Okay so it is clear to be in accordance with the BSD license in a binary build, we need to attribute the author(s) somewhere. That can be in several forms, but the easiest to talk about is a About window.
In your application you can have an about screen, and there can be a button to click or a link, which opens up and shows the detailed license information. For BSD this is required to be a copy of the BSD copyright notice, and the list of authors. This is how JKI does it with VIPM, clicking on About brings up a window where you can click Copyrights.
The question that comes up is how do we easily generate a list of authors, for BSD code that is used? Certainly a pre-build on an application builder can be used to run a VI that generates this text file, which is included in the project. But with this is a few issues.
First is potentially large number of files to scan. OpenG has many polymorphic types, and so using scripting to look on the front panel of every VI called looking for the copyright notice might take a decent amount of time. I think a better approach would be to include the authors associated with the package. So if you use the OpenG Tick Count (ms).vi instead of attributing just Jim Kring, and Jean-Pierre Drolet, you'd also attribute Jonathon Green, because he is associated with the package and not that particular file. In my opinion this is fine. We are attributing all authors of the module we are using which is the Time Library. If we go with this technique it would be much easier to attribute authors because you only need to scan the installed packages, and not every file called.
Another potential problem is with non OpenG BSD licenses. OpenG has a standard front panel comment attributing authors but other libraries may not. But again if we decide that going with installed packages is sufficient, we can pull the author information from the spec file from each package installed.
What about VIPCs, can they be used in making BSD license management easier? A VIPC is a collection of packages, that usually are associated with a specific project. VIPM pro has the feature to scan source code and create a VIPC which is the packages, and versions, that the source uses. This single VIPC file could be made for a project, and then scanned for licenses and authors, which could then create the BSD license file that needs to be included with the application.
And lastly another concern is that you maybe using BSD code not installed as a package. Some LAVA Code Repository stuff is not in a package but licensed under BSD. What ever Pre-build functions that are made are going to need to support including BSD attributions that aren't just packages.