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Phillip Brooks

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Everything posted by Phillip Brooks

  1. See the attached VI. (LV 8.6) This was a template "About" vi from an old project. All you need is the event structure, the WebLink control and a call to Open URL in Default Browser. About.vi
  2. I opened your example before I left work, but didn't have time to tinker with it. I'm at home now so I can't test it out, but if you look at the Config methods you will see both "get" and "set" methods that should make is simple to retrieve the SuperSecret variable without extra file I/O. Note that there are two types of "sets" and "gets", "App" settings and "regular". Maybe selecting the App version methods would allow you to run this from the Tools menu.
  3. You can set the INI variable and restart LabVIEW using two Invoke Nodes. You will have to confirm "Quit will abort all running VIs" and it should start back up with the correct setting. (LV 2012)
  4. Jim wrote this blog post some time ago on his old blog about multiple versions of a file format. Supporting Multiple Versions of a File Format Darin's description seems similar to Jim's method where the application mutates the contents for the user.
  5. Maybe this would be of help? http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/279F064F0688C114862570900057678C You might be able to get the images for each pattern and then fill them in as needed...
  6. I'm not sure why the "Get Conpane Image" private method is not working. (not private in LV2012) I've seen this used in Marc Page's Polish VIs library available on the NI forums. https://decibel.ni.com/content/docs/DOC-1189 I just downloaded it and tested with both LabVIEW 8.6 and 2012 and the method worked fine.
  7. The type of terminal I used at college can be seen in this image from Wikipedia (note the ash tray next to the operators; I think it was mandatory that you smoked while drafting!) We used a Calcomp 960 plotter for output.
  8. Reminds me of my ComputerVision CADDS III drafting days. The older stations had Tektronix vector storage tube displays that you could manually refresh.
  9. As long as you are the owner of the bike.
  10. You can set the blinking property, but an XControl's facade does not run continuously. If you update your XControl blinking property enough times, you may notice that the Boolean appears true and other times false. It is not a bug in your code, but rather a timing issue between the blink and when the XControl stops running. The behavior of an XControl is more like a VI in a frameless subpanel than a native LV control. When you set the value or a property of an XControl, LabVIEW will configure the underlying parameters and then perform a Run VI.
  11. But aren't the called sub-VIs?
  12. The specs list 1GB of RAM. http://us.kontron.com/products/systems+and+platforms/m2m/m2m+smart+services+developer+kit.html
  13. His icons are nicer than yours ;P
  14. “Eipkalindhöll te uvölîlpa ípçatörza üxt rî’ekçuöbös abzeikhouxhtoù eqarpaň dhai’eickòbüm öt eužmackûnáň xhai’ékc’oxtîmmalt te qhoec îtyatuithaň.” Read more: http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2012/12/24/121224fa_fact_foer#ixzz2FWSI4Iqb
  15. I found this (https://decibel.ni.com/content/docs/DOC-25034) on the NI forums today. I think this is simply Ton's package posted on the NI forums. If there is no difference, is this an appropriate thing for the person who posted this on NI to be doing?
  16. PyVISA? Cool, now I just need to learn Python (doh!) - http://pyvisa.sourceforge.net/

  17. Sounds like a First World Problem...
  18. What's inside, borscht, kimchi or Chicago hot dogs?
  19. Looks like you need one of these:
  20. Can you really be effective at DDR wearing flip-flops?
  21. http://digital.ni.co...52563B60079D249
  22. This reminds me of the Randomise Array thread. A guy I worked with many years ago interfaced LabVIEW 5.0 to a device / DLL that used radiation counters to generate random values.
  23. W/R/T original post: I think that regex would be useful enough to post it on the Regular Expressions Board
  24. If you simply want to load the file into an array of strings, there is a much simpler way:
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