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Ton Plomp

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Everything posted by Ton Plomp

  1. QUOTE(tcplomp @ Feb 13 2008, 07:38 PM) QUOTE(Jim Kring @ Feb 14 2008, 05:59 PM) LabVIEW can be installed on Ubuntu (or Debian), but you need to convert the RPM packages to DEB packages using alien before they can be installed. Also, after the installation you will need to fix a symbolic link to the mesa shared library. QUOTE(Adam Kemp @ Feb 14 2008, 08:05 PM) Did you try this with the latest version of LabVIEW? I thought we had fixed the installation issues with Ubuntu, including the mesa issue. Our installers are supposed to support installation without RPM, and I know we've tested it. Jim can you tell how you installed the runtime of LabVIEW on Ubuntu? Adam, I think you're right. If I install LabVIEW 8.2.1 on Ubuntu the installer uses the 'NoRPM' procedure. But could somebody tell a little bit technical guy in plain english how to install the Runtime Engine :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: This would be highly appreciated. Ton (and my next home PC might not need windows )
  2. QUOTE(Jon Sweeney @ Feb 14 2008, 07:59 AM) Yes: http://lavag.org/old_files/monthly_02_2008/post-2399-1202981288.png' target="_blank"> Ton
  3. QUOTE(Daklu @ Feb 14 2008, 01:44 AM) What folders do you sync?QUOTE(Daklu @ Feb 14 2008, 07:46 AM) In the spirit of tips and tricks, here's what I've learned about customizing the palettes. I think it's all correct, but it's very possible I've made a mistake somewhere. I find the help files rather vague. I trust the more experienced users will set me straight. \Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW x.x\menus\ - ....Some addons put menu files here (such as the OpenG toolkit) but I don't know if there are any conventions on what we should put here. OpenG puts a category (displayed in the root of the palette) in this folder. The OpenG.mnu is a proxy to an auto populating link to user.lib\_dyanamicpalette_dirs which contains a folder for every OpenG toolkit.QUOTE I'm sure there are conventions on which directory (user.lib, vi.lib, and vi.lib\addons) to use when you are distributing VIs, but I don't know them. I've seen things put in all three. Anyone have ideas on the rules here? My rule of thumb:everything under vi.lib is available on every LabVIEW install.Unfortunately this doesn't go for addons {vi.lib\addons}, or modules, things under user.lib are not default installed so you should include them if you distribute a toolQUOTE I'm under the impression that you can add items to the Tools menu by putting a .mnu file in the right place. No idea if that's right or not. In any case the Tools menu looks to be reserved for VIs that are executed (wizards, etc.) rather than VIs used in a block diagram. Wrong, the How_to_do_Menu_Launch_VIs has an entry on this, remember it just opens the VI, if you want to execute it set it to 'autorun'.QUOTE In Labview documentation I've seen references to "addons," "modules," and "toolkits." Are these synonyms or is there a real difference between the three? Does the "correct" distribution location depend on what your VIs are categorized as? A module is tied to one specific LabVIEW edition (OS and version) like the block diagrams are removed.Addon and toolkit are two names for the same (if I'm correct), addon is the technical term, toolkit the marketing mumbo jumbo. They can be installed on any version. Most toolkits from NI are 7.x and up.QUOTE tcplomp, you mentioned firing app.palettes.refresh a couple times. I've looked for it in the application property and invoke nodes but haven't found it. Could you explain how to do that? It's a private method: TonQUOTE(MikaelH @ Feb 10 2008, 09:18 PM) I have User.lib under source code control so all developers have the same look and feel.//Mikael How do you deal with different LabVIEW versions?So you find a bug in a 8.x user.lib VI and want to fix this in 7.x as well?Ton
  4. QUOTE(neB @ Feb 13 2008, 07:27 PM) Some things always freak me out, seeing a the words, 'wife', 'linux' and 'planning' in one scentence are one of those. Be aware Debian isn't supported by NI! I can't get Ubuntu (a Debian based OS) to install the runtime properly so NO VIPM-> No OpenG.... But developing on it works like Windows. Ton
  5. QUOTE(Anders Björk @ Feb 13 2008, 01:43 PM) That sounds like compactRIO... Ton (Would need a big deal of programming to be fully flexible in accessing all possible card configurations)
  6. QUOTE(mesmith @ Feb 13 2008, 03:01 PM) Well, I think LabVIEW isn't capable of any IP protocol, it just uses the stack from provided by the OS, so if your OS supports IPv6 you should be OK. What's special about the hardware and highly advanced it needs IPv6? Can you talk with the device using hyperterminal? If yes you can just use the device under LabVIEW. Ton
  7. QUOTE(PJM_labview @ Feb 13 2008, 02:17 AM) Looks very nice PJM, the 'treeing', is some routine you have to do for yourself? Ton
  8. Crosspost, please mention you do a crosspost including link. Ton
  9. QUOTE(lraynal @ Feb 12 2008, 11:52 AM) <ctrl-m>, change to edit mode will work. Ton
  10. QUOTE(boone301 @ Feb 12 2008, 03:56 AM) Well the wait is a 'feature' of LabVIEW internally so you won't get a higher speed. Ton
  11. QUOTE(guruthilak@yahoo.com @ Feb 12 2008, 07:24 AM) OK that makes sense, you should navigate your way to the case structure, so first open a reference to the 'while loop' and then open a reference to the structure within. Ton
  12. QUOTE(normandinf @ Feb 11 2008, 09:39 PM) It looks like you use a tree control and address this as an MCL, is that right? Or is the name not updated for the control type? Ton
  13. QUOTE(boone301 @ Feb 11 2008, 07:54 AM) I believe that's a forced limitation by LabVIEW to prevent actions like this. QUOTE(Aitor Solar @ Feb 11 2008, 09:06 AM) Mmm, not sure what you are asking, but: I think he's referring to this Ton
  14. QUOTE(TG @ Feb 8 2008, 07:50 PM) This is what I've done for the Code Capture Tool: Create the files as you are about to distribute them in a folder named user.lib in a folder starting with a '_' (not under the LabVIEW directory) In LabVIEW select Tools->Advanced->Edit palette set Make a new Palette View (you can change any name you want in LabVIEW 7.x+ On the root Palette set, right click->Add sub-menu -> from New .mnu file Save the .mnu file in the user.lib folder from step 1 Fill the palette with the items you want Select the default View Close the Palette editor Copy the contents of the user.lib folder from step 1 to the LabVIEW user.lib folder Reload the palette set by: Restarting LabVIEW Re-editing the palette set without actually editing something Apply the app.palettes.refresh method [*]This should give you a palette under the user.lib palette with your tools PS: The name of the folder from step 1 doesn't need to be user.lib, but for the Code Capture Tool it was neccesary because it should be called by a VI from the Project folder. Good luck Ton PPS, if I have the time to make some screenshots of the process I will dump it to the http://wiki.lavag.org' target="_blank">wiki
  15. QUOTE(TG @ Feb 8 2008, 03:14 AM) The problem is that LabVIEW branches throught the contents of user.lib and creates a palette item for every item found. It will ignore items in folders that start with a _ So what I do for tools (like the Code Capture Tool) is put the code in '_' folder, then create a .mnu file that contains the items I want (and that refer either to a <user.lib> or are located in the source and refer to a relative path to the '_' item), than copy that together with the items I want. You can put the .mnu file in the user.lib folder and it will show up restart (or fire a private method called app.palettes.refresh) QUOTE(pallen @ Feb 8 2008, 05:58 PM) I'm not positive here, but what about copying the LabVIEW .ini file? (I'd make a backup first though) The ini stores the views and position of the palettes, so that will be covered by this. Ton
  16. QUOTE(Morten Pedersen @ Feb 8 2008, 11:24 AM) I have a similar setup running, where the server is on a Linux Apache box, and I use a Subversion WIndows client for LabVIEW 6.x and 7.x and advanced techniques. For LabVIEW 8.x I use the PushOK Client. Both work OK, but you should notice that anonymouse browsing should be disallowed to have the PushOK function correctly. Be aware that if you want to build your own tool in LabVIEW 8.x with the built-in SCC api, the PushOK client gives pop-ups. Ton
  17. Looks nice :thumbup: I advice you to add this to the Code Repository, in that way we can keep it good accessible! What version of .Net is needed? Ton
  18. QUOTE(frentzen @ Feb 7 2008, 03:03 PM) A suggestion is given http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&view=by_date_ascending&message.id=299002#M299002' target="_blank">here (dark side warning) It contains almost your string formatter: just remove the %3u Ton
  19. QUOTE(neB @ Feb 6 2008, 08:38 PM) I think you downloaded 8.5 the moment it came out (just to read the release notes), and you used an old CD set. This issue showed me it's meaningfull to keep the old sets in the archive, just in case! Ton It's giving me a http://forums.lavag.org/State-Diagram-Editor-dropped-t9584.html#' target="_blank">DejaVu
  20. QUOTE(TG @ Feb 6 2008, 07:16 PM) QUOTE(neB @ Feb 6 2008, 07:46 PM) The SC toolkit can be found on the Add-ons disk. Ben If you have bought it, it's a seperate module for approx. €1500 (or was it €2500?) The State Diagram Editor Toolkit is removed from the add-ons disc for LabVIEW 8.5 (nov-2007) So keep a copy! Ton
  21. QUOTE(neB @ Feb 5 2008, 03:57 PM) Ditto To address the points of AQ, I ran the following code, it shows that only one of the two event cases will run(ever) http://lavag.org/old_files/monthly_02_2008/post-2399-1202224739.png' target="_blank"> Ton
  22. A simulated analog DAQmx device will return a sine wave with a little bit of noice, so that's most likely the drift. You can see this easily in MAX. I only use simulated devices to control timing settings and stuff. For program testing a use a simulated value VI. Ton
  23. QUOTE(crelf @ Feb 3 2008, 12:01 AM) Ok, thanks, I see your reader ignores the 'tags', so it wouldn't be practical for you . But anyway adding the forum somewhere would be usefull. Ton
  24. QUOTE(dee @ Feb 2 2008, 10:10 PM) First I would not close the VI reference until I would have finished processing Second the most importing thins is you need is 'Defer Panel updates' set that property to 'T' before the for loop, and to 'F' after the for loop. The slow factor because of the background is most likely because you have overlapping elements (the controls and the background). Ton
  25. QUOTE(Jim Kring @ Feb 2 2008, 06:46 AM) Jim, you didn't mentioned guests, 72 vs. 10.000 at the moment (<1%) at the moment so I think that getting info is more important for NI than LAVA, supporting the '100% community support' idea, although lurking is officially allowed :laugh: . What I certainly like on LAVA is the PM, the number of abuse has been very little, 3 over 3 years and on NI it is very hard to get into direct (private) contact with other users, if I wanted such a thing on NI I would sent a link to my LAVA PM contact address or use some misformed gmail account. Ton
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