I've done splash screens before, but they've not really served a purpose other than branding so their implementation really didn't matter from a performance perspective.
Now I have an application which seems to take quite a bit of long time to load up, to the point where users regularly wonder, "Hmm, did I actually double click that? Better try again." More than once I've been right next to the person and told them, "No just be patient, it will show up." only to watch them try again and again to click that darned icon. Well at least I haven't set allowmultipleinstances=true in the ini file. Yet.
I know there will be a constant time as the LabVIEW RTE spins up which is independent of the actual executable I create in LabVIEW. But does the size of my executable also affect load times? I'm under the impression that the whole thing must load, so if it's larger a splash screen can't be shown either way until the entire application has been loaded into memory. I might be wrong here. My current application is at 44 MB, this doesn't seem too large to me...
Has anyone played around with dynamically loading their core application logic from outside of the executable to see if that reduced time to display a splash screen? I figure the best way to do this is have the bulk of my code in a LabVIEW built DLL, then have a shell of a LabVIEW exe display the splash screen and proceed to take its time loading the DLL, after which the splash screen hides itself? The DLL will not be statically linked, a path will be built to it at run time. Or is this road fraught with peril? I've never actually built a DLL in LabVIEW, this might be interesting.