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Everything posted by orko

  1. Hi there, I know I've been gone for a while, but now I'm settling into the new projects here and should be more available I had a question about deplying cRIO applications on the network using the built-in web publishing tool. I have an application that currently runs on a cRIO (9102) that I would like to start controling with PCs on the network. One idea is to scrap the UI and develop a new one for a Windows target that uses TCP communications to pass commands to/from the cRIO. But if I'm particularly fond of the UI I have already, what would be the harm in just publishing the front panel to the network and accessing it via a browser? Does anyone have any advice as to what some of the caveats/concerns would be in doing this (or perhaps there are no significant caveats to using the existing web publishing tool?) Thanks!
  2. QUOTE(NormKirchner @ Sep 26 2007, 11:08 PM) I just took care of that problem :laugh: QUOTE(NormKirchner @ Sep 26 2007, 11:08 PM) I wonder if I could get away w/ it Might as well go all out and get the goatee on your thumb! I'm waiting to see if women will start getting lipstick tatoos on their fingers...
  3. orko


    QUOTE(orko @ Aug 24 2007, 08:16 AM) You may have noticed that I've been a little quiet on the forums as of late. That's because I've been in the middle of interviews and salary negotiations for my new employer! :thumbup: As of October 15th, I will be working for the http://www.aegisgrp.com/' target="_blank">Aegis Group in Seattle. I am extremely excited about the opportunities that are opening up for me there!! I look forward to tearing down "The Wall". Or as Ozzy would say, "See you on the other side!"
  4. orko

    It's a girl

    CONGRATULATIONS!! They are really a blessing, and make you look at life (and diaper bags, and car seats, and bodily fluids...) in a whole new way. I'm just grateful she doesn't have your avatar's looks... Hold her and enjoy her as much as you can now...before she can crawl away from ya' and starts liking *boys* (my daughter just turned 8 on Sept 18th)!
  5. QUOTE(PJM_labview @ Sep 20 2007, 08:54 AM) You can also assign the processor in a http://zone.ni.com/reference/en-XX/help/371361D-01/glang/timed_sequence/' target="_blank">Timed Sequence.
  6. For some reason this reminds me of the pimped out john that I saw earlier this year :laugh: Check out the fridge w/beer tap attachment in the back!
  7. "IPA port"? I think it's chug and play compatible...
  8. I'm stuck in the upper 40's (the *real* upper 40's), so I'm going to throw another site your way ...
  9. QUOTE(ramismith @ Sep 17 2007, 10:56 AM) Don't see any attachments...?
  10. QUOTE(dsaunders @ Sep 17 2007, 09:11 AM) Yep, I found that out http://forums.lavag.org/Homing-a-front-panel-t8947.html&view=findpost&p=34914' target="_blank">just recently. You may also notice that the "Open..." item in the menu shortcut selection list is where this "bug/feature" slipped in.
  11. Thx for making this available, Jim!
  12. QUOTE(PJM_labview @ Sep 14 2007, 09:40 AM) I totally agree with PJM. A subVI that has an input of a reference should expect that the reference is already open and valid (and handle it appropriately if it isn't), and should assume that it is not the only subVI that is going to need that reference. Another reason is for modularity and code reuse. For instance, I use a "panelrefs.ctl" cluster in my main VI that is initialized with all of my front panel controls I want to operate on. I can pull these references out at any time in my program from any subVI with the use of an LV2 variable, and close them easily at the end. Having any of my subVI's close the references of the control would cause all subsequent subVI's to not have a valid reference to operate on out of the main panelrefs.ctl. I have all subVI's have a duplicate output control reference, so that if in my data flow I need the reference in the same BD I can tie the calls together without calling it out of the main cluster again. This makes the code a bit cleaner. None of my operator subVI's close the original reference; only the main VI has the responsibility of doing that at shutdown. This makes it easy for me to remember where those references are closed, and prevents bugs popping up that are hard to pinpoint (now where is this silly ref being closed!?!?).
  13. orko


    Welcome to LAVA, PeeGee! I'm sure your experience will be appreciated here. :thumbup:
  14. I don't see anything wrong with that and I actually know many people in a rural town in Washington that I grew up in near Seattle that wrote like that so who's to say that it is or isn't right unless you're an english teacher and who really liked their english teacher anyway I mean I know I didn't so their opinion is the minority anyway and it seems to me that punctuation is just completely overrated for the most part so I would just leave it alone. If False, then I'm wrong. :laugh: <breathe!>
  15. QUOTE(dsaunders @ Sep 12 2007, 02:52 PM) I appreciate the lessons here. This was the first time I had tried to increment an enum, so I was bound to get bit As mentioned above, I never thought to increment/decrement enums since I consider them to be (very powerful) numbered labels. The reason I rely so heavily on typdef enums in my programs is because I can be assured that all of my typedefs are changed when I add/remove a label...and all case structures would retain their intended behavior...which may very well (and probably would) break an incrementing/decrementing enum design. I typically use arrays for ordered state management stuff.
  16. QUOTE(dsaunders @ Sep 12 2007, 12:35 PM) Type cast works as well. http://lavag.org/old_files/monthly_09_2007/post-3266-1189629759.png' target="_blank">
  17. Did you try the latest version above that I posted? It goes about the search in a different way (and speeds it up considerably). Does that method find everything that you want, including dependancies? (I can look but it won't be until tomorrow)
  18. QUOTE(dsaunders @ Sep 11 2007, 01:09 PM) I'm not in front of my dev box right now, but there is a private property node that gives the ConPane resid for a VI. So yes, it is possible. Here is a list of resid's for conpanes that I had here on my USB stick (you could just compare the template's with the VI in question, but here is a list anyway): 1 48003 48034 48061x1 48012x1 48022x2 48052x1x1 48303x1 48043x2 48073x1x1 48313x1x2 48323x3 48104x1 48084x2 48094x3 48114x4 4812[2.5x2.5]x1 48164x1x1 48234x1x2 4824[2.5x2.5]x2 4817[2.5x2.5]x3 48184x1x3 4825[2.5x2.5]x4 48194x1x4 4813[2.5x2.5]x[2.5x2.5] 48204x1x1x4 4826[2.5x2.5]x2x4 48214x2x1 48274x2x2 48284x2x3 48224x2x4 48144x2x1x4 48294x2x2x4 48155x2x2x2x5 48336x2x2x2x2x6 48348x2x2x2x2x2x2x8 4835Weird 4836
  19. "Will whore for drawers" (loves artists) "Will whore for drama" (loves the theater) "Will whore for drab" (loves boring people) "Will whore for dracula" (loves the night life) "Will whore for drag" (Um...did you check for the adam's apple...?)
  20. Ack! That's a nasty one... thanks for the warning!
  21. QUOTE(TobyD @ Sep 10 2007, 08:29 AM) Hmm... "LAVA Hating Spouses". Now that's an interesting idea for a new forum :laugh: ( BTW, I'm stuck on a level in the mid twenties, but I won't say which because I don't want any spoilers! Oh...and I haven't used any hints yet except for that silly one...you know, that one :ninja: )
  22. QUOTE(CamilloN @ Sep 10 2007, 04:18 AM) Alrighty. Sorry it took so long to respond... the "get new posts" link isn't working for me anymore and it's kind of difficult wading through all the forums QUOTE(CamilloN @ Sep 10 2007, 04:18 AM) I put a Sinus Wave infront of the measure with 50Hz A normal durance of this is 20 msec, then the ascent must normally be 10msec. But your VI only gives me 5? I think it begins by zero, so i have only the half anscent. It is 20msec from the start of the wave to the start of the next wave, or the whole 360 degrees of the wave from zero to zero. Since the generated Sines wave( ) starts out at zero on a positive transition, at 5 msec (90 degrees) it is at max and at 10 msec (180 degrees) it is at zero again. This is just the nature of the Sines wave( ) since you are plotting the mathematical Sine at a degree of rotation.QUOTE(CamilloN @ Sep 10 2007, 04:18 AM) How can i change it? Is it possible to just put it into a While loop to give me more than one rating. Not sure what you would like to change? Are you just wanting to store the positive peaks of a repetitive wave? -- Joe "the original" Sines http://lavag.org/old_files/monthly_09_2007/post-3266-1189493455.gif' target="_blank">
  23. QUOTE(yen @ Sep 6 2007, 10:56 AM) Much better! Thanks Yen!
  24. QUOTE(Justin Goeres @ Sep 6 2007, 11:02 AM) Hehe... what's wrong with that? Dunno, I can't think of a reason they were looking for an initial period at the front of the number... ah well, so much for the examples
  25. QUOTE(Eugen Graf @ Sep 6 2007, 10:33 AM) Now your read state doesn't do anything but wait... I think you forgot to put the enqueue in the false case Using the number of elements in the queue will probably cause problems in the future. I would stick to previewing the element that is next in the queue to decide whether or not to queue up the next read. Something like this for example: http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=6872 Here's the SubVI: http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=6873
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