Darren Nattinger (he of Darren's Nuggets fame) and I need your help.
Darren is known for writing useful VI plug-ins for LabVIEW. I've had a history of creating hooks in the C++ code for calling plug-in VIs. He and I both dislike the current behavior of the Create SubVI From Selection feature. It doesn't know about the config token for preferred connector panes, it doesn't put error terminals at the bottom and class/refnum terminals at the top, it sometimes names a control "error out" and an indicator "error in", and the panel isn't laid out as clean as we might like. These are all things that could be fixed in the C++ code, but spare developers are always hard to come by, and Darren already has some G code for doing this work. Thus it made sense for the two of us to work out an interface from C++ to G to improve Create SubVI From Selection. In our spare time, we've found the right place in the C++ code to hook, figured out the data that needs to go across the interface, and gotten the code pretty close to finished. Once we knew it was going to work, we asked for permission to add it as a feature in 2011.
That's where we hit a problem we cannot solve alone.
As many of you have heard, LabVIEW 2011 is focusing on being a stabilization and performance release. Very few new features are being let in the door. The one gate that new features have is the Idea Exchange. The feature has to be limited in the amount of code it has to touch. It has to avoid performance degradation. And it has to be something customers clearly want. We can show two of those three requirements, but not the third. Without the third, the feature does not meet the goals for LV 2011, so even though Darren and I have the new callback hooks largely ready to go, the code cannot go in.
This makes us sad. I mean, it makes perfect sense -- we have to have standards, and limiting the features for this release is important -- but it still makes us sad.
"Create SubVI" is an area of LabVIEW that many of you have asked me about over the years, hoping that LV could do a better job. Darren and I really want to see this feature go into LV 2010, and we're pretty sure that there are enough of you out there that would like to see it too. If we could get the Kudos on the idea up so that the idea is in the top 15, we will be able to make the argument that this is a feature that users strongly want. Now, not every idea with high kudos is automatically blessed in the 2011 release, but with enough Kudos, we think we can get permission to proceed.
There are 3 ideas on the idea exchange that are all affected by this idea, but let's focus on the one that has the highest kudos already:
Create a proper connector pane when doing Edit -> Create subVI
As of right now, that's got 79 kudos. To make it into the top 15, we need 160 kudos, or almost exactly double what it has right now. I think this is an idea whose time has come. If you agree, please contact your friends. Make peace with your enemies. Call your mother. Encourage them all to take a moment to go vote for this idea.
If you're super ambitious, there are two other related ideas that would also be aided by our feature. You could go vote for them too. But focus on the big one first!
Provide a way to define the default connector pane
Edit >> Create SubVI: Tweaks
Help make Mercer and Nattinger unsad! Help improve Create SubVI! Vote now!