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Phillip Brooks

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Everything posted by Phillip Brooks

  1. Don't forget the black eye that the media received after Dan Rather reported on "W"'s military record. That ended his career; I don't think the mainstream is going to start reporting until more is discovered. This is big stuff; stuff that ends careers, changes elections and long-term business decisions that represent billions of dollars.
  2. Purports to improve your browsing performance. I'm going to set my router at home to point to it tonight and see if things improve. http://googlecode.blogspot.com/2009/12/introducing-google-public-dns-new-dns.html Google Public DNS IP addresses The Google Public DNS IP addresses are as follows:
  3. [quote name=crelf' date='01 December 2009 - 04:49 PM' timestamp='1259704194' Because, for every sane person in the world that reseraches and thereby recognizes the bunkum, there's at least 2 bogans that are willing to donate to the cause... Bogan. I learn a new word almost every day on LAVA! It appears that the 'quote' option is broken. Am I quoting myself? Hmmm... Maybe I'm a bogan... Can't edit; losing patience; WHERE'S MY GUN, Ethel?
  4. I went back and checked; I think Chris spelled the new Joey's name 'Elliott' (two 't's) that may affect the anagrams somewhat (as well as young Relf's psyche) It appears the anagrams use two...
  5. Yes, it would cause an error. I assumed that the poster was sanitizing the image uploaded, but then I noticed that 'anonymous' was incorrectly spelled 'anonymus'. That could also cause an error
  6. You might want to look at using the DataSocket functions. If you search LAVA or the NI boards, you will find many examples. This might help you get started: DataSocket Tutorial
  7. In a classful network, 10.xx.xx.xx is a class A network with 2^24 nodes and a netmask of 10.xx.xx.xx and 192.168.xx.xx are reserved for private network use (not connected to the public internet).
  8. And a happy belated 234th birthday to the USMC. Semper Fi!
  9. You can use ADO to open, read and write to Excel spreadsheets. See this post. Place your raw data from LabVIEW on a separate sheet, then reference the raw data from another sheet to perform calculations or chart the data.
  10. Blinking is one of those things that doesn't work well with an XControl. The XControl facade is not running continuously, so the behavior is 'sometimes on' and 'sometimes off'. The other thing that catches my attention is 'inherits'. You can't just make an XControl from a Boolean. You have to redefine all the properties and methods of the base control in your XControl. Tri-state LED XControl Example - LAVA LabVIEW Idea Exchange: XControls-Inherit the properties/methods of a base control
  11. Your product looks nice. A co-worker and I were recently talking about Google PowerMeter, and I thought about ordering a T.E.D. 5000-G. With the correct current transformers and a case, your product might be able to capitalize on the apparent demand for this type of product. Have you looked at Google PowerMeter as a possible application for the tag4m?
  12. Shouldn't the response have been: DING! DING! DING! We have a winner...
  13. Museum of Science, Boston. My kids love this (not my kids in the video) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZB59JkSVABo
  14. Sorry, lets try it again... Increment IP Address 80.vi
  15. Increment IP Address 80.vi (LV 8.0)
  16. This will work. I use it today. You're not using Excel to read/write to the spreadsheet, you're using ADO. My lab computers only have OpenOffice Calc, no Excel installed. How To Use ADO with Excel Data from Visual Basic or VBA
  17. Like this? Increment IP Address.vi (LV 8.6)
  18. There is one other way to get data into an Excel file; using ADO. You can open an existing XLS file via ADO, and then use UPDATE calls to write the the table/record/field (worksheet/row/column). I can't share my ADO library, but you can use one of the libraries from LAVA or the NI forums, then create a UDL that points to an Excel file; use ADO Execute calls with a SQL UPDATE statements... UDL Connection String: Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=%s;Extended Properties="Excel 8.0;HDR=No";Persist Security Info=False
  19. Excel treats CSV as a single table (2D). Each line is a record. You can insert page break characters in your CSV file, but Excel has now way of interpreting them. Your CSV will be imported into a single worksheet. I searched a bit, and the best I think you will be able to do is to find/use/write an Excel macro to read the CSV file and import the data line by line. The macro would be responsible for placing data on each sheet.
  20. Noticed that Dell Online has this for $89.99 http://www.techbargains.com/news_displayItem.cfm/179514
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