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Posts posted by JKSH

  1. 20 hours ago, pato7 said:

    @JKSH Thank you for your reply. I have attached here 2014 Version files. Basically I have just created the server code and a read from file code but its still not integrated in the server code. I will try to work with CSV files and use the For loop method, Thanks for the advice. I am trying to find a way how to relate each item read to its corresponding folder and also if there's more than one item related to the same folder.

    You're welcome :)

    It looks like you already know how to use the OPC UA server VIs. So, what you need to do next is take the strings that you read from your file and pass them into those VIs (in a loop).

    If you're new to LabVIEW programming, it's worth spending some time to learn LabVIEW properly. If your university has any LabVIEW training courses, attend them. Otherwise, see http://www.ni.com/getting-started/labview-basics/

  2. @mwebster, thank you again for taking the time to test drive LQ Widgets. Very much appreciated! Thanks also for your vote of confidence. It has certainly given me the motivation to work faster :) 

    14 hours ago, mwebster said:

    (lots of work has obviously gone into Qt Widgets)

    Indeed. Qt Widgets is very mature and stable; that's the main reason why I picked the widgets API as a starting point for this project.

    The Qt Company is now pouring resources into the next-gen GUI framework; it's definitely more powerful than the widgets, but it's still evolving. I believe Qt Widgets will remain relevant for the core Qt users for many years to come.


    14 hours ago, mwebster said:

    I really like the way you can link objects together solely through the Qt framework or through events or through callbacks.  I hope I can find an excuse to use it.

    Same here :)


    14 hours ago, mwebster said:

    However, I have absolutely no vision of how to use this on anything outside the smallest of projects.  The overhead required to do manual, programmatic layout removes one of Labview's biggest advantages ((relatively) quick GUI development).

    Interesting. I was thinking the exact opposite, actually: Given the overhead involved in creating and wiring up the GUI, I thought it's an overkill for small projects. In contrast, LQ Widgets could be a good investment for large, long-term projects that need complex GUIs.

    I find LabVIEW GUIs great for rapid prototyping -- we can get something up and running very very quickly. However, it's somewhat limiting, and requires me to perform gymnastics to do anything fancy (e.g. dynamically composing a dialog requires image manipulation). I'm aiming to make this API less tedious and more intuitive than those gymnastics moves.

    Anyway, LabVIEW front panels and LQ Widgets can coexist happily in the same project, as you mentioned already.


    14 hours ago, mwebster said:

    it reminds me of the Labview TestStand OI.  That thing makes me cross-eyed every time I delve down into it.  So many callbacks and hooks.

    I think that's because TestStand OIs rely heavily on ActiveX, so you need to do the things that @ShaunR mentioned.

    It's definitely a very different paradigm from LabVIEW's traditional dataflow. Having said that, GUI interactions are asynchronous, which doesn't fit neatly into the dataflow world.


    14 hours ago, mwebster said:

    Obviously the Labview crashing thing needs to be figured out.

    Did you encounter any crashes when test-driving LQ Widgets? If so, do you remember what caused them?


    14 hours ago, mwebster said:

    We should be able to rename event wires

    Yep, I've been looking for a good way to name events too (and so have many others).

    The demo video above shows "casting" in action, at 3:37.


    14 hours ago, mwebster said:

    You speak of possibly having a GUI editor in the far future.  Something like the QT Creator IDE frontend that figures out how to use VI scripting to create the equivalent Labview calls?  Unfortunately I feel like I would probably need something at that level before diving in headfirst.

    All of that said, I do plan to keep an eye on this.  Some of the capabilities of QT are really cool looking, especially in regards to themes, graphs, and accelerated 3d visualizations.

    Yes, I can see how the WYSIWYG editor can lower the entry barrier. OK, I'll bump this up in my priority list. Stay tuned!


    14 hours ago, mwebster said:

    Some of the capabilities of QT are really cool looking, especially in regards to themes, graphs, and accelerated 3d visualizations.

    Mm, my mouth watered the first time I saw the 3D stuff. They used to be restricted to enterprise customers only, but in about 2 months from now they will be released to the open-source community! (GPL only, so they can't be used in proprietary apps without buying a commercial license, but still…)


    3 hours ago, ShaunR said:

    this is, or is potentially, cross platform.

    Exactly right. I'm very confident that LQ Widgets can be ported to Linux (including Linux RT CompactRIOs with Embedded UIs) with minimal effort. Not sure about OS X though.

    • Like 2
  3. On 5/14/2016 at 2:13 AM, pato7 said:

    Normally through labview we can create an OPC UA server and add folders/ Items/Properties to create the data structure. But this is done manually by adding the vi for each folder and item and connecting them. This is reasonable if we have two or three items or properties in the data structure. But if we have for example 40 items, then it would get messy. So i am thinking of a way to read the data from an excel sheet or text doc and automatically create the data structure in the OPC UA server. Offcourse, the data in the excel sheet should be arranged in a special way so that we can create the node paths easily and define the characteristics( read/write, datatype) of each node automatically. so far i was able to create the OPC UA server but I am stuck on how to transform the data from the excel file to the OPC UA server.

    I can't open your VIs as I don't have LabVIEW 2015, so I can't see what you've done. However, here are some quick tips:


    3 hours ago, pato7 said:

    Did I make my idea clearer now?  The thing is that it's required from me to use OPC UA protocol.

    Please forgive me if I've misunderstood you, but I feel that you are presenting an XY Problem here (see http://xyproblem.info/ )

    To help us identify how to help you properly, please describe your project in more detail. Specifically:

    • What is the name of your project? (If your project doesn't have a name, tell us the name of your unit/subject/course)
    • Why are you required to use OPC UA? What does your professor want you to learn? (This really doesn't make sense to me, because OPC UA is not really designed for transferring waveforms)
    • Why do you want to run the server "as fast as possible"?


    On 5/13/2016 at 10:11 AM, pato7 said:

    My task now is to compare the two signals and make sure that the data is transfered as fast as possible so when I am sampling I wont miss any data.

    Who does the sampling? The server or the client?


    On 5/14/2016 at 9:24 PM, pato7 said:

    But since there is time difference between the two waveforms. I need to compare them in a separet VI. And should calculate the offset in order to make for that time difference and be able to compare the two signals. Comparison according to (Sampling rate, frequency, phase difference, noise)

    The time difference and phase difference is mainly due to the lag in transferring the data from your server to your client, right? Are you interested in measuring that lag?

    Sampling rate is only relevant when you convert a physical (real) signal to a digital signal. OPC UA only transmits digital data; it does not do any conversion.

    Why do you think there will be noise or change in frequency? OPC UA transmits digital data. As long as the client doesn't lose any part of the data, the data will be received perfectly at the other side, without noise.


    On 5/13/2016 at 10:11 AM, pato7 said:

    So I am considering the signal generated at the server is IDEAL and I'll compare the signal at the client to it. And I need to measure the %error between them.

    4 hours ago, pato7 said:

    So may I ask if... we have two random sine waveforms generated each from a separate VI. How do we compare them in this case?

    You need 3 things:

    1. First, you must make sure you understand the types of comparisons that you want to do. This is the theory you learn from your professor and/or your textbooks.
    2. Next, you must identify algorithm for performing your comparisons. There might already be an algorithm available in your textbooks, or you might need to think of one, or you might be able to ask someone who knows.
    3. Finally, you must write a program that uses that algorithm to perform your comparisons.


    We can help you with #3 quite easily (after you finish #1 and #2), but I'm not sure if we can help you with #1.

    Forget about LabVIEW programming for now. Consider these sine waves:




    What kind of comparisons do you want to do on them? Which differences are you interested in?

    • Like 1
  5. 12 hours ago, pato7 said:

    @hooovahh Sorry but I believed the title of this post is "phase difference betwwen two signals" and my major question was how to measure the difference between two signals.

    If you want to change the title, click "Edit".


    12 hours ago, pato7 said:

    The idea is that its required from me to work with OPC UA labview. So regardless how fast it is , I am supposed to test its limitations and compare the results when the OPC UA server was faster or slower and try to find methods for using it in "fast as possible" mode.So for now, I need to compare the waveforms and check how much is the % error between the waveform generated at the server and the one read at the client.

    But since there is time difference between the two waveforms. I need to compare them in a separet VI. And should calculate the offset in order to make for that time difference and be able to compare the two signals. Comparison according to (Sampling rate, frequency, phase difference, noise)

    If you are not able to run the OPC UA VIs incase you don't have the OPC UA toolkit. My question would be the same as how to compare these two normal waveforms that are generated each in a separate VI.

    I still don't fully understand what you want to do. You've said you want two things:

    1. Test the limitations of OPC UA
    2. "Compare" 2 waveforms in terms of sampling rate, frequency, phase difference, and noise.

    These 2 things are completely separate. Please tell us which one is your most important goal: #1 or #2?

    If I show you an easier way to test the limitations of OPC UA without using waveforms, then do you still want to know how to compare waveforms?

  6. @mwebster, thanks for your kind words, and for swiftly posting your tips to help others. I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts!


    On 5/12/2016 at 0:40 AM, mwebster said:


    And, obviously, you document this in the README file.  Who reads README's?  :)

    I can relate :lol: I've added the path tidbit near the download link in my original post.

  7. Hi,

    I currently don't have LabVIEW 2015 so I can't open your VIs, I'm afraid.


    12 hours ago, pato7 said:

    I created a sine signal at my OPC UA server and I am reading that signal at my OPC UA client. I plotted the signal  at both , the server and at the client. My task now is to compare the two signals and make sure that the data is transfered as fast as possible so when I am sampling I wont miss any data.

    Were you required to use OPC UA, or did you choose it yourself?

    If you want to make sure that you don't lose any data, then I don't think OPC UA is the best solution. Have a look at lossless streaming instead: http://www.ni.com/white-paper/12267/en/


    24 minutes ago, Tim_S said:

    OPC is great until you want to do something that requires timing of faster than, oh, 30 seconds.OLE (OPC = OLE for Process Control) runs at the lowest priority possible in Windows.

    @pato7 is talking about OPC UA, which is a complete revamp and does not use OLE: http://www.ni.com/white-paper/13843/en/

  8. 8 hours ago, Yair said:
    1. White. So much white. I had a similar complaint with some upgrade NI had at some point. While the LAVA situation is better than the NI one was, I still feel there isn't enough contrast in the various separators and I find the white hurts my eyes. This is probably screen-dependent, and I probably would get used to it, but I am putting it out there that I would prefer a change in the colors.

    If you're using Google Chrome, try this: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hacker-vision/fommidcneendjonelhhhkmoekeicedej

    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, ShaunR said:

    The only thing I haven't figured out (yet) is how to break quotes so I can reply in sections. I used to just change it to text and then split it up inserting the markup but I can't see a text/html button in the new editor. I expect it can be done another way, just that I was using the brute force method :P

    Huh... I never thought of using the the edit-in-text-mode technique! All along, I've copied+pasted the entire post to create a new "section", and then erased the parts not relevant to each section.

  10. I saw a conversation (argument) about that at some point but I don't recall the conclusion. I think there are arguments for a global install as well as a local install, depending on the tool. For example I'm assuming nobody is arguing this should be project-specific.


    I believe that the "wrongness" that @odoylerules mentioned isn't so much about having a global install, but rather having packages added to C:\Program Files\ which goes against current Windows security principles.


    C:\Program Files\ is a place of restricted security, mainly for an official installer to place files required to run a program, like .exes, DLLs, and official resources. User-modifiable and 3rd-party files (e.g. config files, example code, 3rd party development libraries, etc.) would ideally go into somewhere like C:\ProgramData\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2015\user.lib\

  11. 1.0.1 has been released with the dependency removed. You should be good to go!


    Yep, works great!


    The Suggestions API returns a 2D array where the first column is the incorrect word, and the other columns are the suggestions. However, the row length depends on the entry with the highest number of suggestions. This means, if the callers want to know how many suggestions there are for a particular incorrect word, they would need to manually search for empty array elements in that row. Would it make sense for the API to return an array of clusters instead? Each cluster would have 1 string (incorrect word) and 1 1D array of strings (suggestions).

  12. Possibly.  If one was sending a stream of JSON (including some scalar strings) then this would cause a failure.  However, if some of those scalars were number, like 123.456, then there would be no way to be sure you had the full value as 12 or 123.4, etc. are valid JSON.  So to guard against partial JSON one might have to require streams to use either an Object or Array.


    Agreed, there's no sensible way to figure out if a raw number is complete or not, so we shouldn't even try.


    I did indeed stumble upon this while experimenting with the library's ability to handle JSON streams over TCP, but I'm not planning to send raw standalone scalars.

  13. No. I want a spell checker that I can use in applications on any text - not just in the LabVIEW IDE.That's very short-sighted. :shifty:


    Time to write a wrapper for Hunspell, I suppose :yes:


    To be honest, I don't really see a spell checker fitting in with NI's core offerings, i.e. tools that enable/simplify the work of scientists and engineers. This seems more like a job for 3rd-party developers.


    (Having said that, since VIA already has a built-in spell checker, it might make sense for NI to make VIA spell checker a standalone library, and let both LabVIEW and VIA link to it).


    May I ask what your use-case is?

  14. Hi,


    I found out that Set from JSON Value.lvclass:SON String.vi doesn't seem to notice if strings are incomplete. (Currently using version


    If I input an incomplete object, e.g. 

    {"Hello": "Wor

    ...the VI reports a Parse error (error code 1). This is expected.


    However, if I input an incomplete string, e.g.


    ...the VI doesn't report an error. What's more, the resulting JSON Value object can be passed into JSON Scalar.lvclass:Get as Text.vi which then produces a valid LabVIEW string with no complaints ("Wor").


    Is it worth making the scalar parser more robust?

  15. There is one input that has not been considered, and it is the amount of effort required by the OpenG team to actually move it and if it would have a negative impact on the existing contributors who may be reluctant to learn a new platform.


    Github can interface with SVN clients, so users could in theory continue to use their preferred SVN tools: https://help.github.com/articles/support-for-subversion-clients/ (I'm guessing that the commit messages will be marked with the fact that the SVN interface was used)



    AFAIK VIPM pulls the actual packages from the sourceforge servers (and the NI Tools Network server). So besides moving all the content to another site you would either have to leave the build packages on sourceforge or find a way to easily let VIPM reference this new server instead. Am not even sure how binary packages on github work and if they are easily referenced by external package managers like VIPM.


    Hmm... leaving the last version behind on the old host as an archive is quite common, I believe. OpenG releases are now quite rare, so users probably wouldn't even notice (for years?) if we moved :D Another common practice of large projects is to use one host for the "master repo", while mirroring the project on other hosts in read-only mode.



    ...find a way to easily let VIPM reference this new server instead. Am not even sure how binary packages on github work and if they are easily referenced by external package managers like VIPM.


    Github has a feature called "Releases". Here's an example, which contains a direct download link to a .vip which I presume VIPM can grab: https://github.com/JKISoftware/JKI-State-Machine/releases


    In a nutshell, when you're ready to release a new version, attach a Tag^ to the relevant commit and ask Github to create a Release from that Tag. Github automatically creates a snapshot of the source code in a .zip and a .tar.gz file for this Release. You can then upload your built binary packages into that same Release.


    ^With SVN, developers conventionally copy a snapshot of the source code into the "tags" folder to mark a new version, although SVN itself has no concept of tags. In contrast, Git tags are text labels that can be applied to any commit; developers conventionally apply a tag to mark a new version.



    I think there doesn't exist a authoritative list like that. It would be possible to create a fairly accurate list with some effort albeit there is no warranty that it would be complete, but so far people only have asked for this. Nobody ever went to the effort to actually start to create something like this.


    Even if you had that list several people on it have moved on and are not actively involved in LabVIEW work anymore and may not even follow this microuniverse anymore.


    I guess I just got curious after reading Shaun's comment; I don't need/want it enough to spend time making such a tool :) If I were to do it though, it would probably involve VI scripting, iterating across all OpenG VIs, grabbing strings from each front panel,  searching for the string "Copyright ©", and using regex to extract the name/email that comes after that string.

  16. Anyway. Enough off topic shenanigans :D. Back to the discussion "my SCC could take your SCC in a fight".. :lol:


    There is one input that has not been considered, and it is the amount of effort required by the OpenG team to actually move it and if it would have a negative impact on the existing contributors who may be reluctant to learn a new platform.


    Reading through this thread, it appears to me that neither odoylerules nor yourself wanted to start a "My SCC vs You SCC" debate, but you've both ended up talking about specific SCC features in detail. :P 


    Here's what odoylerules wrote: "...disregarding the SVN vs GIT debate, my main thought was more on the distribution side as SourceForge is just not a good host for things like this.  I suggested Github.com, not expecting the maintainers to switched to GIT, but specifically b/c you can import SVN repositories and use SVN commands/clients while hosting the code on Github.com.  In addition, github.com provides binary distribution, issue tracking and management from a single unified place.  While i read lavag.org all the time, using a forum to track code issues is a very outdated method."


    Regarding these points, SourceForge provides "binary distribution, issue tracking and management from a single unified place" too, and I see that the SourceForge issue tracker has many entries (albeit not for the past 3 years). It's just that our community prefers a different distribution platform (VIPM), and I'm guessing that many casual users aren't aware of the SourceForge issue tracker. I don't know if switching to a different host (no matter which SCC backend is used) will change this.


    Anyway, if the main concern was distribution, I think VIPM is superior to any integrated binary download mechanism provided by online repository hosts.


    I'm not convinced that switching SCC backends will change OpenG's rate of contribution either.




    There is one input that has not been considered, and it is the amount of effort required by the OpenG team to actually move it and if it would have a negative impact on the existing contributors who may be reluctant to learn a new platform.


    Is there a list of of existing contributors? So far I've only been able to find the list of authors for individual VIs embedded in the front panels.

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