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Phillip Brooks

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Everything posted by Phillip Brooks

  1. I found the root cause of the problem. I had an LLB file that contained a VI with an invalid character in the file name. LabVIEW would compile the VIs, but at the end of the compilation process, the files are copied into a folder named for your .exe. The invalid Windows file name could not be created, but the error message never contained the name of the file. I sent the LLB to NI and declared that I think this is a bug. I found it by converting all of my LLBs to folders using the LLB Manager. When I got to the problem LLB, the conversion reported an error on the badly named file. I copied the LLB, deleted the offending file, converted the copied LLB to a folder without error. I manually saved the offending VI as a file into the folder without an error. Then I could compile. I've had bad experiences in the past when I use "Save As" into an LLB to create a new VI. The "Save As" dialog is not a standard dialog and can act wierd when you use the control keys to move about within the name box. I might have somehow inserted a TAB or control character that LabVIEW was willing to accept as a VI name inside an LLB. LabVIEW just didn't know how to fix the name when saving it outside the LLB. I spent over a week screwing around with creating new projects, mass compiling and re-installing LabVIEW because of this. I know that many people will say "don't use LLBs", but this is the first time I have been bit by them in such a bad way.
  2. So, Seven years later, I have a project in LV2014 that has been fine for months and it suddenly starts giving me a 'dirty-dot' on open and the same cryptic message "An attribute of the project was changed." when closing: I also can't create an executable: But the code runs fine from the development environment. I created a new project file and it has the same problem. Error when building: Anyone know how to fix this?
  3. I hope the LAVA forums don't copy the new NI forums UX. Ugh...

    1. Ajayvignesh


      You hate the new NI UX as I do? :D

  4. http://themacview.blogspot.com/2014_08_01_archive.html LabVIEW 2014, First 64-bit Version for Mac POSIX Paths This was long overdue. Paths in 32-bit are formatted in HFS Classic format. 64-bit uses the more common POSIX paths. It's mostly showing slash (/) instead of colon ( between path elements (although there is more to it than that). There is also a little bit of magic that happens in 64-bit when a path in a string is converted to a path type that allows either format, and then converts it into POSIX style. You can try this by copying the path from the 32-bit path indicator and paste it into the 64-bit indicator. Once focus leaves the indicator, the path will be converted to POSIX format (it's pretty fun to watch). This magic also happens when using the String to Path primitive. You can have a string of either format and it will convert it to a POSIX path. This makes it easier to transition between 32-bit and 64-bit as you are testing your VIs in 64-bit. Some other VIs that assist in dealing with paths between 32-bit and 64-bit are Path to Command Line String.vi and Command Line String To Path.vi inProgramming -> String -> Path/Array/String Conversion palette. These VIs are helpful in building a path that can be used in System Exec.vi or system shared libraries in a cross-platform manner. They have actually existed in LabVIEW since before 2009, but are added to the palettes now to assist in transitioning between 32-bit and 64-bit on Mac. Another path related VI that is helpful for Mac users is Executable Path To Command Line String.vi. This VI helps in getting the path to the executable in an app. This is particularly helpful writing cross platform code that will launch LabVIEW built apps, LabVIEW itself, or other GUI applications. Windows and Linux just take the path to the EXE. On Mac, the .app is really just a folder. This VI will give you a path to the executable you can call from System Exec.vi, in a cross-platform way. This VI did not make the cut for the palettes, but you can find it in vi.lib/AdvancedString.
  5. No, it's not about LabVIEW, but makes me think about why I collect so much data FlowingData - http://goo.gl/C8Am

  6. I was traveling last week, so I didn't get to spend much time on this. While searching salesforce.com I discovered that you can override the POST method with an arbitrary method name by appending to the URL. https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_rest.meta/api_rest/dome_update_fields.htm Append "?_HttpMethod=PATCH" and Bob's your uncle!
  7. I'm trying to use the LabVIEWHTTPClient.lvlib functions to communicate with Salesforce.com I can authenticate, but my Salesforce IT guy tells me that Salesforce uses a concept called "upsert". It's update and insert combined; but I need to use the PATCH Method instead of a PUT or POST method. I can't seem to find any reference to the PATCH method. I believe the LabVIEW library uses curl under the hood. Anyone have any ideas? HEADER: HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2015 19:20:35 GMT Sforce-Limit-Info: api-usage=36839/7918000 Allow: GET,HEAD,PATCH,DELETE Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Transfer-Encoding: chunked BODY: [{"errorCode":"METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED","message":"HTTP Method 'POST' not allowed. Allowed are GET,HEAD,PATCH,DELETE"}]
  8. When searching for a USB-RS232 adapter, look for those that use an FTDI chipset. If it has a Prolific chipset, it is probably more like epic ( fail that is ) I recall reading that the Prolific chip is often counterfeitted in China and ends up in the cheaper devices. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32087482/how-to-diagnose-visa-rs-232-communication-failure-in-labview/32134821#32134821 I've purchased the 6' Sabrent CB-FTDI from Amazon (~$15 US) many times and never had a problem with it.
  9. I prefer Airwolf... ( http://users.elite.net/gurpal/tv/airwolf.mid ) Convert from MIDI format? http://www.skytopia.com/project/articles/midi.html http://subsynth.sourceforge.net/midinote2freq.html
  10. I did something similar, but no LVOOP http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/Plink-PuTTY-works-30-of-the-time-using-System-Exec-vi/m-p/3006795#M860452
  11. I posted an idea on the NI forums about a year ago that is long overdue; the ability to define a regex for VISA message termination. http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW-Idea-Exchange/Add-regex-based-termination-string-option-to-NI-VISA/idi-p/2859152 I had the idea after tinkering with a .NET library called SSH.NET. One of the methods of a stream is Expect. http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/Plink-PuTTY-works-30-of-the-time-using-System-Exec-vi/m-p/3006795#M860452
  12. Maybe you can use this to resolve the path? https://decibel.ni.com/content/docs/DOC-13708
  13. Do you understand the protocol? You need to know the basics of sending vs receiving before coding your solution. Start with this... http://wiki.synchro.net/ref:xmodem#initial_handshake_rules
  14. Sounds like a perfect use for a joystick. LabVIEW supports a joystick.
  15. Haven't used winzip for ages. What a piece of garbage it is now :(

  16. Even at 2400 baud, you should be able to easily send 10 characters in 10ms. Your requirement indicates 4 characters if we include the conditional decimal point. Add in a terminator and maybe a U16 as a message index and you should still be fine. The question is, what does the other end accept? Is it another LabVIEW app, a SCPI instrument or something like an Arduino with limited resources? LabVIEW to LabVIEW could use SI notation (%_3p) which would always be exactly 4 characters for the data. SCPI devices normally include support for scientific notation (%_3e) which would always be 7 characters in length. If you have a custom system, you will need to understand the parsing routine or capabilities in order to make the best choice. If you are writing the remote device code, simply multiply your value by 100 in LabVIEW and send the value as 00000 to 99999 and divide by 100 on the remote side.
  17. SI notation? http://zone.ni.com/reference/en-XX/help/371361J-01/lvconcepts/format_specifier_syntax/ %_3p
  18. A few years ago the forums experienced a database corruption and many of the attached files were lost or their links to specific posts were lost. An admin may still have some ability to search for this file, but its been a long time. I checked the OPs status and they haven't logged into LAVA in several years.
  19. Wishing that the diags I use were written for testing the system, not debugging application code.

  20. If you use the "Clean up Block Diagram Feature", the default spacing can be excessive. Look under Tools -> Options... Block Diagram and scroll to the bottom of the pane and you can experiment with various types of spacing. There is an option to adjust spacing to reduce bends in wires; I forget if it defaults to OFF or ON. If you're scrolling more than one screen up/down or left/right then you may want to consider a state machine or sub-vis.
  21. Added to The Idea Exchange... http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW-Idea-Exchange/Set-quot-Context-Help-quot-using-VI-Reference/idi-p/3094027
  22. Been there, done that... https://lavag.org/topic/7328-programatic-control-of-the-context-help-window/ https://lavag.org/topic/9167-context-help-for-a-vi-without-loading/
  23. Maybe the customer VI contains multiple event structures and becomes somehow deadlocked?
  24. I remember using a VI Analyzer plug-in years ago to validate my driver. I'm not sure if that is now included with VI Analyzer or maybe its in the Driver Design Studio. The first thing an NI employee would likely do after receiving a driver for validation would be to test it against the requirements above using VI Analyzer. No sense submitting a driver for certification if it can't pass the automated test...
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