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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/08/2015 in all areas

  1. View File SET Localization Toolkit The SET Localization Toolkit provides more convenient edit-time language switching support for LabVIEW 2013 projects. UI text is extracted from an existing project and stored in a localization file. Additional languages can be added then applied to the project using the apply language wizard. The idea is to be able to quickly apply a language to a project before distribution. Applying the language at edit-time allows you to fix up the UI in the target language. Change fonts and re-size controls so that it looks right before compiling it. Features: - No modification of project's source code required. No additional dependencies. - Support for switching code pages. - Ability to define shared resources. - Resources referenced via UID. Changing labels of control does not break linkage. - Resources can be exported to CSV file for external translation. - Resources stored as UTF-16LE text. - Ability to translate RTM files. Requirements: - Unicode support enabled in the LabVIEW.ini file Installation: - Download the ".vip" file and install using VI Package Manager 2014 - Make sure that "UseUnicode=True" is set in the "labview.ini" file Usage: - From within any LabVIEW window, select "Tools->LAVA->SET Project Editor" GitHub: https://github.com/rfporter/SET-Toolkit Submitter Porter Submitted 09/21/2014 Category *Uncertified* LabVIEW Version License Type
    1 point
  2. I have not messed about with this kind of thing in years, but perhaps it's Nagle's algorithm at play? You can disable it using Win32 calls, see here.
    1 point
  3. Hi Everyone. I wanted to share what I was working on. It's a new quickdrop plugin that adds delays into your code. Finding the screen coordinates of block diagram objects was important for "flying the fairy" to the right location on the screen. I've added you guys to the credits Thanks again for your help on this fun little project!
    1 point
  4. Creating a Windows 8 look UI for customer...
    1 point
  5. Not really much NI can do about it. This is not a standard socket property at all and Windows socket implementations don't even support to set it through the API. So even if NI ever decides to add a property interface to network refnums, it's not possible to change this setting from the program in any way. And the 200ms acknowledgment is a standard TCP/IP socket feature, that Microsoft implemented in Windows 2000 to conform to the standard. So the really faulty party here is the PLC that resends already after 50 ms if you want to call it a fault. Realistically it's just a workaround to guarantee that any packet is acknowledged after not more than 50ms :-) Enabling this registry setting in Windows is the only way to change this setting, and you don't want LabVIEW to change this behind your back in the registry ever! Especially since it enables this feature for any connection on that interface, which can be a real burden on network traffic if normal internet traffic also happens to go through this interface.
    1 point
  6. Sorry, though I'd posted. Adding the TcpAckFrequency with data = 0x01 to the registry for the physical interface resolved it. The default value is 2, meaning it will acknowledge every other TCP message or after a 200 msec timeout (the PLC retransmitted after 50 msec). Setting the data to 1 forces it to acknowledge every message that arrives. I've passed the info along to NI. Interestingly, I had to use email support as I used the word "Modbus"; it seems there is a recon (I think that was the name) group responsible for such and they only support through email at the moment. I could have continued with phone support if I had stuck to the TCP aspect. Tim
    1 point
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