I am sure that a lot of you already knew what the "add property" button does in the installer build specification, but I am so happy about this discovery and I couldn't find anything online that I decided to share my excitement with my friends in LAVA.
The application I am building works with a third party software that requires my installer to add things to the %appdata% folder, in Windows 8 this translates to C:Users<username>AppDataRoaming
The default destinations available in the installer build specification in LabVIEW includes the [Public App Data] but in Windows 8 that points to C:ProgramData
The help says that clicking on the Add property button under the Destination View lets you add a new MSI property to the Destination View tree. You can find a list of MSI properties here:
and in particular there is one called AppDataFolder
Well, adding the new property AppDataFolder was enough to set the destination for my ThirdPartyApp and the installer now successfully installs files in %appdata% folder.
I hope this helps others in search of this information.