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Everything posted by Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden

  1. of-topic slightly... IN this day of no body trust nobody, wikileaks seems to be a single source of info that few question. Ben
  2. No I can't cite any high-visability apps. Some of my apps require a security clearence that prevents me from seeing them in operation. I'll just have to wait around for the documentary. Ben
  3. No LabVIEW drivers? Ben
  4. +1 That reply is a lot better than my "WE got burned so go hide" reply. Ben
  5. I think it may have been the week before last when I came back into the office and overheard a conversation where the gang was plesed with their overnight adventures and the running joke was "Running hardware on a virtual machine." They abandoned the machine provided by the customer (XP running in a virtual machine) and switched to one of ours. Ben
  6. The universe will be saved by fuzzy bears. I should not be suprised.

    1. Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden
    2. Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden


      In the early 1900's Wilson locked up people for what they said. One guy locked-up due to reading Bill of Rights in public.

    3. Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden


      "The worst of the recesion is behind us." B. Obama. As for myself, God, gold, and guns ... in that order.

  7. There better be more the the QSM or else I would not have anything to start with. THis presentation on the NI site (the dark-side) can show others. http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/Receiving-Multichannel-data-serially-on-Labview/m-p/1400384#M545892 App architectures are a lot like knitting. If you only know one stich then everything looks the same, but irf you understand the nature of the various stitches (functions e.g. Queues Events,...) you can whip up your own pattern with the right combination. The are many other examples on the NI web-site. Search for Design pattern. Ben
  8. Citation please? Ben
  9. In the mode of "teaching a man to fish..." When I was taught LV Basic I and II, I was instructed by Rich Brueggman (the first non-NI person to be certified as an CPI) taught me a lot of subtle point about LV, but the one thing that he said that would have helped you help yourself was... "When in dout, right-click" That would have helped you. BTW: It is a good idea to start right-clicking on obects after new LV releases. I have found mant gems under a right-click. THe other early leason came from my next G-Daddy, Jay Grasel, now a VP with NI) who told me... "If you don't know how an operator works, do a ctrl-c followed by a ctrl-n." Ctrl-n is the short-cut for new VI where I drop the opertor and start experimenting. Like I said, have fun! Ben
  10. Forget about the clearence for now. Instead work on getting good enough to start holding "Thursday Night Beer and Study Night" where you teach others. When the people behind the locked door realize you are an assest, you may get the invitation you are looking for. Ben
  11. The size of the elements in the cluster can be resized. Pop-up on the cluster n the array adn create property node .... When you resize on cluster the other will do the same. have fun! Ben
  12. I think I just wasted 43 seconds trying figure out which one was the sister. Ben
  13. #1 Security clearence. We have a shop locally that I call a "black hole" since every engineer or scientist that crosses over that event horizon is never seen again outside the fence. Getting clearences these days is not easy. If you have one already, you have a leg up. Ben
  14. You have probably moved on by now but... I was not able to find anything to distinguish between the two sources. (at first I remebered seeing teh "source" property in am image from Jim's book but it did not distinguish between a human and the value signalling source. Ben
  15. That is what sub-VIs are for. Hint: In LV 7.1 you could step through the lements of a cluster using the control refs of all of the controls in the cluster. If all of the elements are the same you can just iterate through them and use "Value Property" nodes to set each indicator. I think the table approach is a no-go (and if you thought the cluster of cluster required a lot of code...) Ben
  16. ... and if you don't like the 2d array of clusters idea you could crate an cluster of 96 elements and hid all o the un-used... but then scrolling would require more work. Ben
  17. Black spots on my lab coat, burn holes in the knees of my insulated cover-alls, betray four days of welding trial and errors. Note: cleaning the visor helps litle when your breath fogs view.

  18. Extending the cluge... You could detect a mouse down on the pictue and then show the actual 3D picture at let it do its job. Sure the other widget would be hidden while interactinge with the picture. Not trying to rationalize, but cope with reality. Ben
  19. now that you have heard all of the good answers... It is possible to hide th 3d graph and show a pictue with the image from the 3d graph and make it LOOK like it is in the background. Ben
  20. On the picture pallete there si a function called "Get TextRectangle" that when passed text font font size bold etc, it will return a cluster the size of that text once rendered. Ben
  21. Please cover data flow paradigm and make it clear that controls and indicators are not variables as used in C. they are graphic widgets and "the wire" is the variable. Ben
  22. Under the heading of "THose who refuse to study history are forced to repeat it..." I have a design pattern that I developed prior to LVOOP that was inspired by a design Pattern posted by Jim Kring that uses notifiers. My version has been called internally "Self Addressed Stamped Envelope" patern and sounds similar to what I read above. The challenge that drove the pattern was I need a "viewer" that could display any of the signals acquired in an application but number of viewers and the channels were not known at development time. How it worked. All of the producers each had a loop running that acted ast the "marketing" department. The loop published a queue (implemented in an AE but a Singleton would do the same) ref along with a list of the channels it offered. This loop and queue would act as the "in box" for the marketing department who would watch for new requests coming (an entry in the queu with the name of the channel to monitor and a queue to use for the updates) in and when one was found pass that to the "Production" department who would include the requestors queue in the list of all queues it updated when new data comes in. The main reason I chime in on this pattern is that is had kick-ass performance becuase all of the data was shared via queues and only minimal buffer duplications requied. Done distracting for now, Ben
  23. Gotcha! Andrey has a solution just for you! Image removed because LAVA did not like the extenstion. See here http://forums.ni.com...288372#U1288372 Ben
  24. Well I stand corrected (again). Two Kudos for you, one for the original post and one for pointing at it. Ben
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