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Everything posted by Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden

  1. QUOTE(Neville D @ Jul 10 2007, 11:58 AM) Adding to Neville's reply... You should be able to create simulated devices in MAX to cover the hardware req's. Ben
  2. QUOTE(alfa @ Jul 10 2007, 02:59 AM) Five stars to you Alfa! I gotta go with that one! Now if you are with me re: space and time being related then would you agree that God is also not a function of position as well? Ben
  3. QUOTE(wallyabcd @ Jul 9 2007, 09:15 AM) Woops! You said that in your original Q! Are you using unique VI's to call the dll? What does the Execution trace toolkit show? Ben
  4. Returning to the idea of perfoming unique calcualations and adhering to AE quote; "The difference between genius and stupidity... is that genius has its limits." Could the memory density of the human brain (# of meories/ volume of brain) be use to show that memories must be stored in an element smaller than an atom? I was trying to explain what I understood of string theory to my wife and how it genearally fails to produce a prediction that can be measured. So I suggested if there was an experiment that could be performed it would have to be something that science would scoff at being rediculous. We eventually talked about clairvoiance and as being a possible manifestation of the interaction, possibly at the string level. Evetually the mechanism used to store memories came to mind and then I asked myslef the question above and thought "what better place to post a Q like this than "The 5th dimension". Of particular interest is those of us that have photographic memories. Depending on the "resolution" of the memories, it would not take long to accumulate more information than there are atoms in our brains. Ben
  5. QUOTE(crelf @ Jun 29 2007, 11:42 AM) Oow, oow, Can I see also? Ben
  6. QUOTE(Jim Kring @ Jun 28 2007, 10:37 PM) Jim, Your post got me thnking again about a challenge I have been fighting with for a couple of years. "How to help people make the paradigm shift to data flow?" I see a lot of code devloped by other people. When looking a LV code developed by "converts form other languages", I can see how they have twisted LV around to fit into the models that worked in "the other languages". Well your post reminded me of my childhood when I spent a lot of time playing in streams building damns. When I was attempting to drain the pools downstream of the damn, I could do it in more than one way. One method was to create a channel from the lowest pool and then proceed to create channles from the lowest other pools to the lowest. Another method was to create multiple channels for each pool. So it occured to me that the text based lnaguages tended toward the the single channel method, while LV naturally allows the multiple channel method. So what's the difference? Well when the rain comes the single channel approach can backup while the multichannel approach performs better and an obstruction in one channel does not affect the others. So were am I going with this? Nowhere other than to get some coffee. Ben
  7. QUOTE(Eugen Graf @ Jun 28 2007, 07:13 AM) A diagnostic tool that allows you to monitor and log traffic. I use it to look at VISA reads and writes but it can do a lot more than that. Ben
  8. QUOTE(wallyabcd @ Jun 28 2007, 05:03 AM) Is your call configured to run in the UI thread (yellow vs orange node)? Ben
  9. QUOTE(crelf @ Jun 28 2007, 09:01 AM) Cool I get to establish the zero point. So if I define "what you're lifting the asteroid away from" as being the asteroid itself.... Stoping and taking score: OK we have Albert and Isaac mentioned in this thread. We still need a mention of Maxwell and Gibbs before we are done here. Ben
  10. QUOTE(Mellberg @ Jun 28 2007, 03:15 AM) NOt personally, but... I have been asked to report issues with hidden and secret properties if I find them. So please report this to NI but don't expect a fix or feedback. Ben
  11. QUOTE(Mike Ashe @ Jun 27 2007, 09:35 PM) Excelent thought Mike! Re: Rock and lifting (a short aside) Aren't asteroids rocks? Can an object in space be "lifted"? If the previous answers are "Y" and "N" then he already did! Ben
  12. QUOTE(alfa @ Jun 27 2007, 04:14 AM) I have to confess that I have never pondered this to any great extent and in fact strikes me as question that has no answer. To calculate the size would (in my minds eye) would be an attempt at define a property of God. When I define things I am generally estalishing a limit of what something is and what it is not. It seems (to me) that the defining goes the other way. The other thing that makes it hard for me to come to grips with this idea is the nature of the "size of a thing". I think of size as being a displacement between two fixed points within space. Being someone who wants to know the reason for things, I have come to understand space-time as being something that was brought about by God. I think it was Goedel (Sp?) that showed that a system can be proved from within the system. So I do not see God as existing either in space-time or outside space-time because again to be inside or outside would indicate that God was confined to one or the other. As an aside, I have often wondered at that one of the "first" acts ascribed to God as being the creation of light, which we know is a constant that also can be used as a conversion factor between space and time. So no, I have not concidered the calculation you mentioned. Ben
  13. QUOTE(orko @ Jun 25 2007, 01:21 PM) and.... if your cluster have arrays, it will sort them as well. Tie-breakers use the second element of the cluster and so on.... Ben
  14. QUOTE(jpdrolet @ Jun 25 2007, 09:06 AM) Silly me.... I should have started cutting in the middle of the floor instead of in the back corner under the sink! Well we live and we learn. It is going to take some time to teach the people around me about "The Kravanja's Leak" (this Schroedinger's cat). "I know the sound came from over there but it will be much easier to fix if I cut here." Ben
  15. So I was helping a buddy repair the hot water to his mothers kitchen sink that burst in the cold of winter. I started cutting through the floor when my buddy pointed out it was the other line that was bad. So we cut out that part of the floor and could not see the breach. Lather rinse repeat. Eventually we found the break right under were I started my first cut! Now when I brought up clairvoyance (sp?) crelf mentioned entangled particles so I was thinking. What part of my twisted brain was entangled with a cracked water pipe? Ben
  16. QUOTE(yen @ Jun 22 2007, 07:35 AM) Congratulations all! Recertification is staring me in the face. I have to recertify by the end of the year. Hmmmmm..... Without violating your agreements..... Should someone trying to recertify spend time working with LVOOP and X-Controls before attempting the re-cert? Ben
  17. QUOTE(yen @ Jun 22 2007, 07:25 AM) As always, it is better to post some code that illustrates your challenge. If you are using a "Waveform" data type, to "t0" and "dt" values define the X-Axis value unless "ignore attributes" is true. Ben
  18. QUOTE(PaulG. @ Jun 19 2007, 01:42 PM) Oh NO! Someone asked about crelfs picture again. These never end without someone saying "May the schwartz be with you!" so lets just concider it done before it even starts. :headbang: Ben
  19. QUOTE(BrokenArrow @ Jun 19 2007, 09:03 AM) Provided they both use seperate "opens" and file ref's AND ther is only one writter*, you should be OK. The file system (as realized throught the LV API's) track the file pointer seperately for each ref. * There was a bug in LV 7.X where LV could mix up the file ref nums (which is a big problem if the two files are data log files of different types! You do not want to try and untagle one of these.) Ben
  20. QUOTE(hooovahh @ Jun 19 2007, 08:53 AM) It almost looks like the "law of the sea" applies (largest vessel has the right of way). Although it was not that bad, my first trip to New England taught me about agressive driving. I was offered some driving tips. 1) Never make eye contact with the other driver. It indicates you are yielding. 2) If you break down, do not stop in the breakdown lane. It is often used as an express lane. (I was suprised to see speed bump!) 3) When merging into heavy traffric, look for a car that cost more than yours then aim for it. they will slow down. Ben
  21. QUOTE(Michael_Aivaliotis @ Jun 18 2007, 11:50 PM) Wow boy! I ain't going there! If I did the next thing you know, I would be telling I had to get up a three in the morning (an hour before I went to bed), ate poison for breakfast and had to lick the road clean with my tongue (paraphrase of Monty Python skit). Ben
  22. QUOTE(Jim Kring @ Jun 18 2007, 02:01 PM) OK. I can see a positive when I look at how well I can function with the right partner. You know, the buddy who has the hammer waiting before you even ask. Ben
  23. QUOTE(Jim Kring @ Jun 18 2007, 12:58 PM) Ouch! I was hired to fix an app developed by someone else. (so, no big deal!) but the other devloper was THERE when I was doing it. He wanted to code it like it was ladder logic. It drove me nuts when he would move the mouse while I was in the middle of a change. The best way I found to explain this situation to my wife was to get her to watch the "Personal Navigator" comercial (left, left, left!). Ben
  24. QUOTE(eaolson @ Jun 18 2007, 10:20 AM) I hear you on that point! BTW: One of my customers is concidering one of these widgets for the next phase of the project. I am glad it is the next phase because I have trouble enough keeping track of one touch point! The day of the single threaded UI may be approaching its end. Ben
  25. QUOTE(yen @ Jun 16 2007, 04:19 PM) And if he is only enthusiastic now, imagine if he was zealous! :worship: Congratulations Chris. Ben
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