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Assume I have circuit interfaced with LABVIEW , in the circuit I have resistor and diode and relay etc ...

Assume I want to know what is the value of those resistors by LABVIEW? How Can I do it?I mean I dont want a mismatch between LABVIEW and outter circuiT??hOW CAN I DO IT


QUOTE(crelf @ Apr 5 2007, 12:03 PM)


Nice image.

Reminds of a Luis Black routine were he talks about his head exploding after trying to figure out what someone meant when he over heard them saying "If it wasn't for that horse, I would not have spent that year in college."

Re: the original posting.

Do you want to

A) read the resistor color codes

B) match impeadance,

C) apply Ohms and Kertchov's voltage law to figure out what is in a blakc box?



QUOTE(Nullllll @ Apr 5 2007, 05:51 PM)


Assume I have circuit interfaced with LABVIEW , in the circuit I have resistor and diode and relay etc ...

Assume I want to know what is the value of those resistors by LABVIEW? How Can I do it?I mean I dont want a mismatch between LABVIEW and outter circuiT??hOW CAN I DO IT

Place a camera on top of the resistor and aim it towards the resistor. Then use NI Vision to connect the camera with LabVIEW. Set up the system to take 10000 frames per second. Use pattern matching to detect the resistor from the image. Then use pattern matching again to detect each colored line in the resitor. Compute the color average for each colored line over 42000 frames and based on the color combination determine the resistor resistance. Use resistance reading to query a local electronics web shop to find out the price for the resistor. Then count the value of the resistor by depricating the initial price by 30% annually.

I hope this helps.



QUOTE(Ben @ Apr 6 2007, 02:45 AM)

"If it wasn't for that horse, I would not have spent that year in college."

I love it! It's like waiting until someone comes into a rooms and saying "...and that's why motorcycles don't have doors" or "...and then he said, "Now we can all get some sleep!""


QUOTE(LV Punk @ Apr 5 2007, 04:44 PM)


Robin Williams had a routine where he would go into a panic attack, musing over childhood angst. He remembers his father saying: "Lori, let's move. He'll never find us."


QUOTE(Nullllll @ Apr 5 2007, 02:47 PM)

sorry again my problem

Can I know the values of resistor in my circuit by LABVIEW

If I have LabVIEW connected with two wires to the top of the trunk of my car, can I find the resistance of resistor R35 that's in my car stereo? Sure -- Can't LabVIEW do everything? :P

We need to know much more about your problem. How are you connecting it? It will probably be a basic Ohm's law problem... V=iR


it is conncted through DaQ card , also this circuit as an ohm's law ,,,I have volatge source from the DAQ +5v and current flow ,,,i just need to know by LABVIEW what is the value of that resistor??


Hi Nulllll,

here is a quote from earlier stating a question:

QUOTE(Jeff Plotzke @ Apr 6 2007, 03:36 AM)

And here's your response:

QUOTE(Nullllll @ Apr 6 2007, 10:12 AM)

it is conncted through DaQ card , also this circuit as an ohm's law ,,,I have volatge source from the DAQ +5v and current flow ,,,i just need to know by LABVIEW what is the value of that resistor??

So far you have not shown anything of what you have done!

No schematics, no code, no diagram, no ASCII art of the circuit, no description of your hardware (although I suggest looking into Tomi's idea of the camera, would be helpful for me since I'm colorblind), nada nothing.

This post is starting into an easter egg, please provide more info (usefull).


QUOTE(Nullllll @ Apr 6 2007, 10:12 AM)

I have volatge source from the DAQ +5v and current flow

One tip, don't blow you DAQ card, your school is not going to like that!


QUOTE(Nullllll @ Apr 6 2007, 11:12 AM)

Nullllll, please show some effort.

Several members have requested that you should include some schematic and/or show us what you have done so far in terms of LabVIEW programming, but you ask basically the same question over and over again.


Why Do People Answer Stupid Questions More Than Good Ones?? http://ca.answers.yahoo.com/rss/question.p...01061627AAB6Ue6

I do not mean to be rude, but you really have to read about how to ask questions in a better way.

Now to your problem.

1. What DAQ card do you use?

2. How is the DAQ card connected to the circuit? (schematic)

3. Show us a what you have done so far, in terms of VIs.

4. Can you include a picture explaining what you intend to do?

QUOTE(Tomi Maila @ Apr 6 2007, 01:14 PM)


I agree, but then I imagine all questions that could be asked (and how they could be asked)... Lets stay with your first camera solution :P


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