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Ton Plomp

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Everything posted by Ton Plomp

  1. QUOTE(JDave @ Oct 22 2007, 06:05 PM) I used to mimick all related mouse events: Mouse Enter Mouse Down Mouse Move Mouse Leave And I triggered on active VI change events So basiccally I sended all the info from Mouse xxx events. I think with my current knowledge of XControls we should do them as XControls. Ton PS Here's my previous version
  2. QUOTE(Aitor Solar @ Oct 22 2007, 02:19 PM) One thing, don't forget to destroy the user event in the Uninit ability Ton
  3. Looking for testers? Wanting to be a tester? Drop a post here if you want to test or need a product tested! I can test software on Windows XP in LabVIEW 6.1/7.0/7.1/8.0/8.2/8.5 On Linux (Ubuntu) in 8.2. Ton
  4. QUOTE(tushar @ Oct 22 2007, 10:40 AM) Let me see if I understand you. You want to trigger a user event in the containing VI from within the XControl? This means your XControl is tight to the owning VI, but it can be done. First you have create a user event in the owning VI. Then send the user event into the XControl via a property node (so you need a custom property). Trigger the user event somewhere in the XControl. Register for the user event in the owning VI somewhere. Good luck! To me this sounds rather silly because IMHO an XControl is a standalone piece of software that should be able to run standalone. But I think it should work Ton PS If you want to do it the other way around (triggering an event in the XControl from the outside world) you can execute a property node. Inside the facade VI 'Display State Change' event is triggered if a property is executed
  5. QUOTE(Yen @ Oct 20 2007, 07:10 PM) Well there are 2, the LabVIEW data folder which by default links to 'My Documents\LabVIEW Data' And the Temp directory which by default links to the OS Temp folder: And there's the default folder which points by default points to the LabVIEW folder (but it can be changed): The problem is that these paths are not symbolic Ton
  6. QUOTE(silmaril @ Oct 19 2007, 09:24 AM) I believe since NI embraced the SSP they try to get a new release around august (NI week) and a patch (x.x.1) in January/February. LabVIEW 8.0.1 was released as an upgrade but their was a lot of complaints about the Recompile time and NI decided to roll out an installer for 8.2.1 meaning you needed to relicense and not everyone that had 8.2.0 could install 8.2.1 Ton
  7. Hi Phil, why wait at 6 if you can have hundred? Ton
  8. QUOTE(mballa @ Oct 19 2007, 07:09 AM) Mark, Here's the code I used and copied into the project folder: Download File:post-2399-1192772496.vi Be aware that the VI is Auto-run! I get a changing VI title for every VI I click. The App.MenuLaunch items (App and VI) are only valid once! per menu-click, so you might need a Functional global. Ton
  9. QUOTE(JDave @ Oct 18 2007, 11:19 PM) Well building the toolbar alone is a Coding Challenge, and a big one. I did mine in LV8 but without XControls or SubPanels so their should be something to gain and LVOOP might definitely help. But still I'd only go for that if I got a free SSP for 5 years. QUOTE(Michael_Aivaliotis @ Oct 19 2007, 12:57 AM) I have an idea. Should we move this thread and other potential CR candidates to a special "CR in-development" area to better facilitate this? I think there is enough momentum here to justify this. After a bunch of thrashing, we can produce some decent CR code. Thoughts? Nice, but I had the same ideas when I started working with Yen on the Code Capture Tool but you end up in mailing the same stuff around. I couldn't keep it clean anymore so I moved it to Sourceforge.net That is where such stuff can sit nice and easily and you can do the development in a decent way. So maybe Forum with Subversion/CVS support Ton
  10. QUOTE(mballa @ Oct 18 2007, 07:32 PM) Well this is in 8.5: PJM discussed it here, some more is here Ton
  11. QUOTE(neB @ Oct 18 2007, 04:14 PM) I have at least three different contact ID#s at NI... So were down to 1.6 Million Ton PS you are kidding about the fact you have to pay to receive a phone call?
  12. QUOTE(JFM @ Oct 18 2007, 01:43 PM) That was one of my 3 missing points, another one for coercion, and one for the fact errors weren't always hadled properly. QUOTE(LV Punk @ Oct 18 2007, 01:51 PM) Congratulations! Was that your first attempt? I ran out of time; I guess I'm too slow or just not up to snuff... Yes, it was my first time. I know I can code fast but my advise is understand what you want to do. My colleague had quite some problems reading the text. But he made it with missing functionality. Ton
  13. Yes, I've passed my CLD!!! :thumbup: :thumbup: Time wasn't that critical, the code was done in 3 hours, left me with plenty of time to pixel-f### on little details. Missed a few points on style, made me want to relook at the code... Ton
  14. +: You don't need to write a client app and a lot of connection stuff, NI has done that. -: No tabs No events (I think) But I would go the web-server way :thumbup: Ton
  15. QUOTE(mballa @ Oct 17 2007, 08:12 PM) The uhm, event structure (most likely you need to dynamically register for the user's application. It's a private event (so you need the scripting keys) Ton
  16. QUOTE(mballa @ Oct 17 2007, 07:58 PM) Mark, Maybe the 'VI activation event' works for you (it is private). Would it be possible if the two of you work together, it sound like the code from Mark is better (sorry David), but I like your approach as it is very intuitive...? Ton
  17. Another preferred addition, the tool will resize the front panel, could it be possible to fit the dec's inside the current panel window? Show the Icon after placing the terminals Ton
  18. QUOTE(crelf @ Oct 15 2007, 11:06 PM) You can get an RSS feed to a specific label on gmail. So maybe you have to use a Gmail account? Ton
  19. Could it be possible to add OS information to the profiles? Might be nice to see which users have a specific OS. Ton
  20. QUOTE(eaolson @ Oct 16 2007, 07:36 PM) They are there and they are called XControls. They fit nicely into the VI server/.net/comm paradigm and can have properties and methods just like those systems. I was disappointed when the LVOOP didn't merge into VI server :thumbdown: Ton
  21. QUOTE(DaveKielpinski @ Oct 13 2007, 05:45 PM) Hi Dave, The problem is that event-registration refnums are stricly type def'd. This means that the first place you use the 'Event Registration Refnum'(ERR) you have to decide which type of events for which type of controls you want to use. In my case inside the 'Init Ability'. Then I right-click on the input terminal of the ERR and select 'Create control', go to the front panel of the Init ability and copy the control to the clipboard. Create a new type def Paste the control from the clipboard Save the control (make sure it's a typedef) Replace the control in the 'Init Ability' with the typedef Add the typedef as part of the 'State Ability' Now you can pass around the typedeff between the abilities In the 'Init ability' you use dummy references (a default reference of the correct datatype just like the LabVIEW example) When you think it is usefull to register use a valid reference and feed it to the correct event of the 'Register for Events' node (note: not connected terminals are not influenced) If you want to unregister use a dummy reference. Don't forget 'State changed?' Unregister at the 'Uninit ability Now you should be able to do dynamic event registration. The problem is you want dynamic diverse event registartion (I don't know how I should call it else), meaning at one moment you want to register for a mouse down and the next moment for a mouse move in the same frame this can't be done since LabVIEW is early binding. My nugget showed dynamic event registration meaning you can switch on and off the events. A lot of info is in http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&message.id=247057#M247057' target="_blank">this thread at the NI forums. If you want a quick example, post your XControl with good directions where you want to change the event registration. Good luck, Ton
  22. Cross-posted from the NI forums If you cross-post please provide a link (vice-versa). As said you'll have to dig the LabVIEW examples. If you have more specific questions with code you've tried please come back! Ton
  23. QUOTE(DaveKielpinski @ Oct 12 2007, 11:27 AM) Well with unregistring you'll tell to LabVIEW I don't want this event to be triggered anymore. And that is just what LabVIEW is doing. As soon as the XControl is loaded into memory the XControl:Abilities:Facade_Ability_VI is run. You'll register for the event and immediatly destroy the event registration refnum. The proper way is to create the event registration refnum in the XControl:Abilities:Init_Ability_VI pass it around via the XControl:Abilities:State_Ability_control and destroy it in the XControl:Abilities:Uninit_Ability_VI. Ton
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