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Ton Plomp

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Everything posted by Ton Plomp

  1. QUOTE(tcplomp @ Dec 3 2007, 08:28 PM) Someone asked for an 8.2 version. Here's a 8.0 version: http://lavag.org/old_files/post-2399-1197994584.zip'>Download File:post-2399-1197994584.zip Ton
  2. QUOTE(osvaldo @ Dec 18 2007, 04:03 PM) Thanks, But are you sure you used the latest version (1.1.0 dated May 2007)? Because that would add attributal recursive. I had a quick look at your code, and saw you dug into Waveforms (that's brave) :thumbup: Ton
  3. QUOTE(RovingCalypso @ Dec 18 2007, 10:06 AM) Well, with this post you most unlikely get a good answer. Could you attach your code and describe what you have tried? If you open up the 'Draw Polar Grids.vi' (this will be in your 'Unopened VIs' list, you will see how the current grid is drawn. Use this for your needs! Ton
  4. QUOTE(Justin Goeres @ Dec 15 2007, 01:18 AM) Not if your SSP expired between 8.2.0 and 8.2.1 Ton
  5. QUOTE(M.M.K @ Dec 13 2007, 11:49 AM) Do you have the same port set for writer and listener? Ton
  6. My idea (inspired by Falkpl) is a Decoration XControl. With the following data-type: QUOTE I am willing to setup a template XControl to fullfill these options which could be expanded on will. Ton
  7. QUOTE(M.M.K @ Dec 12 2007, 10:41 AM) What code do you use on server and client side? Please include a screenshot. What errors do you receive? Ton
  8. QUOTE(Ascen @ Dec 12 2007, 12:14 PM) Use one event structure for every tab-page might be the option, and use a messaging technique to start and stop actions. Another question is to asky why do you have 15 pages? Do they all need to be accesible instantly? Are they all setting stuff and displaying stuff? Tonr
  9. Ton Plomp

    Gps help

    QUOTE(anoop @ Dec 12 2007, 06:19 AM) Google is your friend, NI has a devzone page on this There's also a data-plugin you can use to convert it, to load this into LabVIEW look here. Good luck, Ton
  10. MAC tester wanted! Hi all, I'm looking for a LabVIEW user that's working on a Mac for testing the CCT! Preferebly several versions of LabVIEW (one 7.x and one 8.x) PM me if you want to beta-test this! Greetings, Ton
  11. QUOTE(Norm Kirchner @ Dec 10 2007, 07:22 AM) Signal Express? At last hey gave us with LV 8 panes! a small step in the right direction. Ton
  12. QUOTE(Tomi Maila @ Dec 9 2007, 11:01 AM) Reentrancy? Jeff Washington once mentioned that all express VIs needed to be reentrant. Include it explicitly in the build file? Ton
  13. QUOTE(Gabi1 @ Dec 7 2007, 11:29 AM) See here for the boolean XControl, and here for some custom icons in the attached LLB. Ton
  14. We have 3 SSPs at our work, but the one with RT was send to our old address, but the production of these CDs is a rather long process to get a new set it took almost 6 weeks. I just got one of the three November 4th quarter releases. Ton
  15. QUOTE(JDave @ Dec 3 2007, 08:34 PM) Your question, made me rethink my .Net Problem and I have succesfully solved it. Ton :thumbup:
  16. I have succesfully edited your XControl to react on dynamic events. I took multiple steps and don't know exactly what is neccesary, but I think it is this: Create space in you state for a Event Registration Refnum (ERR), make sure it is of the correct type In the init VI set some messaging up that let the Facade VI know it needs to initialized In the init routine of the facade VI, put the multicolumn listbox in the ERR Don't forget to destroy the ERR in the uninit VI In order to get this to work I had to remove the example VI from the XControl (why did you add the example to the XControl?) Here's the core code: Download File:post-2399-1196710162.zip Ton
  17. QUOTE(Justin Goeres @ Dec 3 2007, 03:15 PM) Well for once the spam was readible and understandible. Ton
  18. QUOTE(JDave @ Nov 29 2007, 07:53 PM) No, I've used them in the start-up fase of the Boolean XControl and seen no issues. Ton
  19. QUOTE(JDave @ Nov 29 2007, 06:44 PM) I am using user events, you can see them in my Boolean XControl. Where I create the event registration in the Init ability and destroy them in the Uninit event. I fire events from methods and properties without problems and my facade VI gets triggered by them. However in my latest experience I have issues where I fire them from a callback VI, this doesn't trigger the facade VI. So it shouldn't give you any problems unless you get really fancy. Ton
  20. QUOTE(TiT @ Nov 29 2007, 02:18 PM) No, well sort off, I use US international layout, which allows me to type through, eg. hitting '`' 'e' results in è, for € I hit <ctrl-alt-5> Ton
  21. QUOTE(MrYoung @ Nov 29 2007, 05:00 AM) See http://forums.lavag.org/How-to-Insert-Images-in-your-Posts-t771.html' target="_blank">here Ton
  22. QUOTE(Giseli Ramos @ Nov 27 2007, 12:02 PM) What you forget is that the image you overlay need absolute coordinates (in pixels), I modified the code to do the following: http://lavag.org/old_files/monthly_11_2007/post-2399-1196320734.png' target="_blank"> Good luck, Ton
  23. QUOTE(ragglefrock @ Nov 27 2007, 12:43 AM) Well if I export the user event to the owning VI (with the property Read User Event) I can queue user events which gets dequeued, maybe I have to turn the callback VI to the user thread. Ton
  24. I have a problem with a directory monitoring XControl, I thought I knew my share of XControl programming techniques but this is above my head: I found on the NI website an XControl to monitor a directory. I thought the implementation was a bit clumsy so I decided to rewrite it. Here's the basic layout: I have two ActiveX callback VI, one for filechange events, and one for a filerename event. I load these in the Init ability, and reload tem if needed (to my opinion), I sent a user event as a parameter to the callback VI. I register for the user event in the Facade ability. Now when something happens in the directory I like to monitor the callback VI is called (I checked this with a pop-up, however a breakpoint isn't triggered), and if I check the user event I have exactly the same user event. However the Facade ability isn't aware of this until the execution state changes. So here's my problem how to get the user event triggered from the call-back VI? In the attachment a zip including a lvproj with the XControl and all call-back VIs. If you open the Test.vi, and run it the VI will show a pop-up for a directory, if you add items to that directory it isn't displayed. Now if you stop the Test.vi (with the stop button) the last event will be shown on the XControl. Could someone verify this, and think of a work-around/reason. Ton EDIT: I notice I have the 'State Change' to False, setting this to true doesn't help.
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