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Everything posted by FLX

  1. Hi The bundle by name function has in the input cluster terminal. If you connect the default cluster to it, you can select the correct names.
  2. Hi Pejo, why do you not check if the file exist with the regular labview function. Ciao Alex
  3. you can create first you time string like in this example. Convert Time in string and then use the build path function. This method should work at both OS
  4. I guess you run in the same problem we had last year. See link. Different Behavior in LabVIEW 6.1 and 7.0 Using VI Server and "Show Front Panel When Called" NI Webpage
  5. Did you run the exe at the same computer? if not, check our excel activex object version. It has to be the same like on your development machine.
  6. Hi Steve, what error do you get? Does this error come from the Toolkit VIs or maybe from the interface driver of the access database? alex
  7. Hi, the easiest way I can think of to display the VI front panel is the SubVI node setup setings. 1 . Make a right click in the main VI diagram on the VI you want to display 2. Select SubVI node Setup 3. In the opened Dialog select show front panel when called I hope this helps
  8. Hi, if you are useing windows you can use the quit application vi from the windows utility library.
  9. FLX

    GPS Library

    Which Version do you use? Can you add the link to the lib, please? Maybe i can save it for version 7.
  10. http://digital.ni.com/manuals.nsf/websearc...&node=132100_US here the link for a user guide.
  11. Hi Ben, the converter use the information from the function panel and creates labview vis, if you do not have CVI an C development enviroment from NI you can not create fp (function panel) file. Or you can only create it with a lot of additional work. That I do not recomend. A simple solution for you would be to mass compile the labview 5.1 vis with 7. If you do not have the vis available, you can use the call library function node. But this solution should be the last choice. Try to get the old vis running in labview 7. Alex
  12. Hi, I was looking for the ini file setting but at info labview I only found a complet list of all ini settings. which one is the rigth one? I tried several, but with out succes. Is their a other document which i missed? thanks a lot. alex
  13. Hi Mike, it stay at 10volts until you sent 0. alex
  14. Please more info. What page? do you use the tab control? if so you can set the value of the tab control e.g. property node value.
  15. Hi, with the tool private class generator you can create a reference of the formula node class. Have fun Alex
  16. I had no problem to add an event Menu selection(User) to the value changed event. But if you have multiple buttons you can not use this method. My suggestion is to create an event case for all menu seletions and use the property value(signaling) to fire the event of the associated button. Good luck alex
  17. Hi, one way is activex. I have not used it with C++, but should not do difficult. One disadvantage it only works with windows as OS. Here an example. Calling LabVIEW from C++
  18. Hi, I could not see the image you attached. Have you checked the error cluster if an error is returned from the open create replace file.vi? Maybe the filepath is spelled wrong. If you do not want the advisory dialog you can disable this option at the VI. althoug more info would help to get to the core of our question. have fun LX
  19. Hi, what you see is a new option in labview 7 "enable automatic error handling dialogs". If you disable this option, no dialogs will bother you.
  20. FLX

    Scheduled Event

  21. This KB entry includes information what can go wrong with a labview stand alone application, that uses VISA. Porting Serial Applications built with LV Good luck LX
  22. Maybe you try an Enum Case See attached VI Download File:post-688-1098457585.vi
  23. If I understand you correct, you want create a windows service. Here the link to the description. How to create a Windows Service You can use a tools for it, too. Available here firedaemon And here the corresponding NI KB good luck
  24. National Instruments introduted this fromat as standard format for all NI Software. It was first used in DIAdem but the api is open for any other development enviroment e.g. LV, VB or VC. I do not see a reason you should not use this storage format.
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