  2. If you go to http://ni.com/beta you'll see a page that enables you to go to the labview beta page. There is a link to an FTP url (that I'm not going to share) for the download. (PS this only is available if your granted access to the beta. Ton
  3. It's closed, if it's closable (for instance you cannot close a ref to a FP or a control, that's just basically a NoOp. (or do you have evidence it's not closed?) Ton
  4. Right click on an element inside the array, create property and select the property you need. But what kind of results do you get, what is 'off'. Is the data you read allright? Ton
  5. First thing you need to make sure that you read the data correct into your VI. It's hard to do that from a graph, so I advice you to place an indicator for the numeric data. The following snippet should work on all PC's: Ton
  6. I'm not really interested in a google search. It would be helpfull if the response page said 'We could not find anything, but your search term is too short (3 characters) so pleas expand' Ton
  7. Allright I made the move. And even got the merging (allright it was a single file) working. I've documented the settings in the LabVIEW Wiki: Mercurial
  8. Nice Tool, just one very annoying issue. This VI has the bad habit to steal focus (I have not looked for a solution), but because I really like ctrl-w I close this tool more than I like. Could you set the VI to be non-closeable and register for the Application Close? event and add a 'close' button? Ton
  9. Well I'm not sure if members can download old content since I'm a moderator. Anyone want to try out? Ton
  10. Well since LabVIEW 8.5 you can create recursive functions, so that shouldn't be an issue. Ton
  11. We are very happy with Dewetron DMM (DAQ-P HV) modules, you can via software set the attenuation and measure up to 1400 V. Ton
  12. I've seen the picture posted by @cloew: I immediatly had a 'a ha erlibness' and recognized the train as a Stadler train our company commissioned for the Netherlands. It's a nice smooth ride! Ton
  13. If you're not logged on LAVA it's impossible to download a previous version of a CR file. Ton
  14. I understand you can't read the CSV file, am I correct? If so, what OS-language are you on? Could you open the CSV file with notepad and copy the few lines? I think you might have some issues with your decimal sign ('.' or ','). Jim is from the US where they use a '.' as decimal sign and a ',' as field delimiters. I would try to save the file with tabs (/t) as delimiters and remove the ',' string constant from the LabVIEW block diagram. Ton
  15. I was just reading this article on Ars Technica, about the lock-up decision by Microsoft to only support C# and Silverlight programs on Windows Mobile 7. And I am wondering if this will terminate the usage of LabVIEW PDA module. It looks a kind like the lock-up Apple is doing for Iphone/Ipad. Does anybody have an idea. Ton
  16. You can't get a reference to a specific element in a front panel array. It might be better to not show the array 'as is' to the user. Having a table of multi column listbox together with a Functional global that holds the data and provides an edit functionality. Ton
  17. Well it isn't obvious to me. Could you post the link? Thanks, Ton
  18. You should use a XY-graph instead of a waveform graph. Ton
  19. Hi Avinash, I cannot really match your question with the code you posted. (could be a language thing.) What do you mean by this? You need 2 graphs? What data should be in each graph? What's the deal with the 23 rd row? Here's your posted code with the actual operations you performed on the data: Perhaps you should look at 'Index Array' Ton
  20. Showing your code is the least you should do. Please post it with some comments about what is going wrong. Ton (i'll settle for €100/hour)
  21. Do yo know how much help there is with LabVIEW? Anyway, the section is called LabVIEW file extensions. And it lists indeed lvlps and aliases. Ton
  22. I'm about to move to a new SCC system and want to do it right from the start, one of the things I am always a bit fuzzy about is which files to ignore when using SCC. I have the opinion that compiled code should not be inside an SCC, so I think about ignoring the following files: built*\ *.ogp Apart from that I think the followin LabVIEW specific files should be ignored: *.lvlps *.aliases Any other opinions/ideas? Ton
  23. Oops sorry, but the story Joel Spolsky describes (fear to commit) sounds very familiar (even in a single person repo). Another reason to go 'distributed' is the following: Ton
  24. I don't know what happened but I cannot find anything anymore. Even a simple search on 'ton' (which should trigger approximatly 1000 posts), or 'git', 'rss' return anything. EDIT: it seems the minimum search length is 4, could that be fixed Ton
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