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Everything posted by i2dx

  1. mouseburger with cheese and onions? wasn't it in "demolition man" where sly gets a rat-burger in the former severs of the city?
  2. sorry, I could not resist (as the question is allready solved): mouse over a hot area? make sure is is made out of asbestos or watch it melt (and don't forget to protect your mouse pointer, it may melt, too, or even burn! cheers, CB
  3. Wellcome to LAVA, then! The VI "AI Acquire Waveforms" is a VI from the "traditional DAQ" package, which has been replaced by the DAQmx package, which probably in your case has not been installed, so it's no wonder you don't find the VIs. During the installation of the Device Driver CD you have to select the "traditional DAQ" for installation, which is not selected for installation by default. There are (at least) two ways to get the desired VIs: go to ni.com and download the traditional DAQ 7.4.1 package and install it, or insert your device driver cd and select the trad. DAQ package for installation. After the installation there should be the trad. DAQ palette in the measurement palette besides the daqmx palette. however, my advice is, to get a newer book, which is demonstrating, how to use the new DAQmx API. The old trad. DAQ API is much more complicated and I remenber some really weird logical wrenches when using them, especially when using e.g. counters ... After getting used to DAQmx, I am sure you will love it. cya, CB
  4. File Name: Project Copy Tool (LV 8.0.x) File Submitter: i2dx File Submitted: 20 Jun 2006 File Updated: 22 Oct 2006 File Category: LabVIEW Development Environment Purpose: copy a complete VI-Hierarchy of a Project to a new directory starting with the TopLevel VI ... it works quite good with my projects, and i hope you will find it usefull. please report bugs, if you use it! Features: it builds the complete vi-hierarchy starting at the top-level vi it extracts VIs which are bound to lvlibs when copying to the new folder it replaces Project - prefixes (i work with project prefixes ...) eg. BMW_MTestV1_Main.vi --> NewProjectPrefix_Main.vi drawbacks: it does create lvlibs it does not create lvproject files the workaround for the drawbacks are 2 mouseclicks in the project explorer window, so I avoid the work right now ... known issues: if you have bound an vi to a lvlib, which does not longer exist, LabVIEW will force you to search the vi --> probably you have to press the "Ignore" butten very often usage: copy it to your project directory and call it from the tools-menu with "duplicate project ..." Click here to download this file
  5. i2dx


    you can eat bears, too (aka: not only a good pig makes good ham ...)
  6. ok, 1: I use an Access Database, and I use my ADO-Toolkit 2: No, I don't need any traversal I use the following technique: each tree-item has a DatabaseID, (i32, autoindex) a self-key to the parent element, which (of course) is in the same table, a "rpos" : relative position there is one special element (root, ID 1), which refers to itself, and has to be excluded from the query, otherwise the algorithm fails. I load all elements from the table, sorted by the parent ID and relative position, and I populate the tree with the items in a for-loop in the following way: the tag of an element is it's database ID. With the sorting in the DB-query I make sure, that I get the items in the correct order (highest level first, lowest level last ...) and I insert them by checking the parent_id. [abbrevations: SKP = self key parent, RPOS = relative position] e.g. lets say we have four elements: a,b,c,d in the following structure: root (ID=1, SKP=1, RPOS=1) |--a(ID=3, SKP=1, RPOS=1) | |-b(ID=21, SKP=3, RPOS=1) | |-c(ID=9, SKP=3, RPOS=2) |-- d(ID=17, SKP=1, RPOS=2) my DB query gives me an array: a(ID=3, SKP=1, RPOS=1) d(ID=17, SKP=3, RPOS=2) b(ID=17, SKP=3, RPOS=1) c(ID=17, SKP=3, RPOS=2) first iteration: a is inserted as a child of root, because SKP = 1, it's inserted as the first element, because RPOS = 1 it's tag = "3", the tag of its parent is "1" 2nd iteration d is inserted as a child of root, because SKP = 1, it's inserted as the 2nd element, because RPOS = 2 it's tag = "17", the tag of its parent is "1" 3rd iteration b is inserted as a child of a, because SKP = 3 it's tag = "21", the tag of its parent is "3", tag "3" is allready there (because of the sorting ...) 2nd iteration c is inserted as a child of root, because SKP = 3 it's tag = "9", the tag of its parent is "3" as the second element, because of the sorting, it is simply after the "element before" in the array and therefore processed later ... I hope I could explain that in a way you can understand. I really had difficulties to explain that in english - although it would not have been much easier in german den man tou! CB
  7. there, too, but I think the best exampe for this technique is the MAX? BTW: the splitter bar functionality was used in the max log before it became availiable for the public ... The VIs itself are part of a software, I wrote for a customer, and I had to sign a non disclosure agreement, to get the job, so I'd say yes and I am not allowed to post any VIs. But the technique is not proprietary. Id would take a while, but I could try to explain, if you are interested?
  8. no, from the advanced file IO Palette in LV 7.1.1
  9. It's not really diffucult to implement that. The actions are (of course) in the state-machine of the "framework VI" and the subpanel writes the appropriate actions into the state-Q of the framework VI. I was surprised myself how easy it was. I'm using subpanels very often, I only develop small applications without them, because I don't like lots of popup windows. thank you. btw: the icons should be on your disk, too. just start a search for *.ico files, and you'll probably find them (these are mostly default windows icons ...). If you need a tool, to quickly set the "user icons" of the tree, let me know, I have a small tool. It's not proximate as pretty as the screenshots above, but will provide you an array if images, which you can use to set the custom icons.
  10. i2dx

    CAN Communication

    as far as I know there is no such functionality in the channel API, therefore you have to create your own function, by using the frame API, where you can increment a counter, every time a message arives (or e.g. a specified message arives ...)
  11. I don't think it's a stupid idea. I have created a configuration editor in a similar way, some weeks ago: the complete configuration of the measurement task is stored in a DB and is presented in the tree on the left side. Changes in the subpanel, change the corresponding tree item. I have 3 measurement devices at time, so I have 4 subpanels: basic settings and the devices. If you select a item in the tree, the corrsponding subpanel is shown. It works pretty good ...
  12. Ah, OK, that are the missing 10% how could I miss that thread? cheers! CB
  13. If you are looking for a solution for creating a polymorphic VI with LabVIEW Scripting, I am affraid, I have bad news. As far as I know, there is none. I was searching for this, allmost 2 years ago (with the help of this forum) and noone had an idea how this could be accomplished ... if you find a solution, I would be glad to know how it can be done! CB
  14. That's why they sell it in Germany as "Fosters - Famous Australian Beer". Nobody want's to drink it @ home => they have to sell it somewhere else. By the way, crelf do you live in Australia /if yes: where? cheers,l CB
  15. take a look at this thread: "Hide Control" on typedef constants bug, Creates unremovable diagram constants
  16. hmm ... I am not quite sure, but does your PDA have a serial port? as far as I know the GPS card is inserted into the CF slot or SD Slot, but there is no RS232 Port on a PDA ... Whatever, there is is only one way to use your GPS hardware: get the driver DLL (for the PDA of course) from the hardware vendor and use it in your LabVIEW application. There is a manual in the NI Developer zone availiable (I apologize, I don't have the link at my hands now, but I know it is somewhere out there ...) which describes the way, how to work with DLLs and the PDA module. I think, this information will be helpful. Best regards, CB
  17. yes, you have to switch to the PDA-Target before this option is availiable and you must have the main-VI of your application open. TGIF CB
  18. hmm, I guess, it's the 3-D auto-Power Spektrum of a rotten potato! to be honest: I have no idea, too ...
  19. no, you don't >>need<< to buy MSVS 2005, the applications built for 2003 will run on the PDA with Windows Mobile 2005. However, you can not use the features of Windows Mobile 2005. Please don't ask me, what these features are, I don't know. I am running WinM 2003 apps on my WinM2005 PDA, too. But on the other hand, it might make sense to use 8.0.1 + MSVS 2005 Standard, if there are enough bugs fixed in that release.
  20. hmm, I'm affraid not. I prefer a more direct approach: get one and drink it
  21. that's quite logical. humans exist because of sex, labview is made by humans => someone must have had sex, so that labview can exist I interpret the search for sex as the first step for gaining deeper knowledge about IT and LabVIEW in special
  22. my congratulations to the two winners. I took a quick look at both winning solutions, and I think it's an impressing piece of work. :worship:
  23. Maybe this example helps you out ... it's originaly for writing data into excel, but the basic know how, how to access the tables and cells, is allready in there. you simpley have to change the write funktionality into a ready functionality. In fact it's easyer to read the data, then to write the data. Unluckily I don't have a read example yet, but I hope it can give you a clue, how it works.
  24. I use a ini-file and a global variable for those purposes: the caption of the control in the global variable is the key in the ini-file in the section "user config". The VI has a "read" function, which is called at programm start, so the global is filled with the values, I write back to the file with the "write" function at the end of the programm. when I open a "edit settings" dialog or something like that, I write the value of the global to the control via a local variable ... the drawback is: the values in the ini-file are binary, so you cant read them directly unless you are able to read escape sequences best regards, CB
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