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Ton Plomp

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Everything posted by Ton Plomp

  1. QUOTE(rkapoor @ Nov 26 2007, 01:40 AM) What is a dynamic array exactly? Ton
  2. Yogi, why do you start 3 threads for the same problem? In this way it is quite hard for us to follow. Another thing is that you didn't include some VIs from your user.lib (the STM ones) So it is really hard to say anything usefull. Ton
  3. QUOTE(Daklu @ Nov 21 2007, 08:59 PM) For 3 you could quite easily (with scripting and the http://community.ni.com/examples/palette-api/' target="_blank">.mnu toolkit) create merge VIs that would contain the items you need. About 4, as Yen mentioned there's the overview, but that is a navigation window, what did you want to do in a 10 times zoomed window for programming, please enlighten me since I don't see the point. Ton
  4. QUOTE(lavezza @ Nov 22 2007, 03:21 AM) There is a plugin to access SVN via the MSSCC interface, it'll cost you €19 at http://www.pushok.com' target="_blank">www.pushok.com. But when I tried to acces the MSSCC API from LabVIEW, it would give pop-ups with the low-level information (not good for a automation tool te be run in a buildbatch) Ton
  5. QUOTE(dannyt @ Nov 21 2007, 03:31 PM) What is the main reason you bypass the LV SCC interface? Are their items missing? I was thinking along the same way to build a Post-Build VI that would generate a build report containing those info. One downside of the LV SCC it's LV 8+. Ton
  6. QUOTE(Staffan @ Nov 21 2007, 10:49 AM) I privately use Subversion which doesn't have such a tight check-in/out regime. At work we use MS VSS which suffers from the same issues as Clearcase (what I can deduct from your post) Ton
  7. QUOTE(Phantom Lord @ Nov 20 2007, 11:07 AM) Well you have 3 while loops nested. The Exit value is tested on the start of the while loop (together with the 'T' constant) and you see the LED reacting. But the while loop has to run at least one time! You should replace the two inner while loops with a for-loop. It's also better to replace your string controls with numeric controls: no conversion needed! To see what is stalling your loop you should enable executed high-lighting (het lampie) Why do you use this code? http://lavag.org/old_files/monthly_11_2007/post-2399-1195554361.png' target="_blank"> Ton
  8. QUOTE(Aitor Solar @ Nov 20 2007, 10:22 AM) Right click an instance -> Open Polymorphic VI <ctrl-I> -> Documentation Ton
  9. QUOTE(Val Brown @ Nov 20 2007, 08:56 AM) Yes, indeed. Ton
  10. I got word back from NI and they stopped developing the SDE. To install it I need the May CDs of our SSP. They are not sure if it will work in future releases, however when I didn't have the SDE installed I could still remove the SDE code. Ton
  11. QUOTE(neB @ Nov 19 2007, 03:14 PM) But where do I get an installer? And where should I look in the palette? because the LV installer isn't offering this. A freebie? it's still for sale for €1000 ($ 1460) Strange when I move to the US I can buy it for $995 (€680) Ton
  12. I noticed recently that the latest SSP release (august 2007) that came with LV 8.5 didn't cary the State Diagram Editor on the toolkit CD. I have a feeling this has to do with the Statechart Module. I contacted to my local NI rep and he wasn't sure about the why of the removal. Does anybody have an opinion of this silence kill of the SDE? Ton
  13. QUOTE(yogi reddy @ Nov 19 2007, 12:08 PM) In the client you probably need to make this change: http://lavag.org/old_files/monthly_11_2007/post-2399-1195474307.png' target="_blank"> I added some comments, describing what happens in your old code (upper part). Ton
  14. QUOTE(Michael_Aivaliotis @ Nov 18 2007, 12:57 PM) Thanks Michael :thumbup: , now I only have to redirect these tables. Ton
  15. Hi, you should have a look at the event structure, it has a specific event for this (mouse down). In the Examples their are some mouse event related examples. In order to better help you, you should include some code snippets. Good luck, Ton
  16. Quite a exhousting page on the features and functions of the Code_Capture_Tool. Ton
  17. I had some issues when using an image inline, framing it would move it to the right. Ton
  18. The OpenG toolkit has a function that does exactly what you need! It's called Periodic Trigger Ton
  19. QUOTE(neB @ Nov 15 2007, 04:25 PM) The reverse has been easy since 8.5 (I believe): http://lavag.org/old_files/monthly_11_2007/post-2399-1195140553.png' target="_blank"> Ton
  20. QUOTE(MikaelH @ Nov 14 2007, 09:45 PM) Are you sure about that? You mean NI can reverse engineer any VI? Or do they need to read the machine code and make very good guesses? Ton
  21. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Nov 15 2007, 01:43 PM) The discussion revealed that the compiler of NXT took a vector approach in this case and the radius of -100 is > -90. The numbers describe motor speed and the sign is the direction of the movement. Ton
  22. QUOTE(Kyuubi™ @ Nov 15 2007, 10:29 AM) QUOTE(agg @ Nov 15 2007, 10:47 AM) hi kyuubi, i post the block diagram. Can you help? The diagram you posted is shrunken for some reason, try using the Code Capture Tool for creating the screenshot. Ton
  23. QUOTE(vito @ Nov 15 2007, 06:09 AM) I haven't looked at your code but I think Ned means something like this: http://lavag.org/old_files/monthly_11_2007/post-2399-1195104981.png' target="_blank"> Where the left connector pane of the event structure returns the reference of the control that caused the event. Ton
  24. QUOTE(akala @ Nov 14 2007, 06:19 PM) I doubt it, it would be a very risky situation if this could be done QUOTE(hooovahh @ Nov 14 2007, 07:26 PM) Looking at the NI forum I see that older version of the run-time engine can be installed silently using this command. lvrteinstall.exe /q Not sure if this works for the newer ones. If it doesn't I recommend using a scripting language (like AutoIt3) to run the installer, and press the return character until the installer starts. I don't know of a method to check for run-time engines using html or php. The quiet install still works (in 8.5) Ton
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