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Everything posted by pawhan11

  1. Makes sense but the problem is that in this case there are no items that can be resolved from resolve conflicts window (For all items in resolve conflicts Use selected item id disabled) I have also tried to move ppl from files view but this can not be done.
  2. I have tried resolve in conflict window but for some reason I can not choose correct new path. In fact nothing can be chosen I was thinking about writing script that will go through all vis in proj and replace this ppl content so they have new path, but that seems way to extreme...
  3. That is the problem, when I remove PPL from project and from disk and point to new one I get this conflicts.
  4. Cross post from NI forums: http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/Load-lvlbp-from-different-locations-on-disk/td-p/3634295 I have project file that includes lvlibp library, functions from inside are called from many places inside application. Now this library resides in directory A, I want to do disk cleaning and load the same PPL but from another place on disk. I have played with it and I can not do this... When I remove currently used ppl it goes to dependencies. When I add to project library from new path there is hundreds of confilcts that can not be resolved. Is there a simple catch that I am missing? demo.zip
  5. I have stared using OOP in LV some time ago, and there is something that I don't undrestand. When I modify 1 class VI all class members are recompiled and also modified despite of fact that I haven't touched them. This becomes a serious problem when using source controll, I am pushing hundreds of VIs to the server and without comments I can not tell which VI was modified. Is there a way around that? When programming without classes I never had this problem. I am using GOOP from Symbio Cross post from: http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/Labview-Class-recompile-problem/m-p/3360728
  6. Hmm, it makes more sense now Thanks.
  7. Playing with this just to kill time but it seems that size matters tests.vi
  8. I think sometimes globals or DVRs will be more suitable than messages. For example when we have a large buffer data points that some process is acquiring and stores in memory, others will use that data. By using globals/dvrs it is just basically set and get. Using messages involves flattening data to variant/string in order pass that data by message implementation. With large data this delay might be significant.
  9. In my applications I tend to use state machines that run in parallel and acces them by queues to get/set/perform some operations based on data that this SM is using. I use ActionEngine if I don;t need to do any background operations and they are working good. I usually have 1 global variable in every app that is set at beginning and read in many places. Now I am working on big OOP project, they never use Action Engines. All is based on DVR classes but idea is almost the same. Enums are replaced by dynamic dispatch, it is easier to create another instance of an object (state machine) and it is easier to add another references/implementations by inheritance instead of case structures. I am not seeing benefits of private/public acces scopes introduced by classes, projects in LV are simply to small. Biggest disadventage is code bloat... project has more than 10k vis and IDE needs to load more than 5 minutes, compilation times are also very long and for some reason when I close project most of classes need to be saved even if no change was made And another thing are PPLs, I have no idea why this feature was introduced..
  10. Has anyone found native solution for borderless transparent modal window?
  11. Thanks for this tool, it works great. Is there a simple way to make copy of xnode with different name? So far I have to create methods and copy paste BD code to new ones.
  12. Thanks but that is not what I meant. I found brutal solution for now:
  13. Hello, I need to extract data from Variant Waveform in OpenG there is function Cluster to Array of VData but I can't find any for Waveforms. Anyone done that before?
  14. If You want to monitor all messages comming from Queues or UE i think You should create another thread in application that will handle that. Whenever You enqueue message you will also add copy about that message + time, source and whatever you want and sent it to thread that monitors all of that.
  15. Could You save in LV 2014?
  16. Replaced subtract node and now works as it should Why I have no idea ...
  17. Hello, Do You know if there is a way to resize rearrange cases window? By default it fits only 8 cases and it is hard to move and work with it when we have 30 or more cases
  18. Played for a few hours with vim and event generation. I wanted to create universal vi for creating and adding UE. It seems that we can create one vi for registering and sending UE data, but registering more than one UE will require xnode I added one flag to decide when to register and when to generate. vim needs to be extracted because I couldn't attach it. event testing.vi event test.zip
  19. In my applications I have vis with familiar functionalities for queues. I came to conclusion that all of us has created something like that. For me there is no way to get rid of this variant conversion because in my state machines data is usually state dependent not queue dependent. Could You tell more about how are you planning to do that? When comes to UE i have vi that looks identical to addQ state but there is no response request. I never figured a way to get response from all subscribers.
  20. Never scripted lib before but found this:
  21. Nice Idea, I always have the problem with connecting this enum and unbundling what needs to be used from cluster In one project I ended making polymorphic wrapper in similar way You did and then unbundling what is needed inside wrppers. It takes some time doing it one by one and they all look the same so it is bit confusing but if polymorphic vi can be scripted on top of that wrappers it will be nice Edit: added polymorphic vi generation after Edit2: if there could be easy way to do bundling/unbundling by scripting, not by hand it would be nice fgv to polly.zip
  22. That is great job
  23. Hello, Soon I will start my first project that finally includes some daq cards. I have some questions how to manage tasks in project. - I can create and manage tasks using MAX but it will require to install max on customer PC and that most likely will be a problem. - I can add tasks and channels to my project New -> DAQmx Channel/Task/Scale. It seems reasonable but where task parameters are stored? They can be edited after I compile exe? Do You know better approaches ? It would be good if channel parameters are stored in some csv fil,e so I can modify it without compilation. What about channel callibration? It would be nice if calibration data were also stored in some file. I think some gui for calibration is also worth having inside exe (something like attached example from ni) What are Your experiences / good practices? Thanks in advice 7_1_channel_calibration.llb
  24. Did matlab before now started doing more c# instead of labview
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