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Array Cell selection

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I want to know if and how highlight a cell or a group of cell in a array when you click with mouse on it.

(LV7.0 please)

I have see that is possible to programmaticaly make selection but not directely with mouse.



QUOTE(lraynal @ May 14 2007, 11:44 AM)

Here is how you can change the color of the cell you double-click.

Thanks But it's for table and not for array. And i whant select element in array of cluster element and this kind of element are not compatible with table, who take only


Merci tout de même.



Ok, I see, sorry for the mistake!

The only solution I can think of, is to get the Property nodes of all the cells of your table, and then act on them...

So, in your Array (in the Front Panel), you right click on each cell, to create a Property node...

And after you can change the Text.BGColor of the string.

As for the selection of the cell, you can probably re-work my first post, the same way.

Hope it will help you!

Bonne chance!



I have find a solution but a bit complicate. I use a element of my cluster like selection indicator and active it when i do clik on it.

Look on my exempl and tell me ifyou see improment fo make it more versatile.



QUOTE(BOBILLIER @ May 14 2007, 06:57 AM)

I have find a solution but a bit complicate. I use a element of my cluster like selection indicator and active it when i do clik on it.

Look on my exempl and tell me ifyou see improment fo make it more versatile.

First, I really like the example code that PJM uploaded. If you need functionality similar to that, you have a great start.

If you just want to have a background color indicating the selection, in the past I have had a floating boolean on the front panel. The boolean is behind the array and is the same size as your array element (cluster). The cluster and array background are transparent, so as I move the floating boolean around, it acts to highlight the selected element. This avoids adding another element to your cluster just for GUI purposes.

There is some good code in that uploaded example about positioning a floating element to the correct array element location. Better than what I used, actually :)


QUOTE(PJM_labview @ May 14 2007, 04:59 PM)


Many thanks PJM and J.P Drolet it's exactely wath i looking for.



QUOTE(dsaunders @ May 14 2007, 12:50 PM)

I really like the example code that PJM uploaded.

I second that! I never knew that property node existed (the first one on the left that gets the VI's). I would love to have a wall chart of ALL the Propery Nodes available in LabVIEW. It'd be a big one. Laminated. I'd pay money for it.


QUOTE(BrokenArrow @ May 15 2007, 11:34 AM)

I would love to have a wall chart of ALL the Propery Nodes available in LabVIEW. It'd be a big one. Laminated. I'd pay money for it.

Sounds like the beginning of a beautiful wiki article :) Actually, I wonder if you could script something like this, and have it autogenerate a BD with a crap-load of property nodes on it and the text from each node's help underneath it...


QUOTE(crelf @ May 14 2007, 06:50 PM)

Actually, I wonder if you could script something like this, and have it autogenerate a BD with a crap-load of property nodes on it and the text from each node's help underneath it...

Yes, I've heard of such things ;-)


I have creat one another exempl more simple using the clickedarrelement.vi of jp Drolet. In my exempl you can too make multi selection.Perhapse it can be see as an up grade of Jp Dolet Vi.

  • 6 years later...
  On 5/15/2007 at 11:05 AM, lraynal said:

Here is how you can change the color of the cell you double-click.


You can work on this example to get what you want !

Good luck,


Here is the code in 7.0 (I hope!)


A user complained that these links are dead.  I don't have the original VI but I implemented some code that is similar in functionality.  You click cells in a Table, or Multicolumn Listbox and the color changes.  There is also a Clear Color button that changes all cells back to white.  Saved in 2011.


This cannot be done with an array control because the only thing that can be different between elements of an array is the value.  If you try to set the background color it will set it for all elements in the array not just the one cell.

Color Cells Mouse Click.viFetching info...

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