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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/17/2014 in all areas

  1. Does anyone else break their code so it won't compile at the end of the work day so that the next morning you open your project and follow the broken run arrow to what you were doing?
    2 points
  2. I starting using separate compiled code from LV2010 when it first came out and am still doing so in LV2014. I have never had any problems with this feature, to the contrary it totally changed my option of LabVIEW and how it has become a 'real' programming language that is usable in a team development environment using proper source control tools. I admit I have only been using it on Windows based platforms and though the projects have been big in number of VI's they have been quite simplistic compared to what a lot of you guys do.
    1 point
  3. I think I've mentioned this before, but our entire reuse from 2011 (and it is quite big) and all Windows based projects from 2011 to 2013 have has separate compiled code on every VI. Haven't seen an issue that was traced to this feature. We haven't used 2014 on any real projects yet.
    1 point
  4. We make extensive use of this feature - but unlike MarkCG our deployment scope is much more limited (Windows targets only). Besides deleting the cache when the occasional "odd" thing happens we very rarely ever get corrupted VIs now (unlike 2012 - looking at you buddy).
    1 point
  5. Put an Equals? comparison and you will see that it is in fact a bit-for-bit replica of the input. Right-click your 50.01 constant, select Display Format and up the number of SigDigits to 17-18 and compare. 50.01 simply does not have an exact DBL representation.
    1 point
  6. I posted something like this a few years ago... http://lavag.org/topic/5047-prototype-replacement-for-error-llb-second-attempt/ I'm not sure why the attachments are missing -- seems they've been deleted from LAVA. I've worked on this off and on for a few years. Never gotten enough impetus to publish it into LV -- something always takes priority. I've actually got a version that is pretty advanced that I've been polishing lately. Maybe I'll pull it together in the next couple months to show off.
    1 point
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