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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/15/2015 in all areas

  1. What? Been there since pre-8.2? Who's been laughing at us flailing around with locked-down multi-VI XNodes (or multi-multi-VI polymorphics) for years? This seems to answer 99% of my (and everyone elses) requests for a simple type-adapting VI. Looks like a very simple XNode without any type-checking (e.g. wire a Boolean to the Delay input and it generates the code but breaks the calling VI). But if the programmer can be trusted, it looks incredibly useful. I would presume it has the same caveats as using an XNode, but if it's now "released" (thanks jkodosky, who I imagine has some mandate to do so) it would be good to know anything to be aware of. BTW, this is certainly not the same as the buggy, non-supported Generic VI that was dangled in front of us some time ago.
    2 points
  2. Asynchronous wires seem to be an extension of the wireless wires I was working on with the Wormhole xnode. The wormhole xnode would have had the wireless cleanliness of a local variable with the speed of direct wire. Oh well. Disclaimer: do not use this anywhere in your code...its just for fun WormHole.zip
    2 points
  3. So I'm still (slowly) looking at what it would take to connect LabVIEW to an IPython kernel. As well as the 0MQ binding (which I'd seen but never played with), and JSON serialisation support, it looked like being able to sign things with HMAC-SHA256 might be useful. So I've created a little SHA-256 library (pure G to make it OS and bitness agnostic). I might put it in the code repository if it seems generally useful. university_of_leeds_lib_sha_256_library-
    1 point
  4. Nope. That's what we want to see from you. This was released as an exploration of what's possible. We have some things that we think would be improved by channels, but we're still exploring the design space. Our goal at this point is NOT to convince you to use them. Our goal now is to see if given them if you find interesting and powerful things to do with them. That may both surprise us with new uses and let's us see what areas are worth more detailed expansion. Had this been an actual release, this feature would have been accompanied by useful example programs and more detailed instructions for use.
    1 point
  5. Where did you download the mac version? i can't seem to find the actual download page on the NI site.
    1 point
  6. Just twice? So your LabVIEW stability went up? Just kidding.
    1 point
  7. I have managed to do a few cool things with these, and I have also managed to crash LV twice. YMMV
    1 point
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