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Phillip Brooks

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Everything posted by Phillip Brooks

  1. Anyone have experience with automating salesforce.com login or data loading? I've been looking at some really cludgy PHP / Mozilla automation that fails with various timeouts, seemingly insignificant web page layout changes, Mozilla auto-update or phases of the moon . I did some simple stuff a year or two ago with Agile, but salesforce.com seems to use different authentication.
  2. I tried to help someone on the dark side to send calendar VTODO emails to remind an operator to perform some action on a later date (preventative maintenance or calibration, something like that). http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/Gmail-draft-or-delay-message/m-p/2118024/highlight/true#M688056
  3. I've been writing shell scripts to self-test a product recently, and needed to use dropbear to transfer the results to a network location. The author of dropbear had this python implementation of PBKDF2 posted on his site. Maybe I should learn more about LabPython ( Aussies are a smart bunch! )
  4. I searched a bit and it appears that NI has some mDNS capability built in to find LXI devices using NI-VISA. http://www.ni.com/newsletter/50597/en/ Maybe there is a way to get a list of all mDNS devices (not just LXI) on the local net using some lower level VISA calls. I would ask this sort of question on the Instrument Control board of the NI forums. http://forums.ni.com/t5/Instrument-Control-GPIB-Serial/bd-p/140
  5. Speaking of teensy arms... http://youtu.be/93B072j-E3I
  6. Maybe some will never need to take a physical, on-site test again... Klout, anyone?
  7. found on stackoverflow: ( http://stackoverflow.com/questions/187768/can-i-show-file-copy-progress-using-fileinfo-copyto-in-net )
  8. I think that these RTE Install options are still valid: Silent Installation of the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine
  9. It would be nice for anyone else looking to do this. Glad it was useful for you
  10. I posted something similar on the NI forums several years ago. Someone pointed out to me there that some apps will generate opening and closing quotes (rather than just straight quotes) when saving as CSV. Here is some opening and closing quotes data based on the wikipedia entry for CSV files example that you could test with: Year,Make,Model,Description,Price1997,Ford,E350, “ac, abs, moon”,3000.001999,Chevy,“Venture ““Extended Edition”””,“”,4900.001999,Chevy,“ Venture ““ Extended Edition, Very Large”””,“”,5000.001996,Jeep,Grand Cherokee,“MUST SELL!air, moon roof, loaded”,4799.00 My VI can be found here: http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/Read-csv-file-with-double-quotes/m-p/1591640#M580390
  11. I had (but lost) some VIs that were knock-offs of the DB Tools List Table and the related Schema VIs. I recreated them fairly quickly this morning. These schema queries return all of a type for a DB, which includes internal. Your tables and views will normally be of a type "dbo". You will have to filter for those in LV. I tried to query my DB for procedures and I did not see a column to filter between system and my own. Google the selected Schema type to get the column names, but most are fairly obvious. If you need to create typdefs for a collection of tables, you can use this scripting VI that I uploaded on the NI Community forums a while back. https://decibel.ni.com/content/docs/DOC-19512 ADO Schema.llb (LV2012)
  12. If you need to store test specific information (operator, temperature, equipment name & serial number etc... ) with the streaming data, you can write custom properties to the TDMS file. This example from the NI forum works well., just create your own arrays of property names and values to be stored... ( is this the same as the question asked on the NI forums? http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/Separating-TDMS-file-data-and-playing-it-back/m-p/2727403#M807331 )
  13. Well, it's not a complete trademark violation, but sounds similar http://www.calbay.com/products-ivvivi.php
  14. 1. Is Test stand is completely new programming language than LabVIEW? TestStand is not a programming language. It is a test executive. It is more like Excel in that it implements expressions and conditional logic. TestStand is combined with a language like LabVIEW, CVI, HTBasic etc... to create a test solution. These languages are invoked as steps by use of an TestStand adapter. http://zone.ni.com/reference/en-XX/help/370052H-01/tsref/infotopics/adapters/ It is also possible to use a script with an executable such as Perl, Python or TCL to perform tests. 2. How to convert Test stand program to LabVIEW and LabVIEW to test stand back? Since TestStand is not really a programming language, there is no direct/simple way to convert to/from LabVIEW.
  15. Maybe this will help? Parsing HTML Table to LabVIEW 2D String http://lavag.org/topic/6483-parsing-html-table-to-labview-2d-string/
  16. I've just ordered a SAMSUNG 840 EVO 250GB. I'll try this in the i5 laptop and then go from there... Still have 96GB of ECC RAM that I want to put to use. Maybe I'll build a FreeNAS server...
  17. Pastafarian elected to local office - from the area where I grew up. Sigh... http://goo.gl/S3JsMC

  18. Perennial question for the forums, what to buy? Looking to keep costs < $900. I'd like to build up my VM and SCC skills, so I thought a desktop would be the best. I happen to have qty. 12 8GB DDR3 1066 ECC DIMMs and am thinking of building my own Xeon based desktop using a ASRock 216 WS. I'd save ~ $400 on RAM and could buy more SSD or a faster CPU. I have a 23" display and several 2TB disk drives laying around, and a 3 user Windows 7 license pack, so I only need a case, PS keyboard, mouse and cables. I've seen HP laptops with i7 processors and 1TB disk with 8GB RAM for ~$900. I've got an older i5 4GB HP laptop that runs LV OK, but I always feel like it's somehow clunking along slower than my i3 desktop I built for the kids. No amount of tuning and crapware removal seems to bring it around. My wife doesn't want another boat anchor taking up space on a table (dining room?) collecting dust and insists that laptops are the only way to go. I understand that, but at the same time don't think that I will have a positive experience trying to thrash a laptop to run virtual machines and such. Help me spend my money. Which way should I go?
  19. There's this KnowledgeBase entry about setting up your computer as a time server over on the dark side... http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/EA90C9FF24D9A041862575EE004ED415
  20. On techbargains.com: http://www.techbargains.com/news_displayItem.cfm/377924?source=newsletter&subsource=1330
  21. TestStand <1 Hr> - Hands On This 1 hour session introduces the concepts of NI TestStand. At the end of the session, you should be able to [/font]understand how to use NI TestStand test management software to: Create a TestStand sequence and add the frequency test step; Generate a report for your test sequence; Add tests using preconfigured step templates; Debug test sequence using the NI TestStand Sequence Editor https://decibel.ni.com/content/docs/DOC-32943?nisrc=RSS-devzone-new-en
  22. I made something like this too; I posted it on the dark side... https://decibel.ni.com/content/docs/DOC-19512
  23. I think it is because you have the option "create table" set to true. On the first pass of the loop, it creates the table. On the second pass, the table exists and can't be overwritten. I'm guessing you've been deleting the table between runs, or are creating a new DB each time. If you need to create the table, then compare the loop iterator to zero, and use that as the input to create table.
  24. Right on time, Mr. Bot Spammer

  25. How about the LabVIEW Syslog Protocol Reference Library? http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/epd/p/id/5980
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