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Rolf Kalbermatter

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Everything posted by Rolf Kalbermatter

  1. QUOTE (Val Brown @ Oct 19 2008, 05:32 AM) Because it is to difficult for some LabVIEW newbies to actually select the right ActiveX component in a list of many hundreds if not thousends of ActiveX components as available on a typical Windows installation. There are many other things in LabVIEW that are not really necessary (eg. Express VIs) as you can achieve them with other more generic functionality often just as easy and with more detailed control but are there for the casual LabVIEW programmer that prefers to have a point and click option instead of having to do some programming. Also the way you describe the problem seems to indicate that LabVIEW is implementing some sort of callback mechanisme that is used by WMP that other containers usually don't implement. So it would seem to me to be overcompliant with MS rather than doing something wrong. Rolf Kalbermatter
  2. QUOTE (Val Brown @ Oct 18 2008, 09:07 PM) I'm pretty sure that this behaviour is not there for nothing. Most likely it works around some other flaw in ActiveX containers, either a generic ActiveX problem or a more specific issue to certain types of ActiveX controls and the way NI had to implement the container to fit into the way LabVIEW has to hook into Windows events to do its other stuff. ActiveX containers hadn't been really thought out to well when they were introduced by Microsoft and they had later to find all kinds of bandaids to make it at least work reasonably. The fact that it is not an issue in other media player ActiveX controls also points to the fact that it is not a generic LabVIEW ActiveX container issue but definitly something in interaction with a certain aspect of the WMP component. Rolf Kalbermatter
  3. QUOTE (crelf @ Sep 30 2008, 09:56 AM) In fact it is 260 minus 1 characters since the MAX_PATH constant in the Windows API is 260 and you need one character for the terminating NUL character. However some Unicode Windows API functions can work with longer filenames, if they are formatted as UNC. Rolf Kalbermatter
  4. QUOTE (normandinf @ Oct 14 2008, 06:10 PM) Actually using a For Loop with autoindexing would be quite a bit more efficient than using Index Array and Build Array. If you would need different operations on different indices you could still implement the operations in a case structure wired to the loop index counter. Rolf Kalbermatter
  5. QUOTE (rajprj81 @ Oct 12 2008, 10:39 PM) There are many threads about accessing serial instruments in general and AT command modems specificially here on this forum. Basically if it works in Hyperterminal but does not seem to work in LabVIEW you have likely forgotten to append the carriage return and/or line feed to the command. Hyperterminal does this when you hit the Enter key. LabVIEW simply sends whatever you tell it to send in the string. You also can enable VISA to append a single character automatically through VISA properties but I do prefer to disable that explicitedly and instead append those characters explicitedly to the command strings. Rolf Kalbermatter
  6. QUOTE (jgcode @ Oct 7 2008, 05:52 PM) I think the virtualization for INI files inside the Program Folder is not realized by virtualizing file IO access to that location but is part of the Windows OS API (GetPrivateProfileString() and friends) used to read INI file settings. Since the LabVIEW INI file VIs are however build entirely in LabVIEW and access INI files through basic Win32 API File functions, this virtualization is not available there. Rolf Kalbermatter
  7. QUOTE (Val Brown @ Oct 9 2008, 12:35 AM) I'm not sure there is much that NI could do here. It seems really more like a bug in WMP to me. Rolf Kalbermatter
  8. QUOTE (Aristos Queue @ Oct 9 2008, 10:24 AM) You are completely right here :-). Not that I would expect anything else from you! Rolf Kalbermatter
  9. QUOTE (PJM_labview @ Oct 8 2008, 12:26 PM) No! LabVIEW uses its own completely self cooked widget library. Basically a highly object oriented thing but all implemented in standard C way back in LabVIEW 2 days. So a LabVIEW window is in fact an OS window but anything inside that window are simply self generated widgets using drawing primitives of the underlaying OS. In the case of Windows LabVIEW actually draws lines (vectors) using Windows GDI, for the Mac it uses (used?) Quickdraw, and for Unix it directly uses XWindows drawing primitives. So as far as the OS is concerned there are no UI objects on a LabVIEW front panel but simply lines, circles, rectangles and text. That said it should be possible to capture the EMF drawing of a LabVIEW frontpanel by getting Windows to render the redrawing of a window into an EMF context instead of into the window. How to do that is however probably quite tricky. I know that it worked perfectly in Windows 95 as I have often gotten screen shots into MS Word that scaled nicely. In newer Windows versions it was a bit more tricky but it is usually possible. The way I do that is by using the Crtl-PrntScrn keyboard shortcut which gets various capture formats of the currently active window into the clipboard. many applications choose to pick the BMP format from the clipboard when it is available but Word seems to prefer EMF resp. WMF if it is there. You do of course need to have an application that does know how to deal with these metaformats properly. PS: Mesa aka. OpenGL is only used for the 3D controls and there mainly for the alpha shading but for the rest those controls are simply native LabVIEW widgets as all other controls too. Rolf Kalbermatter
  10. QUOTE (jpdrolet @ Oct 1 2008, 08:12 PM) lol! In C you wouldn't even think about asking for something like that I wonder if Perl has it. From all those strange programming languages I would expect it to be the first that would come up with such a universal superduper format specifier. Rolf Kalbermatter
  11. QUOTE (shoneill @ Oct 6 2008, 06:08 AM) Nice ! That's what you can call International relationships. QUOTE (normandinf @ Oct 6 2008, 08:54 AM) If she left Romania, then she might be in the 2%... That may seriously messup alfa's calculations, if more do that QUOTE (Phillip Brooks @ Oct 6 2008, 10:05 AM) I think alfa suffers from one or more of the following: Martyr complex Superiority complex Malignant narcissism And I think you missed a few He's the typical forum post attention seeker. Putting out wild statements, and when people react he simply adds more wild statements to it. Rolf Kalbermatter
  12. QUOTE (shoneill @ Oct 6 2008, 04:39 AM) Just a short hyjacking of this thread Looking at your national flags I wonder if you are Irish and living in Switzerland or if your Irish flag is to something else related Rolf Kalbermatter
  13. QUOTE (eaolson @ Oct 1 2008, 10:15 AM) Hmm, lol At least one specific city in that state, can't comment on the rest as I haven't seen it, except death valley but there were definitly no prostitutes Rolf Kalbermatter
  14. QUOTE (JiMM @ Sep 22 2008, 11:21 AM) I love Heinlein! Rolf Kalbermatter
  15. QUOTE (jcarmody @ Sep 22 2008, 05:33 AM) You as a person quite likely nothing. The "people" as a whole however?! Democracy in theory is sort of an ideal but in praxis it's still one of the better solutions. If for nothing else than that the "people" can not say that they have absolutely no influence in who rules them Rolf Kalbermatter
  16. QUOTE (alfa @ Sep 22 2008, 03:51 AM) It's the opposite really Every country gets the government it deserves. It's not the government that makes the people bad. Rolf Kalbermatter
  17. QUOTE (alfa @ Sep 19 2008, 03:41 AM) Assassinated by a georgious half naked woman? Sounds almost like the ideal way to go from this physical world! Definitly much better than dieing from cancer. And that about the curch: Well I guess I will never see those women, as I haven't been going there for a long time already Rolf Kalbermatter
  18. QUOTE (TobyD @ Sep 17 2008, 12:09 PM) He's just babbling! Let him be! Rolf Kalbermatter
  19. QUOTE (Val Brown @ Sep 10 2008, 02:36 PM) Try http://www.ni.com/beta instead. I guess the original link was a copy paste action. This link will resolve to digital.ni.com/<something cgi alike>, the beta subdirectory is not valid on the digital.ni.com server. QUOTE (Gabi1 @ Sep 10 2008, 05:50 PM) thats so sad, i cant convince my bosses for LV 8.6... i would work for any company that would provide it for me (in Munich) in the mean time, can you expand on the beta? Ahhh, if there wouldn't be that: (in Munich)!!!!! In case nobody has noticed yet we would love to have an extra collegue or two here! Rolf Kalbermatter
  20. QUOTE (alfa @ Sep 12 2008, 12:36 AM) What you write about is not scientific and therefore there is no way to proof in a scientific way that you are right or wrong. It's something everyone has to find for his/her own and where nobody can really tell anyone how it is. Therefore you should take my comment with a big grain of salt. It is my subjective feeling and made as a subjective comment. One thing I often feel in your posts is a bitterness about the world not giving you what you think you deserve. Work on that and you will see that the world has no obligations towards you. It only gives back what you seed. Rolf Kalbermatter
  21. QUOTE (Pollux @ Sep 11 2008, 06:32 AM) He is deadly serious about it. And quite wrong too Rolf Kalbermatter
  22. QUOTE (Val Brown @ Sep 10 2008, 05:18 AM) But in the case of dll based Toolkits porting them to their RT platforms or to Mac and Linux won't help you a single yota to use them on your custem uP system that you target with the Embedded uP SDK. Those DLLs need to be compiled and limnked into a shared library for the specific target with the toolchain for that target and possible with additional libraries needing to be ported for extra runtime support if those libraries use more than just the C runtime library. Without source code you simply can't do that. Rolf Kalbermatter
  23. QUOTE (dannyt @ Aug 21 2008, 05:01 AM) There is no trick to get more information with native functionality. But there is an iptools.llb library over at the dark side I have posted there that calls into the Windows network management API and returns to you just about anything that you could get with ipconfig too, which by the way calls the same API anyhow. Rolf Kalbermatter
  24. QUOTE (Val Brown @ Aug 14 2008, 03:27 PM) I have only played with the LabVIEW Embedded Version in LabVIEW 7.1 the predecessor to the Microprocessor SDK. There seems to have been quite some changes incorporated since but doesn't the Advanced Signal Processing Toolkit contain specific VIs that call out to some DLL. If that is the case I do not see how you could port that DLL to your target CPU at all without the DLL source code and I think you won't be able to get that from NI. Rolf Kalbermatter
  25. QUOTE (osvaldo @ Aug 29 2008, 09:01 AM) It probably would run but will be quite a hog on the system. It's implementation from LabVIew 5.0 days was not bad for the tools and techniques available back then but it was definitly not written to be a concise application for resource constrained systems. On the other hand the PCs from those days had often less resources available than even the smaller real time targets nowadays, so it could still work well. Rolf Kalbermatter
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