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Ton Plomp

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Everything posted by Ton Plomp

  1. I found a small bug causing some of the attributes not shown. Ton
  2. There is a method for the panel Class that converts a coordinate on that panel to a coordinate on the screen: There is a concern, there is no clear way to get the 'owning panel' of a control. I have a 'Get Owning Pane' VI on the CCT codebase that might get you started. Please vote on my Idea on the idea exchange. Ton
  3. I don't know what image.ctl is. But with the VIs in the picture palette you can easily create the image you've shown. What code do you have allready? Ton
  4. For anyone not known to US shopping maniacism (like me), here is a link to the wikipedia page on Black Friday. Ton
  5. If you search the palettes for JPEG, you wil get a JPEG loader. This returns a cluster where one of the elementsis a rectangle containing the size of the image. The scale VIs are on the Picture Plot VIs palette Ton
  6. You should check and uncheck in the 'shortcut menu activation' event. Deciding wheter a valued needs to be checked should be stored inside your application. A menu cannot automagically remember wheter it needs to be checked. Ton
  7. The Image VIs have some VIs to create scales, determing the size of the JPEG and the end-value of the scale. Writing all these info to a picture display should get you started. I advise you to first do this with normal VIs and deal later with the XControl building, so first the a proof of concept and place the VIs you create into your XControl. Ton
  8. Ton Plomp


    If you do a repair of LabVIEW it will reinstall all the vi.lib VIs. Another possibility is to search inside the CAB files on your installer DVD's, the file should be inside it. I think there is a special vi.lib distribution item on the DVD with only the vi.lib elements. Ton
  9. Or even better just superimpose them. I can somehow see that only the Report instanziation (spellcheck) has to be changed, but a new class OpenOfficeReport could override the Office Report Toolkit. This would also limit the number of functions you need to create. Ton
  10. It even got a CAR: 4EN2FI7U. Not that it ever shows up on a known issues/fixed issues list. Ton
  11. I have uploaded a set of VI's to the OpenG candidates: see here. Ton
  12. This works for me: On windows obviously, perhaps you can call 'nautilus' on linux or '......' on mac. Ton
  13. The variant input in the init ability returns the data saved in the 'Convert data for save'. You can inspect the actual variant with the Variant Data Probe Ton
  14. In the NI community group 'UI interest' is a tool to replace all controls bith a specific Strict Typedef Set. With this tool you can easily skin a complete GUI VI. Unfortunatly the NI site is currently down, but I try to remember to add the link here. EDIT: Found the link (it's in the APIs group). LabVIEW UI template Tool Ton
  15. Consider the following: A plugin architecture. The main application has a typedef enum called 'Error Level'. Version 1.0 of the application has 3 values in the typedef. A plugin is build against version 1.0 and distributed as an LLB without block diagrams. Now for version 1.1 the typedef is expanded with 200 new error levels. This version won't load the old version of the plugin. If the plugin has programmed all it's case structures with a 'Default' case the only thing needed is a recompile: (source compatible). Ton
  16. Hi Ken, To turn on the leds feed them with a "true" boolean. To turn them off place a local and feed them with a 'false' boolean. I saw you use LabVIEW 5.1, it might be handier if you post images of your code, since LabVIEW 8+ can't open these VIs. Also try to code without a sequence structure. ton
  17. Good idea, another option is not to close the main FP, but set it's state to hidden! Now after closing all child process you should close the FP of the main VI. Ton
  18. Hi All, I am trying to add an undo function to an application, and am looking at key-down events. For windows I know the shortcut 'CTRL-z' as the de-facto standard. Googling suggest the shortcut is 'Apple-z' on Mac OS's, however the platmods doesn't have an 'Apple' option just CMD and Opt. Which one should I use? Ton
  19. Unfortuntly you cannot inherit from build in controls. Not really off-base, XControls can be seen as an OOP framework. Please vote on this idea to inherit from standard controls. Ton Ton
  20. Hi Ken, could you post the code you have written allready? This looks like a homework assignment, and I don't feel like giving freebies. Ton
  21. The OpenG library has an extensive set of VIs to deal with variant data. With these set of VIs I have written a variant probe/XControl: Ton
  22. The container state has a refnum to the actual control from which you can get the owning VI: The exec State Change Event (which you are looking at) returns the VIRef in the Event data as well. Ton If you crosspost, please mention. Or preferably, start the discussion in one place, and if you don't get rewarding answers in a few days (>2) start at the other forum. This will keep the discussion clean. Ton
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