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Phillip Brooks

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Everything posted by Phillip Brooks

  1. At least the SPAM bots are punctual. 7:05 every morning...

  2. "date" is a reserved word and should not be used as a field name. http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/access-help/learn-about-access-reserved-words-and-symbols-HA010341461.aspx
  3. I ran into a problem like this once with the NI DB Toolkit. The false assumption is that the handle shouldn't change between iterations, so a shift register is not required, correct? WRONG! See: http://lavag.org/topic/15180-you-know-its-gonna-be-a-long-day-when/
  4. I've been ZIP'd into a ZIPPING ZIP of ZIPness.

  5. I helped some with the old content, and would be glad to help with the spammers...
  6. Sorry, no. I was trying to separate the HTML content of spam posts from the IP.Board content (my empty post). I was looking for any kind of clue as to how the spammers are working. Some of the spam posts are edited after submission. If the topic IDs are sequential (autonumbering), they may be able to use some form of SQL injection to stuff the database via an edited post.
  7. ?
  8. There are some comments in the "Updates" section explaining why. I did notice in the comments that there is a similar product that is shipping: http://www.automatic.com/
  9. Have you tried to change something in the typdef other than the appearance? Maybe update the VI Description. If it worked, it could easily be automated with VI Server. It sure sounds like a bug to me...
  10. Would Pi and Arduino have a baby named Galileo? http://www.anandtech.com/show/7387/intel-announces-galileo-quark-based-arduino-compatible-developer-board
  11. The DC output scale of your transducer is 0-10V and your measured signal is < 500mV (less than 10% of rating), so I would test with a larger load. Upgrade from a 40W bulb to a 150W flood lamp
  12. Must . stop . playing . with new Apple ring tones...

  13. LabVIEW 8.6 here; a change from LV2009 doesn't affect me...
  14. I recall this code from the NI forums. https://decibel.ni.com/content/docs/DOC-19720 I downloaded the example and noticed that the DLL call includes the path to the file user32.dll Check the locations of the shared library in your VI. It may incorrectly include the path... From the NI help: ( http://zone.ni.com/reference/en-XX/help/371361J-01/lvexcodeconcepts/locations_for_shared_libraries/ ) To specify the location of a shared library, you can enter the name or path in the Library name or path text box of the Call Library Function dialog box. You can also wire the name or path to the path in input of the Call Library Function Node. Caution Do not specify the location of a system shared library, such as kernel32.dll, by path. Because LabVIEW automatically includes by-path shared libraries in build specifications, you might distribute a system shared library to another computer inadvertently. Redistributing some shared libraries, such as kernel32.dll, might cause the target computer to crash. Therefore, always specify system shared libraries by name.
  15. Lets see how the search bots are working. How do I create or print a 2D barcode ( QR code or PDF417 ) using .NET?
  16. .NET to the rescue... http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.diagnostics.process.start.aspx Launch Windows File.vi (LV 2012)
  17. So, what does everyone do when connecting a 4-2-2-4 VI to a 5-3-3-5? (top and bottom connections like VISA handle, error cluster) Do you hide the bends under one of the icons to get nice straight lines, or do you insist on creating a false bend in one of the wires and then align the verticals symmetrically?
  18. Lots of astroturfing going on. The .net barcode thread had a new comment this morning by a one hit wonder named "cindy313" linking to a different site with an overpriced library. Sigh...
  19. Is this really the map of the world used in Australian schools? http://goo.gl/b5bbd8

  20. hooovahh - alter-ego of crelf and king of LabVIEW I like it!
  21. Did the download include a new features list? If so, could you share it here?
  22. It looks like you are learning quickly about barcodes. I'm no expert, just a lot of (bad) experiences with 2D scanners and printers. I downloaded the .NET zxing because I was curious, and happen to like .NET solutions to LV problems. This one worked with very little effort, and I may even look at replacing some of my 2d scanners with webcams on my next test setup. It looks like the zbar lib uses a bunch of other libs to run under Windows, not sure that I would want to have all those dependancies/version problems in the future. As far as the image with insufficient quiet zone, I see that as a failure of the provider of the code to follow standards. If I was "hacking" or needed to compensate for a case that I new I would have to continue supporting (supplier/vendor wouldn't fix the barcode) then I might dig in more and look for parameters for tweaking the quiet area, but I don't need to
  23. There appears to be very little label after the barcode (left side in your image). There are quiet zone specifications for all barcodes; maybe this one does not meet spec. I opened the first image first using MS Office picture manager where I increased the contrast. I then opened it in ms-paint and deleted the dark region at the left (surface label was placed on). This effectively created a larger quiet zone and then zxing decoded the barcode... I didn't have to flip the image once I increased the quiet zone.
  24. The Bitmap constructor is part of .net, not the zxing lib; look for System.Drawing.Bitmap If your webcam exports an image, you would have to convert that to a bitmap or look through the zxing API for a method that accepts an image. I played around with rotating my 1D barcodes and found that if you cannot draw a horizontal or vertical line that passes through all of the elements of the barcode, you will fail to decode. 2D QR codes worked without a problem. The decode method returns a Result object; use the properties to retrieve the result points and metadata. You might need to iterate over the metadata object to get the key/value pairs. I've attached the VI with the all of the .NET closes as pointed out in the thread. I still work in LV 8.6 and that is limited to .NET 2.0 so that's what I've posted here. Place it in the same folder as the zxing .net 2.0 DLL and it should 'just work'. zxing.net Read Barcode.vi
  25. I downloaded the .NET zxing lib and was able to use the 2.0 version to create a VI that reads various bar code image files downloaded frmo a google search with very little effort.
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