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Acessing third party tool using LabVIEW


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Our client having Scada based exe application (Non LabVIEW exe.).This application gives popup for saving pdf report file,So they need to write name of report every time.They don't have source code of this application.Now, they want to do automation in this. Whenever this application gives pop up for report name  it should be automatically name by external labview application.

How it is possible using ActiveX?How to create ActiveX object for this Scada based exe? or any other ways to do this things are most welcomes .


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Great !!!

I am able to get title of active window (Didn't try with client's scada app.).Is it possible to get title of background or hidden window ?

Once popup window comes and I got title of  window ,Can you tell me how to reach string field and enter report name and then press enter?I think it is possible using simulating keyboard.

Thanks ...

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Just lots of trial and error.  Even hidden windows have a title, and have a handle (HWND) that can be found.  Some times this can be done by first finding a process ID that is linked to a file on disk.  Then you can get all windows associated with an application, and manipulate that, without needing a window title.  Sorry I don't have any examples of this, it's been years since I had to do something like that.  As for reaching search fields maybe pressing tab a set number of times will get you there, or using simulated mouse clicks.

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